1 research outputs found

    Seasonal and spatial variations of heavy metalsin surface sediments collected from the BaoxiangRiver in the Dianchi Watershed, China

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    To explore potential ecological hazards due to heavy metals in the Dianchi Lake Watershed, a three-stage European Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) sequential extraction procedure was applied to examine the spatial distributions and relative speciation ratios of Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Cr in Baoxiang River sediments during wet and dry seasons. The metal species have similar spatial variations during different seasons. In the upstream reaches of the Baoxiang River, heavy metals reside primarily in the non-extractable residual fraction (72&ndash;90%). In the midstream, the residual fraction (35&ndash;89%) remains dominant, but the extractable fraction increases, featuring especially notable increases in the reducible fraction (5&ndash;40%). Downstream, the Cu, Ni, Pb, and Cr residual fractions remain high (46&ndash;80%) and the extractable fractions increase rapidly; the Zn extractable fraction is quite high (65.5%). Anthropogenic sources drive changes in heavy metal speciation. Changes in the river environment, such as pH and oxidation-reduction potential, also affect speciation. The reducible fraction of heavy metals in Baoxiang River sediments is most sensitive to pH. Potential ecological risk assessments for these five elements indicate that risks from Zn and Pb are mild to moderate in the middle and lower reaches of the river.<br style="line-height: normal; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-size-adjust: auto;" /