11 research outputs found

    Oleic acid variation and marker-assisted detection of Pervenets mutation in high- and low-oleic sunflower cross

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    High-oleic sunflower oil is in high demand on the market due to its heart-healthy properties and richness in monounsaturated fatty acids that makes it more stable in processing than standard sunflower oil. Consequently, one of sunflower breeder's tasks is to develop stable high-oleic sunflower genotypes that will produce high quality oil. We analyzed variability and inheritance of oleic acid content (OAC) in sunflower, developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, by analyzing F-1 and F-2 progeny obtained by crossing a standard linoleic and high-oleic inbred line. F-2 individuals were classified in two groups: low-oleic with OAC of 15.24-31.28% and high-oleic with OAC of 62.49-93.82%. Monogenic dominant inheritance was observed. Additionally, several molecular markers were tested for the use in marker-assisted selection in order to shorten the period of detecting high-oleic genotypes. Marker F4-R1 was proven to be the most efficient in detection of genotypes with Pervenets (high-oleic acid) mutation

    Development and Optimization of an HPLC-PDA Method for the Determination of Major Cannabinoids in Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Essential Oil Obtained by Hydrodistillation

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    The use of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) essential oil (EO) has shown a significant increase in interest and use during recent years. In this work, a new and simple reversed-phase HPLC with photodiode-array (PDA) detector method has been developed and optimized for the detection and quantification of cannabidiolic acid (CBDA), cannabidiol (CBD), cannabinol (CBN), Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA). The cannabinoids were extracted from the EO by partition with n-hexane and water, followed by sonication, evaporation to dryness under nitrogen, and reconstitution with methanol:chloroform (9:1, v/v) before HPLC-PDA analysis. The method shows good selectivity and robustness, linearity in the range 0.5–100 mg L−1 with R2 higher than 0.999 for all cannabinoids analyzed, LOD of 0.11–0.16 mg L−1, and LOQ of 0.35–0.48 mg L−1. The recovery was between 78 and 100% and the intra-day and intermediate precision, expressed as relative standard deviation (RSD), was < 4% and 4–10%, respectively

    Risposta di diversi genotipi di girasole alla demasculazione chimica con acido gibberellico

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    Effetto di tre dosi di acido gibberellico in tre genotipi di girasole sulla fertilit\ue0. Valutazione della demasculazione chimica per le attivit\ue0 di breedin

    Il girasole. Caratteristiche morfologiche, tecniche colturali e utilizzo di nuovi ibridi

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    Il volume propone, in forma articolata ed organica, i risultati di sperimentazioni e ricerche sulla coltura del girasole effettuate presso l'azienda agraria dell'Universit\ue0 di Udine e descrive l'intensa attivit\ue0 di miglioramento genetico che ha consentito lo sviluppo di nuove variet\ue0 e di nuovi ibridi, alcuni dei quali attualmente in commercio. Il testo, presentandosi come uno strumento di consultazione e di studio, fornisce una visione d'insieme su questa pianta unendo idealmente tra loro i vari aspetti che la caratterizzano - biologici, fisiologici, genetici ed agronomici - e focalizza soprattutto l'attenzione sul girasole alto oleico e sulle caratteristiche genetiche e fisiologiche che lo distinguono dai genotipi tradizionali; largo spazio viene dato alla tecnica colturale considerando sia gli aspetti produttivi sia la tutela dell.ambiente connessa alle pratiche agronomiche. Sono riportati, infine, i possibili impieghi industriali degli oli vegetali derivati sia dal girasole che da altre oleaginose come il ricino e la soia, per illustrare le enormi possibilit\ue0 offerte nei diversi settori tecnologici che interessano il quotidiano

    Suitability assessment of different hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) varieties to the cultivation environment

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    Hemp crop is nowadays spreading in many new areas and then the prediction of crop behavior and performance in different specific environments could be of interest. This study presents a methodology to assess hemp suitability to cropping environments by a combined approach of experimental trials and simulation. The experiment of this study involved six hemp varieties, evaluated for dual-purpose production (seed and stem) during two years of trials in North-East Italy. The results were exploited to develop and calibrate a simulation model able to evaluate hemp crop suitability to the trial environment. Yields obtained for hemp biomass and stems were similar to that of other European experiments, while seed production was shown to be slightly lower. Excessive temperature (daily maximum temperatures over 30 \ub0C) during the grain-filling phase would be one of the main factors affecting seed quality, limiting the seed oil accumulation. Parameters already available in the literature and data obtained from the present experiment were used in the modelling approach to estimate phenological parameters, seed production as affected by water stress, and seed oil content as a function of temperature during the grain-filling period. In order to evaluate the hemp crop suitability to the environment, a scenario analysis using historical meteorological data was performed to predict variability - with different irrigation regimes - of seed yield, seed oil content, maturity date and required seasonal irrigation volume, for each variety in the soil and climatic conditions of the trial site

    Il girasole

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    Questo testo \ue8 stato scritto con l' intenzione di offrire agli studenti degli dei Corsi Universitari. \uc8 un trattato didattico di tipo istituzionale, distinto in una parte introduttiva, nella quale sono richiamati alcuni concetti di base indispensabili per il miglioramento genetica, tecnica colturale, ed estrazione dell olio di piante di girasole. Riteniamo che l' organizzazione di questi capitoli sia semplice e logico. Ci auguriamo che essi vengano apprezzati tanto quanto li abbiamo apprezzati noi. Siamo innanzitutto estremamente grati a tutti quei ricercatori I cui brillanti risultati hanno reso di assicurare una trattazione accurata ed equilibrata dell\u2019argomento. Un grazie all Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie ed Ambientali (DISA) dell\u2019Universita degli studi di Udine, a prof. Gian Paolo Vannozzi, Che ha autorizzato la pubblicazione della prima edizione in Republica Islamica de Iran. Il libro ha tratto un grande beneficio dall\u2019intelligente lavoro di Maurizio Turi, e Claudio Ferfuia della maggior parte dei disegni

    Dianthus sylvestris subsp. sylvestris as a promising candidate for phytostabilization of copper-contaminated post-mining sites in Alpine ecosystems

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    The lack of remediation of inactive mine sites is a serious global concern, as they pose risks to the environment, human health, and safety. The potential of Dianthus sylvestris subsp. sylvestris to remediate post-mining sites contaminated with copper (Cu) at high altitudes, which is a challenging task for most management strategies, was explored in this study. More than 1300 mg Cu kg−1 in shoots were found in plants collected at the Monte Avanza legacy mine site (Alps). However, it is unclear whether this is due to hyperaccumulation or foliar contamination. To address this gap, field samples were washed with two different protocols, and a controlled Cu-tolerance test was conducted. While very high Cu concentrations, exceeding the Cu hyperaccumulation threshold of 300 mg kg−1, were found in samples washed with water, results for the plants cleaned with a more rigorous approach with EDTA suggested Cu exclusion strategy. Under controlled conditions, the plant showed Cu hypertolerance but did not hyperaccumulate Cu. Thus D. sylvestris presents a Cu exclusion strategy rather than hyperaccumulation potential, making it a suitable candidate for Cu phytostabilization at high altitude legacy mine sites. The study emphasizes the need for experiments under controlled conditions when assessing the phytoremediation potential