636 research outputs found

    Similarity Learning for High-Dimensional Sparse Data

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    A good measure of similarity between data points is crucial to many tasks in machine learning. Similarity and metric learning methods learn such measures automatically from data, but they do not scale well respect to the dimensionality of the data. In this paper, we propose a method that can learn efficiently similarity measure from high-dimensional sparse data. The core idea is to parameterize the similarity measure as a convex combination of rank-one matrices with specific sparsity structures. The parameters are then optimized with an approximate Frank-Wolfe procedure to maximally satisfy relative similarity constraints on the training data. Our algorithm greedily incorporates one pair of features at a time into the similarity measure, providing an efficient way to control the number of active features and thus reduce overfitting. It enjoys very appealing convergence guarantees and its time and memory complexity depends on the sparsity of the data instead of the dimension of the feature space. Our experiments on real-world high-dimensional datasets demonstrate its potential for classification, dimensionality reduction and data exploration.Comment: 14 pages. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2015). Matlab code: https://github.com/bellet/HDS

    When Enough Is Not Enough: Can Post Filing Experimental Data Bridge the Gap in Patent Disclosure of Non-Enabling Specifications in The Unpredictable Arts?, 18 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 496 (2019)

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    On issues of 35 U.S.C. §112, the Federal Circuit has been inconsistent in determining the extent to which patent applicants need to disclose examples of their claimed inventions in patent specifications to fully enable their patent claims. Confusion as to how many or what types of examples amount to sufficient disclosure is augmented for inventions in the unpredictable arts, such as chemistry, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals. Current practice skewing towards disclosure of examples in greater numbers is a misguided effort to satisfy enablement, as shown by patents at issue in two recent Federal Circuit cases. A qualitative approach to disclosure is recommended, and post filing experimental data is proposed as a limited remedy to retroactively fill gaps in disclosure during patent prosecution

    Being Negative but Constructively: Lessons Learnt from Creating Better Visual Question Answering Datasets

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    Visual question answering (Visual QA) has attracted a lot of attention lately, seen essentially as a form of (visual) Turing test that artificial intelligence should strive to achieve. In this paper, we study a crucial component of this task: how can we design good datasets for the task? We focus on the design of multiple-choice based datasets where the learner has to select the right answer from a set of candidate ones including the target (\ie the correct one) and the decoys (\ie the incorrect ones). Through careful analysis of the results attained by state-of-the-art learning models and human annotators on existing datasets, we show that the design of the decoy answers has a significant impact on how and what the learning models learn from the datasets. In particular, the resulting learner can ignore the visual information, the question, or both while still doing well on the task. Inspired by this, we propose automatic procedures to remedy such design deficiencies. We apply the procedures to re-construct decoy answers for two popular Visual QA datasets as well as to create a new Visual QA dataset from the Visual Genome project, resulting in the largest dataset for this task. Extensive empirical studies show that the design deficiencies have been alleviated in the remedied datasets and the performance on them is likely a more faithful indicator of the difference among learning models. The datasets are released and publicly available via http://www.teds.usc.edu/website_vqa/.Comment: Accepted for Oral Presentation at NAACL-HLT 201
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