33 research outputs found

    Medial Superior Olivary Neurons Receive Surprisingly Few Excitatory and Inhibitory Inputs with Balanced Strength and Short-Term Dynamics

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    Neurons in the medial superior olive (MSO) process microsecond interaural time differences, the major cue for localizing low-frequency sounds, by comparing the relative arrival time of binaural, glutamatergic excitatory inputs. This coincidence detection mechanism is additionally shaped by highly specialized glycinergic inhibition. Traditionally, it is assumed that the binaural inputs are conveyed by many independent fibers, but such an anatomical arrangement may decrease temporal precision. Short-term depression on the other hand might enhance temporal fidelity during ongoing activity. For the first time we show that binaural coincidence detection in MSO neurons may require surprisingly few but strong inputs, challenging long-held assumptions about mammalian coincidence detection. This study exclusively uses adult gerbils for in vitro electrophysiology, single-cell electroporation and immunohistochemistry to characterize the size and short-term plasticity of inputs to the MSO. We find that the excitatory and inhibitory inputs to the MSO are well balanced both in strength and short-term dynamics, redefining this fastest of all mammalian coincidence detector circuits

    NMDA Currents Modulate the Synaptic Input–Output Functions of Neurons in the Dorsal Nucleus of the Lateral Lemniscus in Mongolian Gerbils

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    Neurons in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) receive excitatory and inhibitory inputs from the superior olivary complex (SOC) and convey GABAergic inhibition to the contralateral DNLL and the inferior colliculi. Unlike the fast glycinergic inhibition in the SOC, this GABAergic inhibition outlasts auditory stimulation by tens of milliseconds. Two mechanisms have been postulated to explain this persistent inhibition. One, an “integration-based” mechanism, suggests that postsynaptic excitatory integration in DNLL neurons generates prolonged activity, and the other favors the synaptic time course of the DNLL output itself. The feasibility of the integration-based mechanism was tested in vitro in DNLL neurons of Mongolian gerbils by quantifying the cellular excitability and synaptic input–output functions (IO-Fs). All neurons were sustained firing and generated a near monotonic IO-F on current injections. From synaptic stimulations, we estimate that activation of approximately five fibers, each on average liberating ∼18 vesicles, is sufficient to trigger a single postsynaptic action potential. A strong single pulse of afferent fiber stimulation triggered multiple postsynaptic action potentials. The steepness of the synaptic IO-F was dependent on the synaptic NMDA component. The synaptic NMDA receptor current defines the slope of the synaptic IO-F by enhancing the temporal and spatial EPSP summation. Blocking this NMDA-dependent amplification during postsynaptic integration of train stimulations resulted into a ∼20% reduction of the decay time course of the GABAergic inhibition. Thus, our data show that the NMDA-dependent amplification of the postsynaptic activity contributes to the GABAergic persistent inhibition generated by DNLL neurons

    Resonance Properties in Auditory Brainstem Neurons

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    Auditory signals carry relevant information on a large range of time scales from below milliseconds to several seconds. Different stages in the auditory brainstem are specialized to extract information in specific frequency domains. One biophysical mechanism to facilitate frequency specific processing are membrane potential resonances. Here, we provide data from three different brainstem nuclei that all exhibit high-frequency subthreshold membrane resonances that are all most likely based on low-threshold potassium currents. Fitting a linear model, we argue that, as long as neurons possess active subthreshold channels, the main determinant for their resonance behavior is the steady state membrane time constant. Tuning this leak conductance can shift membrane resonance frequencies over more than a magnitude and therefore provide a flexible mechanism to tune frequency-specific auditory processing

    Glycinergic inhibition tunes coincidence detection in the auditory brainstem

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    Neurons in the medial superior olive (MSO) detect microsecond differences in the arrival time of sounds between the ears (interaural time differences or ITDs),a crucial binaural cue for sound localization. Synaptic inhibition has been implicated in tuning ITD sensitivity, but the cellular mechanisms underlying its influence on coincidence detection are debated. Here we determine the impact of inhibition on coincidence detection in adult Mongolian gerbil MSO brain slices by testing precise temporal integration of measured synaptic responses using conductance-clamp. We find that inhibition dynamically shifts the peak timing of excitation, depending on its relative arrival time, which in turn modulates the timing of best coincidence detection. Inhibitory control of coincidence detection timing is consistent with the diversity of ITD functions observed in vivo and is robust under physiologically relevant conditions. Our results provide strong evidence that temporal interactions between excitation and inhibition on microsecond timescales are critical for binaural processing

    Inhibiting the inhibition

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    The precedence effect describes the phenomenon whereby echoes are spatially fused to the location of an initial sound by selectively suppressing the directional information of lagging sounds (echo suppression). Echo suppression is a prerequisite for faithful sound localization in natural environments but can break down depending on the behavioral context. To date, the neural mechanisms that suppress echo directional information without suppressing the perception of echoes themselves are not understood. We performed in vivo recordings in Mongolian gerbils of neurons of the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL), a GABAergic brainstem nucleus that targets the auditory midbrain, and show that these DNLL neurons exhibit inhibition that persists tens of milliseconds beyond the stimulus offset, so-called persistent inhibition (PI). Using in vitro recordings, we demonstrate that PI stems from GABAergic projections from the opposite DNLL. Furthermore, these recordings show that PI is attributable to intrinsic features of this GABAergic innervation. Implementation of these physiological findings into a neuronal model of the auditory brainstem demonstrates that, on a circuit level, PI creates an enhancement of responsiveness to lagging sounds in auditory midbrain cells. Moreover, the model revealed that such response enhancement is a sufficient cue for an ideal observer to identify echoes and to exhibit echo suppression, which agrees closely with the percepts of human subjects

