43 research outputs found

    Changes in gene expression of DOR and other thyroid hormone receptors in rat liver during acute-phase response

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    Non-thyroidal illness is characterized by low tri-iodothyronine (T3) serum level under acute-phase conditions. We studied hepatic gene expression of the newly identified thyroid hormone receptor (TR) cofactor DOR/TP53INP2 together with TRs in a rat model of aseptic abscesses induced by injecting intramuscular turpentine-oil into each hind limb. A fast (4-6 h) decrease in the serum level of free thyroxine and free T3 was observed. By immunohistology, abundant DOR protein expression was detected in the nuclei of hepatocytes and ED-1+ (mononuclear phagocytes), CK-19+ (biliary cells), and SMA+ (mesenchymal cells of the portal tract) cells. DOR signal was reduced with a minimum at 6-12 h after the acute-phase reaction (APR). Immunohistology also showed a similar pattern of protein expression in TRα1 but without a significant change during APR. Transcripts specific for DOR, nuclear receptor co-repressor 1 (NCoR-1), and TRβ1 were down-regulated with a minimum at 6-12 h, whereas expression for TRα1 and TRα2 was slightly and significantly up-regulated, respectively, with a maximum at 24 h after APR was initiated. In cultured hepatocytes, acute-phase cytokines interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and IL-6 down-regulated DOR and TRβ1 at the mRNA level. Moreover, gene expression of DOR and TRs (TRα1, TRα2, and TRβ1) was up-regulated in hepatocytes by adding T3 to the culture medium; this up-regulation was almost completely blocked by treating the cells with IL-6. Thus, TRβ1, NCoR-1, and the recently identified DOR/TP53INP2 are abundantly expressed and down-regulated in liver cells during APR. Their down-regulation is attributable to the decreased serum level of thyroid hormones and most probably also to the direct action of the main acute-phase cytokines

    Comparison of changes in gene expression of transferrin receptor-1 and other iron-regulatory proteins in rat liver and brain during acute-phase response

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    The “acute phase” is clinically characterized by homeostatic alterations such as somnolence, adinamia, fever, muscular weakness, and leukocytosis. Dramatic changes in iron metabolism are observed under acute-phase conditions. Rats were administered turpentine oil (TO) intramuscularly to induce a sterile abscess and killed at various time points. Tissue iron content in the liver and brain increased progressively after TO administration. Immunohistology revealed an abundant expression of transferrin receptor-1 (TfR1) in the membrane and cytoplasm of the liver cells, in contrast to almost only nuclear expression of TfR1 in brain tissue. The expression of TfR1 increased at the protein and RNA levels in both organs. Gene expression of hepcidin, ferritin-H, iron-regulatory protein-1, and heme oxygenase-1 was also upregulated, whereas that of hemojuvelin, ferroportin-1, and the hemochromatosis gene was significantly downregulated at the same time points in both the brain and the liver at the RNA level. However, in contrast to observations in the liver, gene expression of the main acute-phase cytokine (interleukin-6) in the brain was significantly upregulated. In vitro experiments revealed TfR1 membranous protein expression in the liver cells, whereas nuclear and cytoplasmic TfR1 protein was detectable in brain cells. During the non-bacterial acute phase, iron content in the liver and brain increased together with the expression of TfR1. The iron metabolism proteins were regulated in a way similar to that observed in the liver, possibly by locally produced acute-phase cytokines. The significance of the presence of TfR1 in the nucleus of the brain cells has to be clarified

    Juno's Earth flyby: the Jovian infrared Auroral Mapper preliminary results

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    The Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper, JIRAM, is an image-spectrometer onboard the NASA Juno spacecraft flying to Jupiter. The instrument has been designed to study the aurora and the atmosphere of the planet in the spectral range 2-5 μm. The very first scientific observation taken with the instrument was at the Moon just before Juno's Earth fly-by occurred on October 9, 2013. The purpose was to check the instrument regular operation modes and to optimize the instrumental performances. The testing activity will be completed with pointing and a radiometric/spectral calibrations shortly after Jupiter Orbit Insertion. Then the reconstruction of some Moon infrared images, together with co-located spectra used to retrieve the lunar surface temperature, is a fundamental step in the instrument operation tuning. The main scope of this article is to serve as a reference to future users of the JIRAM datasets after public release with the NASA Planetary Data System

    Five Years of Observations of the Circumpolar Cyclones of Jupiter

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    The regular polygons of circumpolar cyclones, discovered by Juno in 2017, are one of the most puzzling features of Jupiter. Here we show new recent global pictures of the North polar cyclones' structure. These are the first simultaneous images of the whole structure since 2017, and we find that it remained almost unperturbed, just like the South one. The observation of these long-lasting structures poses questions regarding the formation mechanism of cyclones, and on their vertical structure. Data by Juno/JIRAM infrared camera collected over the last 5 years show that cyclones migrate around what may seem like equilibrium positions, with timescales of a few months but, aside from that, the cyclones systems are very stable. Our analysis of the observations shows that the motion of cyclones around their equilibrium position is uncorrelated with their position if a barotropic approximation (β-drift) is assumed. Thus, a different dynamical explanation than the barotropic β-drift is needed to explain the stability of the observed features. Each cyclone has a peculiar morphology, which differs from the others and is stable over the observed lapse of time in most cases

    Infrared observations of Io from Juno

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    The Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper (JIRAM) on board the NASA Juno spacecraft is a dual-band imager and spectrometer, primarily designed to study the Jovian atmosphere and aurorae. In addition to its primary goal, JIRAM has been used to obtain images and spectra of the Galilean satellites, Jupiter's largest moons, when the spacecraft attitude was favourable to achieve this goal. Here we present JIRAM's first images and spectra of Io. These observations are used to characterize the location and possible morphology, and some temperatures, of Io's volcanic thermal sources; the identification of SO2 and the possible identification of other materials. A new hot spot/volcano is identified close to the South Pole of Io, and others are seen in lower latitude regions, which were previously unmapped. Images of the same region taken 2 months apart also show variations of hot spot intensity, possibly due to new lava flows or to lava flow breakouts

    Mapping Io's Surface Composition With Juno/JIRAM

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    The surface composition of Io is dominated by SO2 frost, plus other chemical species identified or proposed over the past decades by combining Earth-based and space-based observations with laboratory data. Here we discuss spectroscopic data sets of Io obtained by the Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper (JIRAM) spectro-imager onboard Juno in nine orbits, spanning a 3-year period. We display average spectral profiles of Io in the 2-5 μm range, and we use band depths derived from those profiles to map the geographic distribution of SO2 frost and other spectral features. This data set allows for an ~22% surface coverage at 58 to 162 km/px and in a broad range of latitudes. Our results confirm the broadly regional SO2-frost trends already highlighted by Galileo/NIMS. Io's average spectral profiles as well as the mapping of the 4.47-μm band also confirm that SO2 exists in the 32S16O18O isotopic form. Surprisingly, the mapping performed by JIRAM shows that the absorption band at 2.1 μm is unrelated to SO2 frost, while we map for the first time the depth of the 2.65-μm band, highlighting regions enriched in this absorber, possibly H2S. JIRAM data confirm that the 3.92-μm band, likely due to Cl2SO2, is largely related to the SO2 distribution. The correlation between Cl2SO2 and ClSO2, possibly revealed at 4.62 μm, is not equally clear. The simultaneous presence of two very weak spectral features at 4.55 and 4.62 μm suggests that nitrile compounds or tholins may also be present on the surface