101 research outputs found
The Quijote-mfi northern sky survey at 10–20 ghz construction and study of the maps, and characterization of the microwave haze
Primordial gravitational waves generated during inflation are expected to imprint a peculiar footprint in the large angular scale polarization of the Cosmic
Microwave Background (CMB), the so-called B-modes, which however are still
undetected. Characterizing Galactic foregrounds such as polarized dust and
synchrotron emission, as well as having very precise control of instrumental effects, is extremely important to target a clean detection of the CMB B-modes.
This thesis is set in this context, and presents an analysis of the data of
the MFI instrument of the QUIJOTE experiment. QUIJOTE-MFI has been
installed at the Teide Observatory since 2012, with the aim to observe the intensity and linear polarization of the microwave sky at four frequencies in the
range 10–20 GHz. The purpose of QUIJOTE-MFI is to measure the low frequency Galactic foregrounds such as anomalous microwave emission (AME) and
polarized synchrotron, which need to be precisely characterized to complement
the study of the CMB polarization anisotropies.
An important part of this thesis is dedicated to the development of the PICASSO map-making code, which is based on the destriping technique (e.g., Keihänen et al., 2010), and which is used to construct the intensity and linear polarization (Stokes Q and U ) maps for the QUIJOTE experiment. PICASSO
allows a precise reconstruction of the signal at large angular scales, which is key
for B-modes searches. A first version of the code was initially implemented in
a previous thesis by Pelaez Santos (2019), and it was further developed during
this thesis by including the use of priors for the 1/f noise, and a technique for
the fitting of templates in the time domain to the data, during the map-making
step. PICASSO was validated with realistic simulations of QUIJOTE-MFI data,
showing that the reconstruction of the sky signal is precise at the 0.001% level
and for multipoles 20 ∼< ` ∼< 200. In addition, the study of the transfer function
of the code showed that 100% of the sky signal is recovered at scales ` ∼> 10,
with only ∼ 2% power loss at 2 ∼< ` ∼< 8 for EE and BB. This work will soon be published in Guidi et al., (submitted).
Afterwards, this thesis describes the application of this code for the construction, validation, and study of the QUIJOTE-MFI wide-survey maps, which are
obtained from approximately one year of effective observations of the full northern sky, at 10–20 GHz, taken in the period 2012–2018. The wide-survey maps
are presented, analyzed and characterized, in conjunction with their angular
power spectra. The angular power spectra of the polarization maps (which are
synchrotron dominated) can be modeled, at 11 GHz, with a power law C` ∝ `
with α = −3.00±0.16 for EE and α = −3.09±0.41 for BB, at Galactic latitudes
|b| > 5
◦ and declinations 6
◦ < δ < 70◦
, in the multipole range 30 < ` < 300.
The relative amplitude of the power of the E and B-modes at ` = 80 is measured
to be ABB/AEE = 0.34±0.10 within the aforementioned sky area, it being lower
than the BB/EE ratio measured for dust emission by Planck (ABB/AEE = 0.5;
Planck Collaboration et al., 2018c). The TB and EB spectra of the maps are
measured to be compatible with zero within the uncertainties, and the TE
spectrum is marginally detected at low multipoles. In addition, a complete set
of validation tests, including the analyses of null-tests for the characterization
of the noise in the maps, and cross-correlation analysis for the validation of
the calibration of the data are presented. These results will be published in
Rubiño-Martín et al. (in prep.), which will also be accompanied by a set of
papers focused on the scientific exploitation of the QUIJOTE-MFI wide-survey
data. The maps will be made publicly available.
Finally, new data taken in the region surrounding the Galactic center were
analyzed in combination with the wide-survey data, with the aim of studying
the so-called microwave Haze. The Haze is a diffuse emission with uncertain
and interesting origin, since it could be attributed to dark matter annihilation
in the Galactic bulge, or to nuclear activity in the Galactic center. It extends
from the Galactic center up to high Galactic latitudes (|b| < 35◦
), with spatial
correspondence to the Fermi bubbles observed in γ-rays, and to the polarized
radio plumes observed by the S-PASS survey at 2.3 GHz. The Haze area is
studied in intensity and in polarization, using the new data provided by the
QUIJOTE experiment. An excess of diffuse signal that could be attributed to
the Haze is detected in intensity with ∼ 9σ confidence level. The intensity
spectrum of this emission was modeled using a power-law spectrum, leading to
a spectral index βH = −2.79 ± 0.08, in the range 11–60 GHz. This result is in
slight tension with previous measurements (e.g., Planck Collaboration et al.,
2013) that estimated βH = −2.56 ± 0.05. However, in agreement with previous
works, it can be observed that the spectrum of the the Haze is flatter than
that of the total synchrotron in the same area and frequency range, which has a spectral index β
s = −3.00 ± 0.03. In addition, we observed a difference
between the intensity spectral index of the North and South Haze bubbles, at
∼ 6σ confidence level. Finally, a study of the polarized spurs and plumes that
are possibly associated with the Haze is presented, where a clear steepening of
the spectrum between 11 GHz and 23 GHz can be observed, in agreement with
previous works (Carretti et al., 2013). These results will be published in Guidi
et al. (in prep.).Las ondas gravitacionales primordiales generadas durante la inflación deberían observarse como un huella característica en la polarización a gran escala angular del Fondo de Microondas Cósmico (CMB). Esta huella se conoce como modos B del CMB, y aún no ha sido observada. Con el fin de poder obtener una detección limpia de los modos B primigenios, es extremadamente importante caracterizar la emisión Galáctica polarizada de polvo y sincrotrón, y controlar con alta precisión los efectos sistemáticos de la instrumentación de microondas.
