21 research outputs found

    The NLRP1 inflammasome in human skin and beyond

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    Inflammasomes represent a group of protein complexes that contribute to host defense against pathogens and repair processes upon the induction of inflammation. However, aberrant and chronic inflammasome activation underlies the pathology of numerous common inflammatory diseases. Inflammasome assembly causes activation of the protease caspase-1 which in turn activates proinflammatory cytokines and induces a lytic type of cell death termed pyroptosis. Although NLRP1 (NACHT, leucine-rich repeat and pyrin domain containing 1) was the first inflammasome sensor, described almost 20 years ago, the molecular mechanisms underlying its activation and the resulting downstream events are incompletely understood. This is partially a consequence of the poor conservation of the NLRP1 pathway between human and mice. Moreover, recent evidence demonstrates a complex and multi-stage mechanism of NLRP1 inflammasome activation. In contrast to other inflammasome sensors, NLRP1 possesses protease activity required for proteolytic self-cleavage and activation mediated by the function-to-find domain (FIIND). CARD8 is a second FIIND protein and is expressed in humans but not in mice. In immune cells and AML (acute myeloid leukemia) cells, the anti-cancer drug talabostat induces CARD8 activation and causes caspase-1-dependent pyroptosis. In contrast, in human keratinocytes talabostat induces NLRP1 activation and massive proinflammatory cytokine activation. NLRP1 is regarded as the principal inflammasome sensor in human keratinocytes and UVB radiation induces its activation, which is believed to underlie the induction of sunburn. Moreover, gain-of-function mutations of NLRP1 cause inflammatory skin syndromes and a predisposition for the development of skin cancer. SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) of NLRP1 are associated with several (auto)inflammatory diseases with a major skin phenotype, such as psoriasis or vitiligo. Here, we summarize knowledge about NLRP1 with emphasis on its role in human keratinocytes and skin. Due to its accessibility, pharmacological targeting of NLRP1 activation in epidermal keratinocytes represents a promising strategy for the treatment of the numerous patients suffering from NLRP1-dependent inflammatory skin conditions and cancer

    NLRP1 Inflammasome Activation in Keratinocytes: Increasing Evidence of Important Roles in Inflammatory Skin Diseases and Immunity

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    In 2007, it was shown that DNA sequence variants of the human NLRP1 gene are associated with autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases affecting mainly the skin. However, at that time, the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms were poorly characterized. Meanwhile, increasing evidence suggests that the NLRP1 inflammasome expressed by keratinocytes not only plays a part in the pathology of common inflammatory skin diseases and cancer development but also contributes to skin immunity. Understanding the mechanisms regulating NLRP1 activation in keratinocytes and the downstream events in human skin might pave the way for developing novel strategies for treating patients suffering from NLRP1-mediated skin diseases

    Potential of IL-1, IL-18 and Inflammasome Inhibition for the Treatment of Inflammatory Skin Diseases

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    In 2002, intracellular protein complexes known as the inflammasomes were discovered and were shown to have a crucial role in the sensing of intracellular pathogen- and danger-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs and DAMPs). Activation of the inflammasomes results in the processing and subsequent secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and IL-18. Several autoinflammatory disorders such as cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes and Familial Mediterranean Fever have been associated with mutations of genes encoding inflammasome components. Moreover, the importance of IL-1 has been reported for an increasing number of autoinflammatory skin diseases including but not limited to deficiency of IL-1 receptor antagonist, mevalonate kinase deficiency and PAPA syndrome. Recent findings have revealed that excessive IL-1 release induced by harmful stimuli likely contributes to the pathogenesis of common dermatological diseases such as acne vulgaris or seborrheic dermatitis. A key pathogenic feature of these diseases is IL-1β-induced neutrophil recruitment to the skin. IL-1β blockade may therefore represent a promising therapeutic approach. Several case reports and clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of IL-1 inhibition in the treatment of these skin disorders. Next to the recombinant IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) Anakinra and the soluble decoy Rilonacept, the anti-IL-1α monoclonal antibody MABp1 and anti-IL-1β Canakinumab but also Gevokizumab, LY2189102 and P2D7KK, offer valid alternatives to target IL-1. Although less thoroughly investigated, an involvement of IL-18 in the development of cutaneous inflammatory disorders is also suspected. The present review describes the role of IL-1 in diseases with skin involvement and gives an overview of the relevant studies discussing the therapeutic potential of modulating the secretion and activity of IL-1 and IL-18 in such diseases

