1 research outputs found

    Socio Economic Impact Assessment of Pre-harvest Sugarcane Burning: Empirical Data Around Wonji/Shoa and Matahara Sugar Factories

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    In Ethiopia, the area of sugarcane is rising rapidly in response to increased sugar demand for human consumption. Despite considerable diversity in production systems and contexts, sugarcane is particularly high impact crop with significant positive and negative environmental and socio economic influences. Depending on a systematic review of scientific evidence combined with data that was collected through household interviews, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, direct observation and field notes of the researcher as well as secondary data from various sources to complement the primary data, the present study assess the socio economic and environmental impacts resulting from pre-harvest burning of cane in Wonji/Shoa and Metahara sugarcane estates. The results of study Show that the pre-harvest  burning of cane harvesting practices have negative impacts on local economy in terms of human health (both local communities and sugarcane workers) resulting from smokes and dust particles. Moreover, the pre-harvest burning sugarcane practices have negative environmental effects as demonstrated by clearing of vegetation cover, depletion of water resources and soil degradation. On the other hand, sugarcane trash resources can be used for animals' feed and alternative energy sources like sugarcane briquette charcoal. Our findings then will help to guide sugar industries and policy makers with new insights/strategies in understanding the situated environmental and social impacts associated with alternative sugarcane harvesting system by using green harvesting technologies (either manual or mechanical) and at the same time opening job opportunity to the local communities by utilization of trash as animals feed, energy source and compost.  Finally, recommendations have been provided in order to address the socio-economic and environmental effects on local communities and sugarcane workers and air quality management. Keywords: Pre-harvest sugarcane burning, Wonji/Shoa, Metahara, impact DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/11-19-04 Publication date:October 31st 202