2 research outputs found


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    This study investigates the possibility of using rice husk ash as an additive to develop an environmentally friendly and low-cost drilling fluid system. Rice husk ash was added as an additive to water-based bentonite drilling fluids at different concentrations ranging from 2 wt% to 15 wt%. The rheological and filtration properties of each developed drilling fluid were measured by using a viscometer and standard low-pressure low-temperature filter press. Subsequently, the cutting carrying index, the minimum annulus velocity required to clean the bottom of the well efficiently, the flow behaviour index and the permeability of mud cakes of the formulated systems were calculated in order to assess the performance of the systems. The results demonstrated that the rheological and properties were improved depending on the concentration of the rice husk ash introduced. With the introduction of 15 wt% concentration of rice husk ash, while apparent viscosity and yield point increased by 60% and 183%, respectively, thixotropy and plastic viscosity decreased by 29% and 63%, respectively. On the other hand, drilling fluid with 4% wt% content of rice husk ash reduced the fluid loss by 10%. Moreover, the results showed that cutting the carrying index, the minimum annulus velocity required to clean the bottom of the well efficiently and the flow behaviour index of the enhanced with the exploitation of the rice husk ash in the drilling fluid. This study showed that rice husk ash is a promising additive to use in water-based bentonite drilling fluids when properly implemented, and hence reduces the impact on the environment, and the total cost for drilling.Istražene su mogućnosti upotrebe pepela rižine ljuske kao aditiva za pripremu ekoloÅ”ki prihvatljivijih i jeftinijih isplaka. Pepeo rižine ljuske dodan je u bentonitnu isplaku u različitim koncentracijama u rasponu od 2 do 15% maseno. ReoloÅ”ka i filtracijska svojstva pripremljenih isplaka mjerena su upotrebom viskozimetra i standardne API filtar preÅ”e. Naknadno, kako bi se bolje procijenila svojstva ispitivanih isplaka određen je indeks iznoÅ”enja krhotina, minimalna brzina protjecanja isplake u prstenastome prostoru potrebna za efikasno čiŔćenje dna buÅ”otine, indeks toka te propusnost isplačnoga obloga. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na poboljÅ”anje reoloÅ”kih i ostalih svojstava ispitivanih isplaka u ovisnosti o koriÅ”tenoj koncentraciji pepela rižine ljuske. Kod isplake u koju je dodano 15% maseno pepela rižine ljuske uočeno je povećanje prividne viskoznosti za 60% i naprezanja pri pokretanju za 183%, dok su tiksotropna svojstva i plastična viskoznost smanjeni za 29 % odnosno 63%. S druge strane, kod isplaka koje su pripremljene s 4% maseno pepela rižinih ljuski izmjereno je smanjenje filtracije za 10 %. Å toviÅ”e, rezultati upućuju na poboljÅ”anje indeksa iznoÅ”enja krhotina, smanjenje minimalne vrijednosti brzine protoka u prstenastome prostoru za efikasno čiŔćenje dna buÅ”otine i vrijednosti indeksa toka kod upotrebe pepela rižinih ljuski u isplaci. Ovo istraživanje jasno pokazuje da je pravilnom primjenom pepela rižinih ljuski kao aditiva u bentonitnoj isplaci moguće smanjiti utjecaj na okoliÅ” i troÅ”kove buÅ”enja


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    The objective of the study is to design a drilling fluid that prevents differential pressure pipe sticking tendency caused by drilling fluid with fly ash that is an industrial waste generated from the combustion of coal. To this end, drilling fluid samples were prepared with different particle sizes obtained through the sieving and grinding process and increasing concentrations of fly ash. Differential pipe sticking tests of the samples were performed by applying 3.447 MPa (500 psi) pressure and using a Fann Model 21150 Differential Sticking Tester in order to determine how the coefficient of sticking and torque reading varied with the fly ash. From the results, it was observed that the coefficient of sticking and torque reading of the water-based drilling fluids decreased up to a specific concentration as the concentration of fly ash increased. Furthermore, particle size analysis illustrated that the coefficient of sticking and torque of the drilling fluid differs depending on the particle size of fly ash introduced. The drilling fluid designed with ground fly ash demonstrated lower sticking coefficient and torque reading than that of drilling fluids formulated with raw and sieved fly ashes. The experimental study revealed that fly ash is a promising additive in the mitigation of differential sticking tendency caused by water-based drilling fluids.Cilj je ovoga istraživanja pripremiti isplaku uz dodatak lebdećega pepela, koji je industrijski otpad dobiven izgaranjem ugljena, koja će spriječiti pojavu diferencijalnoga prihvata buÅ”aćih alatki. Ispitani su uzorci isplake koji su pripremljeni s različitim koncentracijama i veličinama čestica lebdećega pepela, dobivenim mljevenjem i prosijavanjem. Ispitivanje sklonosti diferencijalnom prihvatu u različitim uzorcima isplake provedeno je pri tlaku 3,447 MPa (500 psi) koriÅ”tenjem uređaja Fann Model 21150, pri čemu je praćena promjena koeficijenta ljepljivosti i očitanja torzije s dodavanjem lebdećega pepela. Iz rezultata je vidljivo da se koeficijent ljepljivosti i očitanje torzije smanjuju s povećanjem koncentracije lebdećega pepela u isplaci. Nadalje, istraživanje je pokazalo da i koeficijent ljepljivosti i torzija ovise o raspodjeli veličine čestica lebdećega pepela u isplaci. Isplaka pripremljena s mljevenim lebdećim pepelom pokazala je niži koeficijent prianjanja i manje očitanje torzije u odnosu na isplake pripremljene s nemljevnim (ā€žsirovimā€) ili prosijanim lebdećim pepelom. Istraživanje je pokazalo da bi se lebdeći pepeo mogao koristiti kao aditiv za smanjenje sklonosti diferencijalnom prihvatu u isplakama na bazi vode