31 research outputs found

    Spaces with a Q\mathbb{Q}-diagonal

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    A space XX has a Q\mathbb{Q}-diagonal if X2∖ΔX^2\setminus \Delta has a K(Q)\mathcal{K}(\mathbb{Q})-directed compact cover. We show that any compact space with a Q\mathbb{Q}-diagonal is metrizable, hence any Tychonorff space with a Q\mathbb{Q}-diagonal is cosmic. These give a positive answer to Problem 4.2 and Problem 4.8 in \cite{COT11} raised by Cascales, Orihuela and Tkachuk

    Spaces with a Finite Family of Basic Functions

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    A space X is finite dimensional, locally compact and separable metrizable if and only if X has a finite basic family: continuous functions Phi_1,...,Phi_n of X to the reals, R, such that for all continuous f from X to R there are g_1,..., g_n in C(R) satisfying f(x)=g_1(Phi_1(x))+g_2(Phi_2(x))+...+g_n(Phi_n(x)) for all x in X. This give the complete solution to four problems on basic functions posed by Sternfeld, as well as questions posed by Hattori and others

    Hiblert's 13th Problem

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    The 13th Problem from Hilbert's famous list [16] asks whether every continuous function of three variables can be written as a superposition (in other words, composition) of continuous functions of two variables. Let Χ be a space. A family Φ ⊆ C(Χ) is said to be basic for Χ if each f in C(Χ) can be written as linear superposition for some functions from in Φ and some one-variable real functions. A family Ψ is elementary in dimension m if the family of maps generated by Ψ by addition is basic for Χ*…*Χ . Kolmogorov and Arnold [18, 4] showed that the closed unit interval has a finite elementary family in every dimension, thereby solving Hilbert's 13th Problem.Define a new cardinal invariant basic(Χ ) = min {|Φ|: Φ is a basic family for Χ}. It is established that a space has a finite basic family if and only if it is finite dimensional, locally compact and separable metrizable (or equivalently, homeomorphic to a closed subspace of Euclidean space).Such a space has dim(Χ) ≤ n if and only if basic(Χ) ≤ 2n+1. Separable metrizable spaces either have finite basic(Χ) or basic(Χ) equal to the continuum. The value of basic(K) for a compact space K is closely connected with the cofinality of the countable subsets of a basis B for K of minimal size ordered by set inclusion.It is proved that a space has a finite elementary family in every dimension m if and only if it is homeomorphic to a closed subspace of Euclidean space. It is further shown that there is a finite elementary family for the reals in each dimension m consisting of effectively computable functions, and effective procedures for representing any continuous function of m real variables as a superposition of these elementary functions and other univariate maps