55 research outputs found

    Characterization of large tilt-angle flexoelectro-optic switching in chiral nematic liquid crystal devices

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    The “flexoelastic ratio”, which is the ratio of the effective flexoelectric coefficient to the elasticcoefficients, is commonly used to characterize the electro-optic behavior of chiral nematic liquid crystal(LC) devices that exhibit flexoelectro-optic switching. In the uniform lying helix configuration, thiselectro-optic effect is manifested as a rapid (~100 s) rotation of the macroscopic optic axis when anelectric field is applied perpendicular to the helix axis of the chiral nematic LC and is attractive for bothintensity and phase modulation devices. There has been renewed interest in this electro-effect as newLC materials and mixtures have been developed that exhibit large tilt angles, , of the optic axis ( ≥45°) whilst maintaining a fast response time. In this Letter, we consider the relevance of the flexoelasticratio when characterizing the performance of the devices and find that an alternative ratio is required tocharacterize materials that can switch by = ±45° when the pitch is constrained. We show that for largetilt angles of the optic axis the values for the new and conventional flexoelastic ratios measurablydiverge. In addition, a simple way of determining this new characteristic ratio is presented that involvesdetermining the electric field amplitude at the point the transmission levels are the same for bothpositive and negative electric field polarities

    Fibrous Growth of NaClO 3

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    Some Cases of Polycythæmia

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    Identification of non-lipid LPA3 antagonists by virtual screening

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    In the present study, we utilized virtual screening to identify LPA3 antagonists. We have developed a three-point structure-based pharmacophore model based on known LPA3 antagonists. This model was used to mine the NCI database. Docking, pharmacophore development, and database mining produced new, non-lipid leads. Experimental testing of seven computationally selected pharmacophore hits produced one potentiator and three antagonists, one of which displays both LPA3 selectivity and nanomolar potency. Similarity searching in the ChemBridge database using the most promising lead as the search target produced four additional LPA3 antagonists and a potent dual LPA1&2 antagonist. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved