3 research outputs found

    Perceived Economic Impact of Religious Tourism: The Case of Zimbabwe

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    Purpose: The purpose of the study was to assess the perceived economic impact of religious tourism in Zimbabwe. The research objectives were (1) to determine the nature of religious tourism in Zimbabwe, (2) to determine the key success factor for economically viable religious tourism in Zimbabwe, (3) to ascertain the perceived economic contribution of religious tourism, and finally (4) to propose strategies for economically sustainable religious tourism in Zimbabwe. Methods: The research adopted a qualitative approach and was descriptive in nature. The study focused on Harare and the study population was made up of a cross-section of tourism service providers in Harare, religious leaders, and the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority. Purposive sampling was used for service providers and as well as religious leaders. Results: The research findings revealed that there are a lot of religious tourism activities that take place in Zimbabwe, particularly Harare, and normally take the form of pilgrimages, religious conferencing, healing and deliverance nights, and worship. The perceived economic value derived includes employment creation for the locals, an increase in foreign currency generation, and an increase in sales revenue. The research findings also show that for religious tourism to be economically sustainable there is a need for government involvement, re-packaging of the product, and investment in local infrastructure. Implications: Zimbabwe Tourism Authority and the private sector need to take the religious tourism market seriously and make deliberate efforts to harness this growing market


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    It is evident from literature that the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic has brought the world economiesto its ‘knees’. No industry has gone untouched by the effects of this pandemic. Globally there has beenan adverse impact on travel which is backbone of the hotel industry. This study focuses on exploringthe impact that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on Zimbabwean hotel sector. The objectives of thestudy focused on investigating the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on hotel occupancy and revenue andproposing strategies that can be implemented for recovery post the pandemic. The study adopted amixed method approach, semi-structured questionnaires were used to gather data from 29 (3-5 star) hotel management across the various major tourism cities in Zimbabwe. Findings reveal that the Covid-19 pandemic has had an adverse impact on hotel occupancy and revenue. Occupancy and revenue have dropped. Strategies have been employed by hotel to cope with the adverse impact of reducedoccupancy and revenue, these include working with minimal staff to avoid increases exposure, closingother parts of the hotel to reduce operational cost and operating on take out bases. It can be concludedthat hotels in Zimbabwe are not prepared for pandemics like Covid-19. It is therefore recommendedthat disaster management plans relating to pandemics be developed and implemented by hotels


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    The process of making career choices is complex since there are diverse factors affecting students’selection of programs when they enrol in higher and tertiary institutions. Just like in any other discipline,tourism and hospitality management graduates are affected by various factors when deciding theircareers post-graduation. Preliminary studies have shown that a significant percentage of tourism andhospitality graduates divert from tourism to some other, sometimes totally unrelated, industries foremployment. This study seeks to discover tourism and hospitality degree graduates’ perceptions andcareer attainment in Zimbabwe. The following critical questions were asked in order to achieve theobjective of the study; Why do they enrol for the tourism/hospitality program in the first place, that iswhat factors affect the students’ selection process of tertiary education programs? and why do someend up in totally different fields after graduating? Qualitative research approach was adopted in orderto understand the graduates’ perceptions, data was collected by the way of interviews. Data wasanalysed using the thematic approach. Findings revealed that while most of the graduates are employedin the tourism and hospitality industry in Zimbabwe, they are not satisfied with their jobs. Some feel thatthey studied tourism/hospitality as a last resort hence they do not have satisfaction while others areonly in the industry because they do not have an option. Poor working conditions and poor remuneration were also cited as causes of dissatisfaction. There are however a significant number who do not regrettheir career choice