5 research outputs found
ASEAN's ways: still fit for purpose?
- Author
- Acharya Amitav
- Alagappa Muthiah
- Bayly Christopher A
- Beeson Mark
- Beeson Mark
- Beeson Mark
- Beeson Mark
- Berger Mark T
- Buzan Barry
- Doyle Michael W
- Dupont Alan
- Elliott Lorraine
- Friedberg Aaron L
- Goldstein Avery
- Haacke Jurgen
- Haas Richard N
- Hurrell Andrew
- Johnston Alastair Iain
- Mark Beeson
- McMahon Robert J
- Mearsheimer John J
- Rodan Garry
- Rohatyn Felix G
- Stubbs Richard
- Studwell Joe
- Tan Andrew
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
ASEAN's ways: still fit for purpose?
- Author
- Acharya Amitav
- Alagappa Muthiah
- Bayly Christopher A
- Beeson Mark
- Beeson Mark
- Beeson Mark
- Beeson Mark
- Berger Mark T
- Buzan Barry
- Doyle Michael W
- Dupont Alan
- Elliott Lorraine
- Friedberg Aaron L
- Goldstein Avery
- Haacke Jurgen
- Haas Richard N
- Hurrell Andrew
- Johnston Alastair Iain
- Mark Beeson
- McMahon Robert J
- Mearsheimer John J
- Rodan Garry
- Rohatyn Felix G
- Stubbs Richard
- Studwell Joe
- Tan Andrew
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Inevitable Instability of American Corporate Governance
- Author
- "
- Adrian Michaels
- Arthur Fleischer
- At P __
- Brian J Hall
- C Michael
- Charles E Cf
- Deborah Solomon
- Felix G Rohatyn
- J Mark
- J Mark
- Janice Ravel
- John A Byrne
- John C Coffee
- John H __
- Jonathan R Macey
- Joseph A Grundfest
- Kevin Murphy
- Lucian A Bebchuk
- Lucian A Bebchuk
- Lucian Arye Bebchuk
- M Mortimer
- Mark J Cf
- Mark J. Roe
- Melvin Eisenberg
- Rakesh Khurana
- Roberta Romano
- Roberta Romano
- Roe
- Stephen Labaton
- Strong Roe
- T William
- William L Cary
- William Neikirk
- William W Bratton
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2004
- Field of study
The future of the US maritime strategy
- Author
- Admiral Rear
- Arkin William M.
- Bagley Worth
- Brooks Linton
- Brooks Linton F.
- Cooper Bart
- Cooper Bert H.
- Cushman John H.
- Cushman John H.
- Dibb Paul
- Eisner Robert
- Garret Banning
- Garver John W.
- Garver John W.
- Glaser Bonnie
- Gordon Michael
- Halloran Richard
- Halloran Richard
- Jacobs G.
- James Nathan
- Jofee Joseph
- Kaufman William A.
- Khol Chancellor
- Kirk Mark
- Klintworth Gary
- Lehman John
- Lind William S.
- Martin John
- Me Donald Hamish
- Morris James M.
- Nathan James
- Nathan James
- Nathan James
- Nathar James A.
- Pincus Walter
- Reston James
- Rielly John
- Rohatyn Felix
- Silk Leonard
- Simmons W.
- Soofer Robert
- Sullivan Roger W.
- Turner Admiral Stansfield
- Watkins
- Watts David
- West
- West Professor F.J.
- Wilson George C.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Reindustrialization and the Logic of Class Politics in Late 20Th Century America
- Author
- Aronowitz Stanley.
- Ashton Patrick.
- Baran Paul
- Best Norm.
- Black George
- Block Fred.
- Bluestone Barry
- Braverman Harry.
- Butler Stuart.
- Bylinsky Gene.
- Carnoy Martin
- Council for Northeast Economic Action.
- de Janvry Alain.
- Dixon Marlene
- Dutt R. Palme.
- Edwards H.W.
- Engels Frederick.
- England Richard.
- Etzioni Amitai.
- Fuller Stephen.
- Gedicks Al.
- Goldsmith William.
- Gordon David.
- Hart-Landsberg Martin
- Hart-Landsberg Martin
- Heil Brad.
- Hill Richard Child.
- Howe Carolyn.
- Hymowitz Carol.
- Industrial Union Department AFL-CIO.
- Kerran Roger.
- Kinkead Gwen.
- Kozlow Ralph.
- Lembcke Jerry.
- Luria Dan
- MacEwan Arthur.
- Main Jeremy.
- Marcy Sam.
- Markusen Ann.
- Mattera Philip.
- Meyer Herbert.
- Nacla.
- Nickel Herman.
- Phipps Peter.
- Pierce Neal.
- Piven Frances
- Przeworski Adam.
- Reich Robert.
- Rifken Jeremy
- Rohatyn Felix.
- State of California Edmund G. Brown, Governor.
- Stevens David Weld.
- Szymanski Al.
- Tabb William
- Tabb William.
- Tempest Rome.
- U.S. Department of Commerce.
- Webb Marilyn.
- Weisskopf Thomas.
- Whichard Obie.
- Wolff Goetz.
- Zimmerman Mitch
- Zuckerman Sam.
- Zwerdling Daniel.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study