Esta tesis se desarrolla en este contexto, presentando un análisis de los datos del instrumento MFI del experimento QUIJOTE, que, desde 2012, mide la intensidad y la polarización lineal del cielo de microondas desde el Observatorio del Teide, en el rango de frequencias 10–20 GHz. El objetivo de QUIJOTE-MFI es caracterizar con alta precisión la emision Galáctica de baja frecuencia, en particular la emisión anómala de microondas (AME) y el sincrotrón polarizado, para complementar el estudio de las anisotropías de polarización del CMB.
Con ese fin, en esta tesis se ha desarrollado el código de elaboración de mapas PICASSO, basado en la técnica de destriping (Keihänen et al., 2010), el cual se utiliza para construir los mapas de intensidad y de polarización lineal (parametros de Stokes Q y U) del experimento QUIJOTE. PICASSO permite una reconstrucción muy precisa de las grandes escala angulares de la señal de cielo, siendo fundamental para estudios relacionados con los modos B. La implementación del código se inició en un proyecto de tesis anterior (Pelaez Santos, 2019), y su desarrollo continuó durante esta tesis con la inclusión del uso de priors para el ruido 1/f y una técnica para el ajuste de patrones en el dominio temporal durante la construcción del mapa. PICASSO ha sido validado con simulaciones realistas de datos de QUIJOTE-MFI, mostrando que la reconstrucción de la señal del cielo es precisa en un 0.001% en multipolos en el rango 20 10, con solo un ∼ 2% de pérdida de potencia en 2 < l < 8 para los modos E y B de la señal polarizada. Estos análisis han sido presentados en un artículo que ya fue enviado a publicar (Guidi et al., enviado).
Este código ha sido aplicado para construir los mapas finales en intensidad y polarización de todo el hemisferio norte Galáctico (wide-survey), en cuatro frecuencias en el rango 10–20GHz, y utilizando datos obtenidos durante un tiempo efectivo de observación de un año. Esta tesis presenta una caracterización detallada de estos mapas, basada principalmente en el cálculo de sus espectros de potencias. Los espectros de potencias de estos mapas en polarización (que están claramente dominados por emisión sincrotrón) fueron modelados utilizando una ley de potencias Cl≈l^α, con α = −3.00 ± 0.16 para el modo E y α = −3.09 ± 0.41 para el B, en latitudes galácticas |b| > 5º y declinaciones 6º < δ < 70º, en el rango de multipolos 30 < l < 300. Asimismo, se ha medido el cociente entre la amplitud de la potencia de los modos E y B en l = 80, obteniendo A_BB/A_EE = 0.34±0.10, dentro del área del cielo antes mencionada. Este valor es menor que el cociente para la emisión de polvo térmico derivado de los datos de Planck (A_BB/A_EE = 0.5; Planck Collaboration et al., 2018c). También se han medidos los espectros TB y EB de los mapas, siendo éstos compatibles con cero dentro de las incertidumbres, y se ha detectado marginalmente el espectro TE en multipolos bajos. Además, se han presentado los resultados de diferentes pruebas de validación de los datos, que incluyen el análisis de test nulos para la caracterización del ruido en los mapas, y unos análisis de correlación cruzada destinados a la validación de la calibración de los datos. Estos resultados se publicarán en Rubiño-Martín et al. (en preparación), que irá acompañado por un conjunto de artículos centrados en la explotación científica de los datos del wide-survey de QUIJOTE-MFI. Los mapas se harán públicos a partir de estas publicaciones.
