88 research outputs found
A Wire Position Monitor System for the 1.3 GHZ Tesla-Style Cryomodule at the Fermilab New-Muon-Lab Accelerator
The first cryomodule for the beam test facility at the Fermilab New-Muon-Lab
building is currently under RF commissioning. Among other diagnostics systems,
the transverse position of the helium gas return pipe with the connected 1.3
GHz SRF accelerating cavities is measured along the ~15 m long module using a
stretched-wire position monitoring system. An overview of the wire position
monitor system technology is given, along with preliminary results taken at the
initial module cool down, and during further testing. As the measurement system
offers a high resolution, we also discuss options for use as a vibration
detector.Comment: 4 pp. 15th International Conference on RF Superconductivity
(SRF2011). 25-29 Jul 2011. Chicago, Illinois, US
High Resolution BPM Upgrade for the ATF Damping Ring at KEK
A beam position monitor (BPM) upgrade at the KEK Accelerator Test Facility
(ATF) damping ring has been accomplished, carried out by a KEK/FNAL/SLAC
collaboration under the umbrella of the global ILC R&D effort. The upgrade
consists of a high resolution, high reproducibility read-out system, based on
analog and processing, and also implements a new automatic gain error
correction schema. The technical concept and realization as well as results of
beam studies are presented.Comment: 3 pp. 10th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
for Particle Accelerators DIPAC 2011, 16-18 May 2011. Hamburg, German
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Operation of the DC current transformer intensity monitors at FNAL during run II
Circulating beam intensity measurements at FNAL are provided by five DC current transformers (DCCT), one per machine. With the exception of the DCCT in the Recycler, all DCCT systems were designed and built at FNAL. This paper presents an overview of both DCCT systems, including the sensor, the electronics, and the front-end instrumentation software, as well as their performance during Run II
Measurements of a Newly Designed BPM for the Tevatron Electron Lens 2
Fermilab has developed a second electron lens (TEL-2) for beam-beam compensation in the Tevatron as part of its Run II upgrade program. Operation of the beam position monitors (BPMs) in the first electron lens (TEL-1) showed a systematic transverse position difference between short proton bunches (2 ns sigma) and long electron pulses ({approx}1 us) of up to {approx}1.5 mm. This difference was attributed to frequency dependence in the BPM system. The TEL-2 BPMs utilize a new compact four plate design with grounding strips between plates to minimize crosstalk. In-situ measurements of these new BPMs are made using a stretched wire pulsed with both proton and electron beam formats. In addition, longitudinal impedance measurements of the TEL-2 are presented. Signal processing algorithm studies indicate that the frequency dependent transverse position offset may be reduced to {approx}0.1 mm for the beam structures of interest
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High resolution BPMS with integrated gain correction system
High resolution beam position monitors (BPM) are an essential tool to achieve and reproduce a low vertical beam emittance at the KEK Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) damping ring. The ATF damping ring (DR) BPMs are currently upgraded with new high resolution read-out electronics. Based on analog and digital down-conversion techniques, the upgrade includes an automatic gain calibration system to correct for slow drift effects and ensure high reproducible beam position readings. The concept and its technical realization, as well as preliminary results of beam studies are presented
Commisioning of the Second Tevatron Electron Lens and Beam Study Results
In the framework of Fermilab's Beam-Beam Compensation (BBC) project, the 2nd Tevatron Electron Lens (TEL2) was installed in the Tevatron during Spring 2006 shutdown. It was successfully commissioned and a series of beam studies has been carried out in single bunch and all-bunch modes. The paper describes TEL2 commissioning and beam studies results
Operation of the DC Current Transformer intensity monitors at FNAL during Run II
Circulating beam intensity measurements at FNAL are provided by five DC current transformers (DCCT), one per machine. With the exception of the DCCT in the Recycler, all DCCT systems were designed and built at FNAL. This paper presents an overview of both DCCT systems, including the sensor, the electronics, and the front-end instrumentation software, as well as their performance during Run II
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