1,802 research outputs found

    Growth and Income Poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean: Evidence from Household Surveys

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    This paper provides evidence on growth and income poverty in Latin American and the Caribbean. Results are obtained by processing microdata from household surveys of 18 LAC countries covering the 1990s and early 2000s. Over this period the LAC economies have experienced very heterogeneous patterns of growth and poverty changes. Most countries in the region have had a rather meager performance in terms of poverty reduction. Episodes of positive, significant and unambiguously pro-poor income growth have been rare in Latin America in the last 15 years.poverty, growth, inequality, pro-poor growth, Latin America.

    Trade and Labor Outcomes in Latin America's Rural Areas: A Cross-Household Surveys Approach

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    This paper explores the potential link between trade and labor outcomes in rural areas in Latin America by estimating cross household-survey regression models with microdata from 60 Latin American household surveys and country aggregate data. We find a significant positive association between labor outcomes in rural areas and some measures of international trade, in particular exports, trade as a share of GDP, and the price of exports. International trade has been associated with higher wages and labor income in rural areas, in particular for those workers located in the bottom quantiles of the conditional wage distribution. Instead, our results suggest that all individuals in rural areas benefit about the same due to higher export prices. Results for urban areas are rarely statistically significant.trade, wages, labor, rural, Latin America

    Los Juegos florales de Ronda en 1911

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    Datos recogidos de la cub.Copia digital : Diputación de Málaga. Biblioteca Canovas del Castillo, 201

    Response Surface Methodology of Glutamine, Asparagine and 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid for Agave americana L. Embryo Number and their Optimization in a RITA® Automatic Bioreactor System

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    Response surface methodology was used to investigate the effect of different concentrations of 2,4-dicholorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), asparagine and glutamine on a number of embryos from callus of Agave americana L generated with 0.5mg/L of 2,4-D, treatments obtained according to an experimental design with response surface Box-Behnken with three repetitions at the central point with 0, 1 and 2 mg L-1 2, 4-D; 0, 200 and 500 mg L-1 glutamine and 0, 500 and 1000 mg L-1 asparagine. The embryo number was optimized using the RITA® automatic bioreactors system using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and a Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) varying the immersion frequencies with similar solid and liquid treatments at the same time for comparative purposes. The results showed that interaction between asparagine and glutamine had a statistically significant effect and the largest embryo number was obtained with the higher concentration of the two amino acids, the coefficient of determination (R2) calculated from the validation data for RSM model was 0.92, The use of the RITA® bioreactor had a positive effect on embryo number at 1 min of immersion time and a frequency of 12 times a day comparing with the liquid system but not at others frequencies, possibly because of the physical conditions inside the reactor. Response surface design was an experimental strategy which led to raise the embryo number using asparagine and glutamine as supplement of MS medium in the callus differentiation A. americana L. and using the RITA reactors automatic system was effective to improve the multiplication rate

    “Yo no puedo estar sin escribir” Entrevista a Félix Armando Quirós Tejeira

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    Conversar con Félix Armando Quirós Tejeira brinda la rara oportunidad de conocer a, por lo menos, tres personas en una, ya que muestra gran facilidad y versatilidad para ponerse el sombrero técnico, el académico o el literario, según la situación lo amerite. «Yo no puedo estar sin escribir» es una frase que lo retrata en sólo seis palabras. Nacido en la ciudad de Panamá el 21 de enero de 1959, es ingeniero civil, profesor universitario y escritor. Laboró por muchos años en el Instituto de Acueductos y Alcantarillados Nacionales, sobre todo en la rama de las aguas servidas. A nivel cultural, fue director del programa Foro Cultural en Radio Libre y miembro fundador del colectivo de escritores “Umbral”. Como escritor obtuvo en 1993 el Primer Premio del Concurso de Cuentos Darío Herrera, en 1994 logró la primera mención honorífica del Concurso de Cuentos César A. Candanedo

    Rayman: Interoperability use of Meteorological Observation

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    The observation of atmospheric phenomena enables generating of knowledge about the weather and meteors occurrence in a region. When this information is georeferenced it becomes useful for a great number of professional and public activities in the field of e.g. building, infrastructures, aeronautics, biota, tourism, agriculture and energy. At the present time access to that information is limited. Few meteorological agencies apply geo-Standards, hindering the development of GIS tools for monitoring, threshold alerts and decision support helping. This work describes how public agencies publish meteorological data and the solution developed at the Spanish Electrical Network (REE) to store the information provided by the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET). The implemented solution enables the access to the weather observations collected by the meteorological agency and the rays captured by the detection network in a interoperable way and the exploitation, by as well a desktop GIS capable of connecting with Oracle-Spatial database as through the interfaces of the OGC standardized services (WMS, WFS and SOS)

    Trade and labor outcomes in Latin America's rural areas: a cross-household surveys approach