Por último se analizaron nuevos datos de QUIJOTE-MFI, en combinación con los del wide-survey, en el Haze, una región que se extiende alrededor del centro Galáctico hasta altas latitudes (|b| < 35º) y que presenta una fuerte emisión en microondas, con contrapartidas en otras longitudes de onda: las burbujas de Fermi en rayos gamma, y las plumas polarizadas observadas en radio (a 2.3 GHz). El Haze es una emisión difusa de origen incierto e interesante, posiblemente asociada con el decaimiento de partículas de materia oscura, o con actividad nuclear del centro Galáctico. Utilizando datos de QUIJOTE-MFI, detectamos, con un nivel de confianza de ≈9σ, un exceso de señal difusa en intensidad, el cual podría atribuirse a la emisión del Haze, y cuyo espectro presenta una ley de potencias correspondiente a un sincrotrón con índice espectral β_H = −2.79 ± 0.08, en el rango de frequencias 11–60 GHz. Este índice espectral es ligeramente distinto de los publicados anteriormente (por ejemplo, Planck Collaboration et al., 2013) que estimaron β_H = −2.56 ± 0.05. Sin embargo, y de acuerdo con trabajos anteriores, observamos que el espectro del Haze es más plano que el del sincrotrón total en la misma área y rango de frecuencias, el cual presenta un índice espectral β_s = −3.00 ± 0.03. Además, se observó una diferencia entre el índice espectral de intensidad de las burbujas Norte y Sur del Haze, con un nivel de confianza de ≈6σ. Finalmente, se realizó un estudio de las estructuras y filamentos polarizados posiblemente asociados con el Haze, observando un cambio del índice espectral hacia valores con una pendiente mayor en bajas frecuencias, en consistencia con los resultados de trabajos anteriores (Carretti et al., 2013). Estos resultados se publicarán en Guidi et al. (en preparación)
Essential Oils as Nematicides in Plant Protection-A Review
By 2030, the European Commission intends to halve chemical pesticide use and its consequent risks. Among pesticides, nematicides are chemical agents used to control parasitic roundworms in agriculture. In recent decades, researchers have been looking for more sustainable alternatives with the same effectiveness but a limited impact on the environment and ecosystems. Essential oils (EOs) are similar bioactive compounds and potential substitutes. Different studies on the use of EOs as nematicides are available in the Scopus database in the scientific literature. These works show a wider exploration of EO effects in vitro than in vivo on different nematode populations. Nevertheless, a review of which EOs have been used on different target nematodes, and how, is still not available. The aim of this paper is to explore the extent of EO testing on nematodes and which of them have nematicidal effects (e.g., mortality, effects on motility, inhibition of egg production). Particularly, the review aims to identify which EOs have been used the most, on which nematodes, and which formulations have been applied. This study provides an overview of the available reports and data to date, downloaded from Scopus, through (a) network maps created by VOSviewer software (version 1.6.8, Nees Jan van Eck and Ludo Waltman, Leiden, The Netherlands) and (b) a systematic analysis of all scientific papers. VOSviewer created maps with keywords derived from co-occurrence analysis to understand the main keywords used and the countries and journals which have published most on the topic, while the systematic analysis investigated all the documents downloaded. The main goal is to offer a comprehensive understanding of the potential use of EOs in agriculture as well as which directions future research should move toward
Hazards and safety issues associated to the residual solid content in crude edible oil processing
The present work focuses on the hazards connected with edible oil refining during process and maintenance operations. A specific experimental protocol was set up in order to verify the possibility of having fire hazards connected with the unwanted residual solids which might accumulate on the bottom of storage tanks, due to sedimentation, or in process equipment, due to progressive fouling. The analysis of residual solid samples taken from an actual edible oil refinery allowed evaluating the possible formation of flammable mixtures or products during maintenance operations. Specific hazard indexes were defined in order to analyse two case studies which provided indications for the safety enhancement of process and maintenance operations
Synchronous anal canal cancer and cervical cancer: report of a case and management implication
Background: This is the case report of a synchronous anal canal cancer and cervical cancer in a patient who underwent definitive chemoradiotherapy (CRT) and radical surgery for anal canal and cervical carcinoma, respectively. Case Report: A 55-year-old woman was diagnosed with cT4a cN1 Mx anal canal squamous cell carcinoma and stage IA2 cervical squamous cell carcinoma, based on biopsy and imaging. Definitive CRT consisted of radiotherapy (total dose of 59.4 Gy) and concomitant mitomycin (10 mg/m(2)) and 5-fluorouracil (750 mg/m(2)/5 daily continuous infusion) during the first and last week of radiation. The patient exhibited a complete clinical and radiological response. A radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy was then performed. At the last follow-up (30 months), the patient is still disease-free without any treatment-associated complications. Conclusion: There is limited information in the literature regarding treatment strategy and outcome of patients with synchronous anal canal and cervical cancer. A two-step treatment, including CRT and radical hysterectomy, is likely to be accepted as valid option
The Marcus Caelius Project: a transmedial approach to support cultural communication and educational activities at the Civical Archaeological Museum of Bologna
