4,473 research outputs found

    Photon noise in a random laser amplifier with fluctuating properties

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    We study fluctuations of the number of photocounts measured by an ideal photodetector illuminated by light scattered in an amplifying disordered medium, below the threshold for random lasing. We show that the variance of fluctuations and their correlation function carry information about fluctuating properties of the medium. A direct link is established between the fluctuations of the number of photocounts due to the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) and the dimensionless conductance g of the medium. Our results suggest a possibility of probing amplifying disordered media by analyzing statistics of their ASE, without illuminating them from outside by a probe beam.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Classification of three-body quantum halos

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    The different kinds of behaviour of three-body systems in the weak binding limit are classified with specific attention to the transition from a true three-body system to an effective two-body system. For weakly bound Borromean systems approaching the limit of binding we show that the size-binding energy relation is an almost universal function of the three s-wave scattering lengths measured in units of a hyperradial scaling parameter defined as a mass weighted average of two-body equivalent square well radii. We explain why three-body halos follow this curve and why systems appearing above reveal two-body substructures. Three-body quantum halos 2-3 times larger than the limit set by zero hypermoment are possible

    Three-Body Halos in Two Dimensions

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    A method to study weakly bound three-body quantum systems in two dimensions is formulated in coordinate space for short-range potentials. Occurrences of spatially extended structures (halos) are investigated. Borromean systems are shown to exist in two dimensions for a certain class of potentials. An extensive numerical investigation shows that a weakly bound two-body state gives rise to two weakly bound three-body states, a reminiscence of the Efimov effect in three dimensions. The properties of these two states in the weak binding limit turn out to be universal. PACS number(s): 03.65.Ge, 21.45.+v, 31.15.Ja, 02.60NmComment: 9 pages, 2 postscript figures, LaTeX, epsf.st

    Square-well solution to the three-body problem

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    The angular part of the Faddeev equations is solved analytically for s-states for two-body square-well potentials. The results are, still analytically, generalized to arbitrary short-range potentials for both small and large distances. We consider systems with three identical bosons, three non-identical particles and two identical spin-1/2 fermions plus a third particle with arbitrary spin. The angular wave functions are in general linear combinations of trigonometric and exponential functions. The Efimov conditions are obtained at large distances. General properties and applications to arbitrary potentials are discussed. Gaussian potentials are used for illustrations. The results are useful for numerical calculations, where for example large distances can be treated analytically and matched to the numerical solutions at smaller distances. The saving is substantial.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX file, 9 postscript figures included using epsf.st
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