19 research outputs found

    The role of context homogeneity in deployment of visual attention

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    Context homogeneity facilitates both distractor inhibition and target enhancement

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    Homogeneous contexts were shown to result in prioritized processing of embedded targets compared to heterogeneous context

    Action Planning Mediates Guidance of Visual Attention from Working Memory

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    Visual search is impaired when a salient task-irrelevant stimulus is presented together with the target. Recent research has shown that this attentional capture effect is enhanced when the salient stimulus matches working memory (WM) content, arguing in favor of attention guidance from WM. Visual attention was also shown to be closely coupled with action planning. Preparing a movement renders action-relevant perceptual dimensions more salient and thus increases search efficiency for stimuli sharing that dimension. The present study aimed at revealing common underlying mechanisms for selective attention, WM, and action planning. Participants both prepared a specific movement (grasping or pointing) and memorized a color hue. Before the movement was executed towards an object of the memorized color, a visual search task (additional singleton) was performed. Results showed that distraction from target was more pronounced when the additional singleton had a memorized color. This WM-guided attention deployment was more pronounced when participants prepared a grasping movement. We argue that preparing a grasping movement mediates attention guidance from WM content by enhancing representations of memory content that matches the distractor shape (i.e., circles), thus encouraging attentional capture by circle distractors of the memorized color. We conclude that templates for visual search, action planning, and WM compete for resources and thus cause interferences

    Spatial and feature-based suppression in working memory

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    Working memory (WM) can guide attention towards items similar to its content, both based on features and locations maintained in WM. So far, however, this has only been demonstrated with memory items that are relevant and thus maintained with a positive weight. The finding that negative attention templates can support the suppression of upcoming distractors raises the question whether items can also be stored with a negative priority in WM. We let participants memorize the exact hue of a memory target that was presented among not-to-be-encoded memory distractors. Before their WM was probed, they performed a visual search task in which they had to find a target among distractors. When the search target was presented in the same color as an item suppressed from WM, response times (RTs) were longer than for a target presented in the same color as the memory target. Similarly, when the search target was presented at the same location as an items suppressed from WM, RTs were longer than for a target presented at the same location as the memory target. Our results suggest that items can be maintained in WM with a negative priority and then support the suppression of subsequent similar stimuli. Such items with negative priority in WM may be what constitutes negative attentional templates

    Alpha-band Activity Tracks the Zoom Lens of Attention

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    Statistical regularities induce spatial as well as feature-specific suppression

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    We are constantly extracting regularities from the visual environment to optimize attentional orienting. Here we examine the phenomenon that recurrent presentation of distractors in a specific location leads to its attentional suppression. Specifically, we address the question whether suppression is specific to the spatial regularities of distractors or also extends to visual features bearing statistical regularities. To that end, we used a visual search task with two high probability locations, each showing one of two distractor types more often than the other. At these high probability locations, target processing was impaired and attentional capture by either distractor was reduced, consistent with feature-unspecific spatial suppression. However, suppression was more facilitated when the distractor feature was presented at the high probability location that matched its features, suggesting feature-specific suppression. Interestingly, feature-unspecific spatial suppression only spread between locations when distractors varied within a feature dimension (e.g. red and green) but not when they varied across feature dimensions (e.g., red and square). Our findings thus demonstrate a joint influence of implicitly learned spatial and feature regularities on attention and reveal how the visual system can benefit from complex statistical regularities