    Electrophiles against (Skin) Diseases: More Than Nrf2

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    The skin represents an indispensable barrier between the organism and the environment and is the first line of defense against exogenous insults. The transcription factor NRF2 is a central regulator of cytoprotection and stress resistance. NRF2 is activated in response to oxidative stress by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and electrophiles. These electrophiles oxidize specific cysteine residues of the NRF2 inhibitor KEAP1, leading to KEAP1 inactivation and, subsequently, NRF2 activation. As oxidative stress is associated with inflammation, the NRF2 pathway plays important roles in the pathogenesis of common inflammatory diseases and cancer in many tissues and organs, including the skin. The electrophile and NRF2 activator dimethyl fumarate (DMF) is an established and efficient drug for patients suffering from the common inflammatory skin disease psoriasis and the neuro-inflammatory disease multiple sclerosis (MS). In this review, we discuss possible molecular mechanisms underlying the therapeutic activity of DMF and other NRF2 activators. Recent evidence suggests that electrophiles not only activate NRF2, but also target other inflammation-associated pathways including the transcription factor NF-κB and the multi-protein complexes termed inflammasomes. Inflammasomes are central regulators of inflammation and are involved in many inflammatory conditions. Most importantly, the NRF2 and inflammasome pathways are connected at different levels, mainly antagonistically


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    A novel approach to numerically estimating the acoustic power produced by gas flow through control devices is presented. The procedure is based on the simulation of stationary fluid flow by means of the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations employing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques. An appropriate expression for the acoustic power density as defined by existing literature allows to obtain the acoustic power by integrating over an aptly-defined source region. A discussion of the results obtained for a single-hole orifice plate through the proposed and the reference international standards’ procedure follows

    Electrophiles against (Skin) Diseases: More Than Nrf2

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    The skin represents an indispensable barrier between the organism and the environment and is the first line of defense against exogenous insults. The transcription factor NRF2 is a central regulator of cytoprotection and stress resistance. NRF2 is activated in response to oxidative stress by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and electrophiles. These electrophiles oxidize specific cysteine residues of the NRF2 inhibitor KEAP1, leading to KEAP1 inactivation and, subsequently, NRF2 activation. As oxidative stress is associated with inflammation, the NRF2 pathway plays important roles in the pathogenesis of common inflammatory diseases and cancer in many tissues and organs, including the skin. The electrophile and NRF2 activator dimethyl fumarate (DMF) is an established and efficient drug for patients suffering from the common inflammatory skin disease psoriasis and the neuro-inflammatory disease multiple sclerosis (MS). In this review, we discuss possible molecular mechanisms underlying the therapeutic activity of DMF and other NRF2 activators. Recent evidence suggests that electrophiles not only activate NRF2, but also target other inflammation-associated pathways including the transcription factor NF-κB and the multi-protein complexes termed inflammasomes. Inflammasomes are central regulators of inflammation and are involved in many inflammatory conditions. Most importantly, the NRF2 and inflammasome pathways are connected at different levels, mainly antagonistically