[EN] The project “Marcus Caelius – the Value of Memory” is a 8 minute short animation movie located in the Roman Bologna at the Augustan Age. It originated with the Civical Archaeological Museum of Bologna in collaboration with Cineca VisIT-Lab. The project emploies a well known historical fact (the Battle of Teutoburg) to enable a philological approach within an emotional/narrative process. New philologically accurate reconstructions (i.e archaeological finds hedged in the Museum’s collection) are integrated with 3D historical sets caming form previous Cineca projects. Mixed movie-making techniques, such as Blender rendering, Chroma key and Machinima animation, implemented an ad hoc production pipeline in order to define times and costs which could be supported by a small production.[ES] El proyecto de "Marcus Caelius, el valor de la memoria" es una breve película de animación de 8 minutos ambientada en la Bolonia romana (Bononia) durante el periodo del emperador Augusto, que surge de una iniciativa del Museo Arqueológico de Bolonia, en colaboración con Cineca. Este proyecto, basado en un famoso hecho histórico (la batalla de Teutoburgo), quiere proponer un enfoque filológico dentro de un proceso emocional/narrativo, definiendo una pipeline de producción apropiada (que incluye renderizado de Blender, Chroma key y animación Machinima) para definir tiempo y costes que puedan ser cubiertos por un pequeña producción. Nuevas reconstrucciones filológicamente adecuadas (restos arqueológicos en la Colección del Museo), se integran dentro de sets en 3D que proceden deproyectos anteriores de Cineca.The research leading to these results is partly funded by the EU Community's FP7 ICT under the V-MusT.net Project (Grant Agreement
270404). The publication reflects only the author’s views and the Community is not liable for any use that may be made of the
information contained therein. Neither the V-MusT.net consortium as a whole, nor a certain participant of the V-MusT.net consortium,
warrant that the information contained in this document is capable of use, nor that use of the information is free from risk, and accepts
no liability for loss or damage suffered by any person using this information.Bentini, L.; De Luca, D.; Donati, C.; Giovetti, P.; Guidazzoli, A.; Guidi, F.; Marchesi, M.... (2012). The Marcus Caelius Project: a transmedial approach to support cultural communication and educational activities at the Civical Archaeological Museum of Bologna. Virtual Archaeology Review. 3(7):82-85. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2012.4393OJS828537ANTINUCCI, F. (2010): Comunicare nel museo. Con DVD. Percorsi Laterza. Laterza.BORGATTI, C. et al. (2004): "Databases and virtual environments: a good match for communicating complex cultural sites". in ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Educators program (New York, NY, USA, 2004), SIGGRAPH '04, ACM. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1186107.1186143DELLI PONTI, Francesca et al. (2011): "A Blender open pipeline for a 3D animated historical short film", in Proceeding of the 12th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers, VAST 2011.JUNG, Y. et al. (2011): "X3DOM AS CARRIER OF THE VIRTUAL HERITAGE", International Workshop 3D-ARCH, 4, 2011, Trento.O'REILLY, T. (2003): "The Architecture of Participation", [online] http:// www.oreillynet.com/lpt/wlg/3017 [Consult: 14-04-2012]
Heart rate variability analysis during muscle fatigue due to prolonged isometric contraction
Fatigue can be defined as the muscular condition occurring before the inability to perform a task. It can be assessed through the evaluation of the median and mean frequency of the spectrum of the surface electromyography series. Previous studies investigated the relationship between heartbeat dynamics and muscular activity. However, exploitation of such cardiovascular measures to automatically identify muscle fatigue during fatiguing exercises is still missing. To this extent, HRV signals were gathered from 32 subjects during an isometric contraction task, and features defined in the time, frequency and nonlinear domains were investigated. We used surface electromyography to label the occurrence of muscle fatigue. Statistically significant differences were observed by comparing features related to fatigued subjects with the non-fatigued ones. Moreover, a pattern recognition system capable to achieve an average accuracy of 78.24% was implemented. These results confirmed the hypothesis that a relationship between heartbeat dynamics and muscle fatigue might exist
Muscle fatigue assessment through electrodermal activity analysis during isometric contraction
We studied the effects of muscle fatigue on the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) dynamics. Specifically, we monitored the electrodermal activity (EDA) on 32 healthy subjects performing isometric biceps contraction. As assessed by means of an electromyography (EMG) analysis, 15 subjects showed muscle fatigue and 17 did not. EDA signals were analyzed using the recently proposed cvxEDA model in order to decompose them into their phasic and tonic components and extract effective features to study ANS dynamics. A statistical comparison between the two groups of subjects was performed. Results revealed that relevant phasic EDA features significantly increased in the fatigued group. Moreover, a pattern recognition system was applied to the EDA dataset in order to automatically discriminate between fatigued and non-fatigued subjects. The proposed leave-one-subject-out KNN classifier showed an accuracy of 75.69%. These results suggest the use of EDA as correlate of muscle fatigue, providing integrative information to the standard indices extracted from the EMG signals
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