43 research outputs found
Oltre l’era Covid-19: dall’emergenza alle prospettive di sviluppo professionale
The University was rapidly pushed into the era of distance teaching and learning (Dad) to cope with the imperative to ensure training for young people even in the lockdown period due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This necessity forced academics to a fast reconversion of traditional teaching into online learning environments for many still unknown and unusual. This has led to significant changes in the approaches and practices in use, favoring choices and solutions often not considered before. This research investigates the experience of distance teaching and learning (Dad), defining the concept, to investigate changes occurred in teaching practice, paying specific attention to the teaching mediation and to assessment, two areas considered foundational and emblematic in teaching-learning processes. 721 academics responded to an online questionnaire designed for this research; from the answers relevant changes in teaching and assessment methods emerged. Together with an increase of interest in the use of online practices, critical elements also emerged, such as the permanence of traditional models and innovation. Overall, the results seem to outline, although to different extents, the need to consider as central the professionalism of academics as a key factor to successfully
reconvert the experience of Dad beyond the contingent moment.L’Università è entrata prepotentemente nell’era della didattica a distanza (DaD) per far fronte all’imperativo di garantire la formazione ai giovani anche nel periodo di lockdown imposto a seguito della pandemia del Covid-19. L’esperienza
ha costretto la docenza ad una veloce riconversione della didattica tradizionale all’interno di modelli di azione on line per molti di loro sconosciuti e inusuali. Ciò ha determinato modificazioni significative negli approcci e nelle pratiche in uso, favorendo scelte e soluzioni spesso non considerate in precedenza. La ricerca indaga nello specifico l’esperienza della DaD, definendone il costrutto, per far emergere le modificazioni intervenute nella pratica didattica, ponendo un’attenzione particolare alla mediazione didattica e alla valutazione, due aree considerate fondative ed emblematiche nell’azione di insegnamento-apprendimento. Attraverso la somministrazione di un questionario on line a cui hanno risposto 721 docenti, si evidenziano le metamorfosi intervenute nell’azione di mediazione e di valutazione. Insieme ad un aumento di interesse verso l’utilizzo di pratiche on line compaiono elementi di criticità , connessi soprattutto al permanere di modelli tradizionali, e di innovazione, indotti dall’esigenza di offrire agli studenti un livello adeguato di qualità didattica per l’apprendimento. Nell’insieme gli esiti emersi sembrano profilare, sia pure con diverso grado di intensità , l’esigenza di considerare come centrale la professionalità del docente indicata quale fattore chiave per riconvertire positivamente l’esperienza della DaD oltre il portato contingente
Effect of a home based, low intensity, physical exercise program in older adults dialysis patients: A secondary analysis of the EXCITE trial
Background: Older adults dialysis patients represent the frailest subgroup of the End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) population and physical exercise program may mitigate the age-related decline in muscle mass and function. Methods: Dialysis patients of the EXCITE trial aged > 65 years (n = 115, active arm, n = 53; control arm, n = 62) were submitted in random order to a home based, low intensity physical exercise program. At baseline and 6 months after exercise training 6-min walking distance (6MWD) and 5-time sit-to-stand test (5STS) were performed, and quality of life (QoL) was tested. Results: The training program improved both the 6MWD (6-months: 327 \ub1 86 m versus baseline: 294 \ub1 74 m; P < 0.001) and the 5STS time (6-months: 19.8 \ub1 5.6 s versus baseline: 22.5 \ub1 5.1 s; P < 0.001) in the exercise group whereas they did not change in the control group (P = 0.98 and 0.25, respectively). The between-arms differences (6 months-baseline) in the 6MWD (+ 34.0 m, 95% CI: 14.4 to 53.5 m) and in the 5STS time changes (- 1.9 s, 95% CI: -3.6 to - 0.3 s) were both statistically significant (P = 0.001 and P = 0.024, respectively). The cognitive function dimension of QoL significantly reduced in the control arm (P = 0.04) while it remained unchanged in the active arm (P = 0.78) (between groups difference P = 0.05). No patient died during the trial and the training program was well tolerated. Conclusions: This secondary analysis of the EXCITE trial shows that a home-based, exercise program improves physical performance and is well tolerated in elderly ESRD patients. Trial registration: The trial was registered in ClinicalTrials.Gov (Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT01255969) on December 8, 2010
Monitoring the quality of laboraties and the prevalence of resistance to antituberculosis drugs: Italy, 1998-2000
In 1998 a network of 20 regional tuberculosis (TB) laboratories (the Italian Multicentre Study on Resistance to Antituberculosis drugs (SMIRA) network) was established in Italy to implement proficiency testing and to monitor the prevalence of drug resistance nationwide. The network managed 30% of all TB cases reported in Italy each year. The aim of the present report is to describe: 1) the accuracy of drug-susceptibility testing in the network; 2) the prevalence of drug resistance for the period 1998-2000. Data were collected from the network laboratories. Sensitivity to streptomycin and ethambutol increased from the first survey (1998-1999) to the second survey (2000) from 87.7 to 91.9%. Specificity, predictive values for resistance and susceptibility, efficiency and reproducibility were consistent in both surveys. In previously untreated cases, the prevalence of multidrug-resistance was the same in both surveys (1.2%), while a slight decrease from the first to the second survey was observed for monoresistance to rifampicin (from 0.8 to 0.4%) and isoniazid (from 2.9 to 2%,). The significant association found between isoniazid resistance and immigration is a useful indicator for both clinicians managing individual tuberculosis cases and public health services planning control strategies
Bisogni, credenze e pratiche nella docenza universitaria. Una ricerca in sette Atenei italiani
Preparare la propria docenza \ue8 un compito che le universit\ue0 italiane stanno assumendo con impegno, imboccando una direzione che a livello internazionale \ue8 considerata indispensabile per far fronte alle sfide di una formazione di qualit\ue0. Il presente volume offre ad atenei, servizi didattici, formatori ed esperti pratiche di indagine validate dall\u2019esperienza sul campo e dall\u2019analisi statistica, attraverso le quali poter analizzare le qualit\ue0 della docenza universitaria e riuscire quindi ad intervenire sul miglioramento continuo delle competenze didattiche
L'intervento socio-educativo con la persona anziana in condizione di solitudine. Il progetto, l'esperienza sul campo e la ricerca
Progetto di ricerca-azione in network sociale (Regione Veneto, Comune di Rovigo, Consulta comunale della Terza EtĂ , UniversitĂ di Padova): implementazione di un modello metodologico personalizzato per lo sviluppo di empowerment di un campione di anziani (terza e quarta etĂ ) non istituzionalizzati nella prospettiva di attivazione e promozione di reti comunitarie in grado di valorizzare il tessuto comunicativo-relazionale