    Intrinsic frequency response patterns in mechano-sensory neurons of the leech

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    Animals employ mechano-sensory systems to detect and explore their environment. Mechano-sensation encompasses stimuli such as constant pressure, surface movement or vibrations at various intensities that need to be segregated in the central nervous system. Besides different receptor structures, sensory filtering via intrinsic response properties could provide a convenient way to solve this problem. In leech, three major mechano-sensory cell types can be distinguished, according to their stimulus sensitivity, as nociceptive, pressure and touch cells. Using intracellular recordings, we show that the different mechano-sensory neuron classes in Hirudo medicinalis differentially respond supra-threshold to distinct frequencies of sinusoidal current injections between 0.2 and 20 Hz. Nociceptive cells responded with a low-pass filter characteristic, pressure cells as high-pass filters and touch cells as an intermediate band-pass filter. Each class of mechano-sensory neurons is thus intrinsically tuned to a specific frequency range of voltage oscillation that could help segregate mechano-sensory information centrally

    Distinct Distribution Patterns of Potassium Channel Sub-Units in Somato-Dendritic Compartments of Neurons of the Medial Superior Olive

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    Coincidence detector neurons of the medial superior olive (MSO) are sensitive to interaural time differences in the range of a few tens of microseconds. The biophysical basis for this remarkable acuity is a short integration time constant of the membrane, which is achieved by large low voltage-activated potassium and hyperpolarization-activated inward cation conductances. Additional temporal precision is thought to be achieved through a sub-cellular distribution of low voltage-activated potassium channel expression biased to the soma. To evaluate the contribution of potassium channels, we investigated the presence and sub-cellular distribution profile of seven potassium channel sub-units in adult MSO neurons of gerbils. We find that low- and high voltage-activated potassium channels are present with distinct sub-cellular distributions. Overall, low voltage-activated potassium channels appear to be biased to the soma while high voltage-activated potassium channels are more evenly distributed and show a clear expression at distal dendrites. Additionally, low voltage-activated potassium channel sub-units co-localize with glycinergic inputs while HCN1 channels co-localize more with high voltage-activated potassium channels. Functionally, high voltage-activated potassium currents are already active at low voltages near the resting potential. We describe a possible role of high voltage-activated potassium channels in modulating EPSPs in a computational model and contributing to setting the integration time window of coincidental inputs. Our data shows that MSO neurons express a large set of different potassium channels with distinct functional relevance

    Glycinergic inhibition tunes coincidence detection in the auditory brainstem

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    Neurons in the medial superior olive (MSO) detect microsecond differences in the arrival time of sounds between the ears (interaural time differences or ITDs),a crucial binaural cue for sound localization. Synaptic inhibition has been implicated in tuning ITD sensitivity, but the cellular mechanisms underlying its influence on coincidence detection are debated. Here we determine the impact of inhibition on coincidence detection in adult Mongolian gerbil MSO brain slices by testing precise temporal integration of measured synaptic responses using conductance-clamp. We find that inhibition dynamically shifts the peak timing of excitation, depending on its relative arrival time, which in turn modulates the timing of best coincidence detection. Inhibitory control of coincidence detection timing is consistent with the diversity of ITD functions observed in vivo and is robust under physiologically relevant conditions. Our results provide strong evidence that temporal interactions between excitation and inhibition on microsecond timescales are critical for binaural processing

    A Temporal Filter for Binaural Hearing Is Dynamically Adjusted by Sound Pressure Level

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    In natural environments our auditory system is exposed to multiple and diverse signals of fluctuating amplitudes. Therefore, to detect, localize, and single out individual sounds the auditory system has to process and filter spectral and temporal information from both ears. It is known that the overall sound pressure level affects sensory signal transduction and therefore the temporal response pattern of auditory neurons. We hypothesize that the mammalian binaural system utilizes a dynamic mechanism to adjust the temporal filters in neuronal circuits to different overall sound pressure levels. Previous studies proposed an inhibitory mechanism generated by the reciprocally coupled dorsal nuclei of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) as a temporal neuronal-network filter that suppresses rapid binaural fluctuations. Here we investigated the consequence of different sound levels on this filter during binaural processing. Our in vivo and in vitro electrophysiology in Mongolian gerbils shows that the integration of ascending excitation and contralateral inhibition defines the temporal properties of this inhibitory filter. The time course of this filter depends on the synaptic drive, which is modulated by the overall sound pressure level and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) signaling. In psychophysical experiments we tested the temporal perception of humans and show that detection and localization of two subsequent tones changes with the sound pressure level consistent with our physiological results. Together our data support the hypothesis that mammals dynamically adjust their time window for sound detection and localization within the binaural system in a sound level dependent manner