5 research outputs found
Preparation of the fluorescein reagent for solid-phase oligonucleotide 5'-labelling and its use for the synthesis of fluorescently labelled PCR primers for HIV-1 detection
The preparative synthesis of fluorescein H-phosphonate reagent for solid phase 'labelling of oligonucteotides is described. Fluorescein-labelted thymidine and two PCR primers for HIV-1 detection were synthesized using this reagent.Описано препаративний метод синтезу Н-фосфонатного реагента для флюоресцентного мічення олігонуклеотидів безпосередньо в процесі їх твердофазного синтезу. За допомогою цього реагента синтезовано флюоресцеїн-мічені тимідин та два праймери для ампліфікації дліяики гена HIV-1.Описан препаративный метод синтеза Н-фосфонатного реагента для флюоресцентного мечения олигонуклеотидов непосредственно в процессе пх твердофазного сшпеза. С помощью этого реагента синтезированы флюоресценнмеченные тимидны и два праймера для амплификации участка гена HlV-1
Piezoelectric Response of Cadmium Sulfide Nanorod Crystals Grown from Gas Phase by Using Ag and Au Catalyst
The paper describes macroscopic and AFM measurements of piezoelectric response of a macroscopic array of nanorod crystals of CdS and single nanorod crystal of CdS, respectively. The CdS nanorod crystals grown using Ag catalyst are presented for the first time. It is shown that these crystals have an irregular shape of six-sided polyhedron and demonstrate piezoelectric response similar to their counterpart crystals grown from Au catalyst which have a perfect hexagonal shape and wurtzite structure. The irregular shape of Ag catalyzed CdS nanocrystals is discussed based on the assumption of their sphalerite crystal symmetry
Injection Spectroscopy of Deep Traps in Nanostructured Films of Cadmium Sulfide
Nanocrystallin CdS films with controlled stoichiometry deposited by CSVS were investigated by meth-od of the current-voltage characteristics in ITO/CdS /In structures. It was shown that in the case of cadmi-um excess (S Cd) charge flow mechanism is deter-mined by monomolecular recombination. In the band gap of CdS with excess of cadmium there was detect-ed localized states with energy Et = 0.514 ± 0.026 eV, while in the material with Excess sulfur there are two localized states with energy Et1 = 0.514 ± 0.026 eV and Et2 = 0.700 ± 0.026 eV. Full concentration of lo-calized states is more than 2·1021 m-3 – 5·1022 m-3. Dependence of injection in parameters and nature of in-jection in the structures based on nanostructured CdS films on their stoichiometry was determined
When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3524
Injection Spectroscopy of Deep Traps in Nanostructured Films of Cadmium Sulfide
Nanocrystallin CdS films with controlled stoichiometry deposited by CSVS were investigated by meth-
od of the current-voltage characteristics in ITO/CdS /In structures. It was shown that in the case of cadmi-
um excess (S <Cd) charge flow mechanism both in the dark and under illumination is determined by bimo-
lecular recombination in the material. In the case of excess sulfur (S>Cd) charge flow mechanism is deter-
mined by monomolecular recombination. In the band gap of CdS with excess of cadmium there was detected localized states with energy Et = 0.514 ± 0.026 eV, while in the material with Excess sulfur there are two localized states with energy Et1 = 0.514 ± 0.026 eV and Et2 = 0.700 ± 0.026 eV. Full concentration of localized states is more than 2·1021 m-3 – 5·1022 m-3. Dependence of injection in parameters and nature of injection in the structures based on nanostructured CdS films on their stoichiometry was determined.
When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3390
Preparation of the fluorescein reagent for solid-phase oligonucleotide 5'-labelling and its use for the synthesis of fluorescently labelled PCR primers for HIV-1 detection
The preparative synthesis of fluorescein H-phosphonate reagent for solid phase 'labelling of oligonucteotides is described. Fluorescein-labelted thymidine and two PCR primers for HIV-1 detection were synthesized using this reagent.Описано препаративний метод синтезу Н-фосфонатного реагента для флюоресцентного мічення олігонуклеотидів безпосередньо в процесі їх твердофазного синтезу. За допомогою цього реагента синтезовано флюоресцеїн-мічені тимідин та два праймери для ампліфікації дліяики гена HIV-1.Описан препаративный метод синтеза Н-фосфонатного реагента для флюоресцентного мечения олигонуклеотидов непосредственно в процессе пх твердофазного сшпеза. С помощью этого реагента синтезированы флюоресценнмеченные тимидны и два праймера для амплификации участка гена HlV-1