    The Pathways Underlying the Multiple Roles of p62 in Inflammation and Cancer

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    p62 is a highly conserved, multi-domain, and multi-functional adaptor protein critically involved in several important cellular processes. Via its pronounced domain architecture, p62 binds to numerous interaction partners, thereby influencing key pathways that regulate tissue homeostasis, inflammation, and several common diseases including cancer. Via binding of ubiquitin chains, p62 acts in an anti-inflammatory manner as an adaptor for the auto-, xeno-, and mitophagy-dependent degradation of proteins, pathogens, and mitochondria. Furthermore, p62 is a negative regulator of inflammasome complexes. The transcription factor Nrf2 regulates expression of a bundle of ROS detoxifying genes. p62 activates Nrf2 by interaction with and autophagosomal degradation of the Nrf2 inhibitor Keap1. Moreover, p62 activates mTOR, the central kinase of the mTORC1 sensor complex that controls cell proliferation and differentiation. Through different mechanisms, p62 acts as a positive regulator of the transcription factor NF-κB, a central player in inflammation and cancer development. Therefore, p62 represents not only a cargo receptor for autophagy, but also a central signaling hub, linking several important pro- and anti-inflammatory pathways. This review aims to summarize knowledge about the molecular mechanisms underlying the roles of p62 in health and disease. In particular, different types of tumors are characterized by deregulated levels of p62. The elucidation of how p62 contributes to inflammation and cancer progression at the molecular level might promote the development of novel therapeutic strategies

    Inactivation of the cytoprotective major vault protein by caspase-1 and -9 in epithelial cells during apoptosis

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    Inflammasome activation induces caspase-1-dependent secretion of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-1β. In addition, caspase-1 activates the protein GSDMD in immune cells, causing pyroptosis, a lytic type of cell death. In contrast, UVB irradiation of human primary keratinocytes induces NLRP1 inflammasome activation, cytokine secretion, and caspase-1-dependent apoptosis, rather than pyroptosis. Here, we addressed the molecular mechanisms underlying the role of caspase-1 in UVB-induced cell death of human primary keratinocytes. We show that GSDMD is a poor substrate of caspase-1 in human primary keratinocytes and that its activation upon UVB irradiation supports secretion of IL-1β. We screened for novel substrates of caspase-1 by a mass spectrometry-based approach and identified the specific cleavage of the major vault protein (MVP) at D441 by caspase-1 and -9. MVP is the main component of vaults, highly conserved ribonucleoprotein particles, whose functions are poorly understood. Cleavage of MVP is a common event occurring in human primary keratinocytes and fibroblasts undergoing apoptosis induced by different stimuli. In contrast, MVP cleavage could not be detected in pyroptotic cells. Cleavage of MVP by caspase-1 and -9 inactivates this cytoprotective protein. These results demonstrate a proapoptotic activity of caspase-1 and a crosstalk with caspase-9 upon inactivation of the cytoprotective MVP in apoptotic epithelial cells

    Phosphodiesterase-4 Inhibition Reduces Cutaneous Inflammation and IL-1β Expression in a Psoriasiform Mouse Model but Does Not Inhibit Inflammasome Activation

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    Apremilast (Otezla®) is an oral small molecule phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitor approved for the treatment of psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and oral ulcers associated with Behçet’s disease. While PDE4 inhibition overall is mechanistically understood, the effect of apremilast on the innate immune response, particularly inflammasome activation, remains unknown. Here, we assessed the effect of apremilast in a psoriasis mouse model and primary human cells. Psoriatic lesion development in vivo was studied in K5.Stat3C transgenic mice treated with apremilast for 2 weeks, resulting in a moderate (2 mg/kg/day) to significant (6 mg/kg/day) resolution of inflamed plaques after 2-week treatment. Concomitantly, epidermal thickness dramatically decreased, the cutaneous immune cell infiltrate was reduced, and proinflammatory cytokines were significantly downregulated. Additionally, apremilast significantly inhibited lipopolysaccharide- or anti-CD3-induced expression of proinflammatory cytokines in peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Notably, inflammasome activation and secretion of IL-1β were not inhibited by apremilast in PBMCs and in human primary keratinocytes. Collectively, apremilast effectively alleviated the psoriatic phenotype of K5.Stat3 transgenic mice, further substantiating PDE4 inhibitor-efficiency in targeting key clinical, histopathological and inflammatory features of psoriasis. Despite lacking direct effect on inflammasome activation, reduced priming of inflammasome components upon apremilast treatment reflected the indirect benefit of PDE4 inhibition in reducing inflammation