4 research outputs found

    The Future of Indiana’s Water Resources: A Report from the Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment

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    This report from the Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment (IN CCIA) applies climate change projections for the state to explore how continued changes in Indiana’s climate are going to affect all aspects of water resources, including soil water, evaporation, runoff, snow cover, streamflow, drought, and flooding. As local temperatures continue to rise and rainfall patterns shift, managing the multiple water needs of communities, natural systems, recreation, industry, and agriculture will become increasingly difficult. Ensuring that enough water is available in the right places and at the right times will require awareness of Indiana’s changing water resources and planning at regional and state levels

    Improving Nutrient Transport Simulation in Swat by Developing a Reach-Scale Water Quality Model

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    Ecohydrological models are extensively used to evaluate land use, land management and climate change impacts on hydrology and in-stream water quality conditions. The scale at which these models operate influences the complexity of processes incorporated within the models. For instance, a large scale hydrological model such as Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) that runs on a daily scale may ignore the sub-daily scale in-stream processes. The key processes affecting in-stream solute transport such as advection, dispersion and transient storage (dead zone) exchange can have considerable effect on the predicted stream solute concentrations, especially for localized studies. To represent realistic field conditions, it is therefore required to modify the in-stream water quality algorithms of SWAT by including these additional processes. Existing reach-scale solute transport models like OTIS (One-dimensional Transport with Inflow and Storage) considers these processes but excludes the actual biochemical reactions occurring in the stream and models nutrient uptake using an empirical first-order decay equation. Alternatively, comprehensive stream water quality models like QUAL2E (The Enhanced Stream Water Quality Model) incorporates actual biochemical reactions but neglects the transient storage exchange component which is crucial is predicting the peak and timing of solute concentrations. In this study, these two popular models (OTIS and QUAL2E) are merged to integrate all essential solute transport processes into a single in-stream water quality model known as ‘Enhanced OTIS model’. A generalized model with an improved graphical user interface was developed on MATLAB platform that performed reasonably well for both experimental data and previously published data (R2=0.76). To incorporate this model into large-scale hydrological models, it was necessary to find an alternative to estimate transient storage parameters, which are otherwise derived through calibration using experimental tracer tests. Through a meta-analysis approach, simple regression models were therefore developed for dispersion coefficient (D), storage zone area (As) and storage exchange coefficient (α) by relating them to easily obtainable hydraulic characteristics such as discharge, velocity, flow width and flow depth. For experimental data from two study sites, breakthrough curves and storage potential of conservative tracers were predicted with good accuracy (R2\u3e0.5) by using the new regression equations. These equations were hence recommended as a tool for obtaining preliminary and approximate estimates of D, As and α when reach-specific calibration is unfeasible. he existing water quality module in SWAT was replaced with the newly developed ‘Enhanced OTIS model’ along with the regression equations for storage parameters. Water quality predictions using the modified SWAT model (Mir-SWAT) for a study catchment in Germany showed that the improvements in process representation yields better results for dissolved oxygen (DO), phosphate and Chlorophyll-a. While the existing model simulated extreme low values of DO, Mir-SWAT improved these values with a 0.11 increase in R2 value between modeled and measured values. No major improvement was observed for nitrate loads but modeled phosphate peak loads were reduced to be much closer to measured values with Mir-SWAT model. A qualitative analysis on Chl-a concentrations also indicated that average and maximum monthly Chl-a values were better predicted with Mir-SWAT when compared to SWAT model, especially for winter months

    The Water–Energy–Food Nexus Discovery Map: Linking Geographic Information Systems, Academic Collaboration, and Large-Scale Data Visualization

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    The Water–Energy–Food (WEF) Nexus framework for holistic sustainable development has spawned independent and academic communities around the globe that utilize the framework in research, implementation, policy development, and technological advancement. These communities, however, are geographically and topically segmented and lack large-scale databasing that clearly catalogs and classifies their work. Recognizing this need, the WEF Nexus Strategic Initiative program at The Pennsylvania State University has developed the WEF Nexus Discovery Map utilizing the Arc Geographic Information Systems’ (GIS) Online Dashboard creation toolkit. In real time, users are able to select from 5040 different combinations of filters with the ease of a few button pushes and see projects pop up or disappear from the map located on the dashboard. Projects can then be clicked on to view their specific information, such as the institution that produced the work, local collaborators, relevant web page, and point of contact. The WEF Nexus Discovery Map demonstrates the early new-age of data resource management with the intersection of visuals, advanced search with built-in filters, and community-driven data collection to provide users with exact needs and connections to better facilitate and deploy the holistic sustainability framework of the WEF Nexus

    Nutrient Cycling with Duckweed for the Fertilization of Root, Fruit, Leaf, and Grain Crops: Impacts on Plant–Soil–Leachate Systems

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    The increasing energy required to synthesize inorganic fertilizers warrants more sustainable soil amendments that produce comparable crop yields with less environmental damage. Duckweed, a prolific aquatic plant, can not only sequester carbon dioxide through photosynthesis, but also hyperaccumulate nutrients from its environment and upcycle them into valuable bioproducts. In this study, dried duckweed, grown on treated wastewater treatment plant effluent, was utilized as a fertilizer for a variety of crops (beet, tomato, kale, and sorghum). Comparative experiments examined the effect of duckweed, inorganic fertilizer, and a 40–60 mix of both on crop yield and nutrient fate in the plants, soil, and leachate. Comparable yields of beet, tomato, and sorghum were generated with duckweed and inorganic fertilizer. Duckweed significantly enhanced phosphorus (P) uptake in sorghum, exhibiting a P use efficiency level of 18.48%, while the mix treatment resulted in the highest P use efficiencies in beet and tomato. Duckweed-amended beet and kale systems also increased residual soil N (0.9% and 11.1%, respectively) and carbon (4.5% and 16.6%, respectively). Linear regression models developed using the data collected from all crops confirmed that duckweed can be used as a substitute for inorganic fertilizer without negative effects to food yield or nutritional quality