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    Este trabajo explora la conexión entre el comercio y los resultados laborales en áreas rurales de América Latina al estimar modelos de regresión a nivel de hogar utilizando una combinación de microdatos de 60 encuestas de hogares y datos agregados. Se encuentra una asociación positiva y significativa entre los resultados laborales en áreas rurales y algunas medidas de comercio internacional, en particular: las exportaciones, el porcentaje que representa el comercio en el PBI y el precio de las exportaciones. El comercio internacional se asocia con mayores salarios e ingresos en el sector rural, especialmente para los trabajadores en los cuantiles inferiores de la distribución salarial. Sin embargo, los resultados sugieren que todos los individuos en áreas rurales se benefician de igual manera por los precios de exportación mayores. Los resultados para áreas urbanas no son estadísticamente significativos.This paper explores the potential link between trade and labor outcomes in rural areas in Latin America by estimating cross household-survey regression models with microdata from 60 Latin American household surveys and country aggregate data. We find a significant positive association between labor outcomes in rural areas and some measures of international trade, in particular exports, trade as a share of GDP, and the price of exports. International trade has been associated with higher wages and labor income in rural areas, in particular for those workers located in the bottom quantiles of the conditional wage distribution. Instead, our results suggest that all individuals in rural areas benefit about the same due to higher export prices. Results for urban areas are rarely statistically significant.Centro de Estudios Distributivos, Laborales y Sociales (CEDLAS

    Growth and income poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean: evidence from household surveys

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    Este trabajo provee evidencia sobre crecimiento y pobreza en América Latina y el Caribe (LAC). Los resultados se obtienen de microdatos provenientes de encuestas de hogares para 18 países en la región desde los 1990s a principios de los 2000s. Durante este período, las economías en LAC experimentaron patrones heterogéneos de crecimiento y en la evolución de la pobreza. La mayor parte de los países muestran un desempeño precario en la reducción de la pobreza y una reducida cantidad de episodios de crecimiento pro-pobre positivo y significativo. growth and poverty changes. Most countries in the region had a rather meager performance in terms of poverty reduction. Episodes of positive, significant and unambiguously pro-poor income growth have been rare in Latin America.This paper provides evidence on growth and income poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Results are obtained by processing microdata from household surveys of 18 LAC countries covering the 1990s and early 2000s. Over this period the LAC economies experienced very heterogeneous patterns of growth and poverty changes. Most countries in the region had a rather meager performance in terms of poverty reduction. Episodes of positive, significant and unambiguously pro-poor income growth have been rare in Latin America.Trabajo publicado en la Review of Income and Wealth 53 (2): 209-245, June, 2007.Centro de Estudios Distributivos, Laborales y Sociales (CEDLAS

    Dinámica salarial y ocupacional: análisis de panel para Argentina 1998-2002

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    En el presente trabajo se estudia conjuntamente la estabilidad ocupacional y salarial en Argentina durante los años 1998-2002. Usando paneles construidos a partir de la EPH, se analiza la forma en la cual las características del trabajador impactan en la volatilidad salarial y en las probabilidades de perder o conseguir empleo. Se encuentra evidencia indicando que aquellos individuos con salarios relativamente bajos son los que enfrentan las mayores oscilaciones en sus ingresos y la más alta rotación empleo-desempleo. Durante el período de mayor profundidad de la crisis la inestabilidad ocupacional se duplicó y la movilidad salarial relativa se mantuvo estable.In this paper it is jointly studied the occupation and the wage stability in Argentina during the years 1998-2002. Using matched panel data from the EPH survey, it is analyzed the way in which the characteristics of the worker impact on the wage volatility and on the probability of being fired or hired. The evidence indicates that those individuals with relatively low salary face the highest income oscillations and the highest employment-unemployment rotation. During the deepest period of the crisis, the employment instability double and the relative wage mobility remained stable.Centro de Estudios Distributivos, Laborales y Sociales (CEDLAS

    Modelado y simulación de control de una aeronave tipo cuadricóptero

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    En los últimos años se ha expandido el uso de aeronaves no tripuladas alrededor del mundo, llamadas UAVs por sus siglas en inglés (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), siendo manejados remotamente, por una persona y en ocasiones, gracias a los avances en las áreas de la inteligencia artificial, se ha conseguido que estas aeronaves se desplacen de un punto a otro del espacio de forma autónoma, controlando su estabilidad y evadiendo obstáculos. Se han desarrollado para ser herramientas muy versátiles, de diversos tamaños y formas, siendo útiles para realizar trabajos que podrían ser peligrosos o muy costosos para el hombre. Se han usado para el envío de mensajes y paquetes, equipos de búsqueda y rescate, reconocimiento de lugares [11] y mapeado 3D, extinción de incendios forestales [12], fotografías y grabaciones aéreas, inteligencia militar y ataques aéreos, inspección de edificios, incluso como juguetes o aeromodelos deportivos. Una clase muy popular entre las aeronaves no tripuladas son los helicópteros de cuatro rotores, también llamados cuadricópteros, quadcopters, o quadrotores, los cuales presentan una simplicidad y eficiencia considerable frente a las demás UAVs en diversas aplicaciones, esto gracias a su distribución geométrica, a la estabilidad y eficiencia que pueden alcanzar sin necesidad de un gran número de entradas motrices