7 research outputs found

    Estimativa da difusividade térmica de grãos de soja pelo método da compactação Thermal diffusivity of soy bean grains by the compacting method

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    A medição da difusividade térmica de grãos, como trigo, arroz e cevada torna-se impraticável com métodos que dependam da introdução de sensores no interior do grão. Propôs-se, neste trabalho, um método para a determinação da difusividade do grão com base nas variações da difusividade da massa de grãos submetida a diferentes níveis de compactação e em curvas de temperatura por tempo, medidas em pontos internos e na fronteira de cilindros da massa de grãos. O problema de transferência de calor (problema direto) foi resolvido numericamente pelo método das diferenças finitas. A difusividade da massa de grãos foi estimada resolvendo o problema inverso. Com os valores da difusividade se sugeriu uma função de ajuste relacionando-se a difusividade e a densidade da massa de grãos. Esta função foi usada para projetar o valor da difusividade do grão com base na medida da sua densidade, cujo resultado obtido é compatível com os dados da literatura. A precisão do método depende bastante da qualidade dos dados experimentais e da posição da densidade do grão, no intervalo de dados pesquisados da densidade da massa de grãos.The measurement of thermal diffusivity of grains such as wheat, rice and barley becomes impracticable with methods that depend on the introduction of sensors inside the grain. In this study a method was proposed to determine the thermal diffusivity of grain considering the variations of the mass diffusivity of grains submitted to different compacting levels. Temperature was measured in internal points and in the border of cylinders of grain mass, for three compacting levels. The thermal diffusivity of grain mass was estimated solving the inverse problem. The heat transfer problem (direct problem) was solved numerically by the finite differences method. With the values of the thermal diffusivity for the three compacting levels, a function was fitted relating the grain mass diffusivity and density. This function was used to project the value of grain diffusivity as a function of measured grain density. The result obtained for soy bean is compatible with the existing data found in the literature. The precision of the method depends strongly on the experimental data quality and grain position density in the researched data interval of the grain mass density

    The Ukraine conflict and the European media : a comparative study of newspapers in 13 European countries

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    The crisis in Ukraine was one of the dominant topics in international news coverage of 2014 and the following years. Representing a conflict along the lines of an East-Western confrontation unprecedented since the end of the Cold War, the news reporting in different European countries with different historical backgrounds is an essential research topic. This article presents findings of a content analysis examining coverage of the conflict in the first half of 2014 in newspapers from a diverse set of 13 countries: Albania, Czech Republic, Germany, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, as well as Ukraine and Russia. Drawing on prior literature on news values, key events, and news cycles in foreign coverage, this study maps the evolution of the conflict in the course of four key events and identifies specific characteristics of the coverage in different newspapers. The results show that attention for the conflict varies considerably across the countries, which might be traced back to different degrees of geographical and cultural proximity, domestication, and economic exchange, as well as lack of editorial resources especially in Eastern Europe. Russia dominated the news agenda in all newspapers under study with a constant stream of conflict news. Contradicting prior literature, media sought to contextualise the events, and meta-coverage of the media’s role in the crisis emerged as a relevant topic in many countries with a developed media system

    Córdoba, 28 y 29 de junio de 2018

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    Actas del X Seminario Internacional de Investigación en UrbanismoEl seminario tiene como objetivo facilitar una instancia de reflexión compartida sobre las investigaciones en el campo del urbanismo y generar un intercambio entre investigadores sobre los fenómenos de la urbanización y la transformación urbana y territorial en distintos países iberoamericanos. Se propone analizar las características de los procesos de transformación del territorio y los factores que los explican, en relación con las estrategias de planificación, proyecto y renovación sostenible destinadas a ciudades y regiones. Se pretende integrar diferentes escalas y perspectivas de análisis, propias del planeamiento y la gestión urbana, metropolitana y regional, del diseño urbano y arquitectónico; de la geografía y la sociología urbanas, que habitualmente se examinan aisladamente en distintos foros. En el marco de este encuentro, y en conmemoración del primer centenario de la Reforma Universitaria iniciada en Córdoba –movimiento estudiantil que sienta las bases del actual sistema universitario nacional-se cree propicia la ocasión para reflexionar además sobre la relación entre ciudad y universidad, sobre ciudades universitarias, sobre la contribución desde la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y del resto de las universidades latinoamericanas al urbanismo de nuestras ciudades