33 research outputs found

    Dissipative two-level systems under ultrastrong off-resonant driving

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    We study the dissipative dynamics of a two-level system under ultrastrong driving when the frequency and strength of the exciting field exceed significantly the transition frequency. We find three qualitatively different regimes of such dynamics: 1) the collapse and revival of oscillations in the population difference, 2) the simple exponential decay of the oscillations resulting in their steady state with the finite amplitude, and 3) the steady-state stabilization of the equally populated levels. The nonmonotonic Bessel-function-like dependence on the driving strength is also predicted for the decay rate of these oscillations. The features of this dependence are determined by the relative rates of energetic relaxation and pure dephasing.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Emission spectrum of a qubit under its deep strong driving in the high-frequency dispersive regime

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    We study the emission spectrum of a qubit under deep strong driving in the high-frequency dispersive regime when the driving frequency and strength exceed significantly the qubit transition frequency. Closed-form expressions for the steady-state first-order field correlation function and the multiphoton emission spectrum are obtained. The spectrum comprises a series of narrow delta-like lines that stem from coherent processes and Lorenzian peaks that result from the incoherent scattering of photons. The oscillating dependence of the widths of the emission lines on the driving strength is predicted. We show how the features of this dependence are governed by the qubit dephasing and relaxation rates.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1705.0174

    Suppression of electron spin decoherence in Rabi oscillations induced by an inhomogeneous microwave field

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    The decay of Rabi oscillations provides direct information about coherence of electron spins. When observed in EPR experiments, it is often shortened by spatial inhomogeneity of the microwave field amplitude in a bulk sample. In order to suppress this undesired loss of coherence, we propose an additional dressing of spin states by a weak longitudinal continuous radiofrequency field. Our calculations of the Rabi oscillations between the doubly dressed spin states show that the maximum suppression of decoherence is achieved at the so-called Rabi resonance when the radio-field frequency is in resonance with the Rabi frequency of spins in the microwave field. This effect is feasible even in the absence of phase matching in the radiofrequency field and for different types of inhomogeneity of the microwave field. The manifestations of such suppression in the published EPR experiments with the bichromatic driving are discussed. The realization of the Rabi resonance using the radiofrequency field could open new possibilities for separating the contributions of relaxation mechanisms from those due to the inhomogeneous driving in spin decoherence.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Microwave Photon Antibunching at the Modulation of the Resonance Frequency of a Qubit Emitter

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    The statistics photons in the resonance fluorescence of a qubit excited by microwave and radio-frequency (RF) fields have been studied. It has been established that the coherent dissipative dynamics of the qubit with allowance for multiphoton emission and absorption of RF photons in each act of emission and absorption of a microwave photon results in periodic alternation of photon bunching and antibunching. It has been shown that periodically varying statistics photons can be smoothly transformed to the purely sub-Poisson statistics by varying the parameters of the RF field. The conditions for the formation of the "collapse-revival" of oscillations in the second-order correlation function photons have been determined. The described effects can be implemented on spin and superconducting qubits, quantum dots, and qubit-mechanical hybrid systems.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Higher-order geometric phase for qubits in a bichromatic field

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    The geometric phase in the dynamics of a spin qubit driven by transverse microwave (MW) and longitudinal radiofrequency (RF) fields is studied. The phase acquired by the qubit during the full period of the "slow" RF field manifests in the shift of Rabi frequency \omega_{1} of a spin qubit in the MW field. We find out that, for a linearly polarized RF field, this shift does not vanish at the second and higher even orders in the adiabaticity parameter \omega_{rf} / \omega_{1}, where \omega_{rf} is the RF frequency. As a result, the adiabatic (Berry) phases for the rotating and counter-rotating RF components compensate each other, and only the higher-order geometric phase is observed. We experimentally identify that phase in the frequency shift of the Rabi oscillations detected by a time-resolved electron paramagnetic resonance.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Multi-photon transitions and Rabi resonance in continuous wave EPR

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    The study of microwave and radiofrequency multi-photon transitions in continuous wave (CW) EPR spectroscopy is extended to a Rabi resonance condition, when the radio frequency of the magnetic-field modulation matches the Rabi frequency of a spin system in the microwave field. Using the non-secular perturbation theory based on the Bogoliubov averaging method, the analytical description of the response of the spin system is derived for all modulation frequency harmonics. When the modulation frequency exceeds the EPR linewidth, multi-photon transitions result in sidebands in absorption EPR spectra measured with phase-sensitive detection at any harmonic. The saturation of different-order multi-photon transitions is shown to be significantly different and to be sensitive to the Rabi resonance. The noticeable frequency shifts of sidebands are found to be the signatures of this resonance. The inversion of two-photon lines in some spectral intervals of the out-of-phase first-harmonic signal is predicted under passage through the Rabi resonance. The inversion indicates the transition from absorption to stimulated emission or vice versa, depending on the sideband. The manifestation of the primary and secondary Rabi resonance is also demonstrated in time-resolved steady-state EPR signals formed by all harmonics of the modulation frequency. Our results provide a theoretical framework for future developments in multi-photon CW EPR spectroscopy, which can be useful for samples with long spin relaxation times and extremely narrow EPR linesComment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Multiphoton Raman transitions and Rabi oscillations in driven spin systems

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    In the framework of the non-secular perturbation theory based on the Bogoliubov averaging method, the coherent dynamics of multiphoton Raman transitions in a two-level spin system driven by an amplitude-modulated microwave field is studied. Closed-form expressions for the Rabi frequencies of these transitions have been obtained beyond the rotating wave approximation for the low-frequency driving component. It is shown that spin states dressed by the high-frequency component of the driving field are shifted due to the Bloch-Siegert-like effect caused by antiresonant interactions with the strong low-frequency driving. We predict that with increasing the order of the Raman transition the Rabi frequency decreases and the contribution of the Bloch-Siegert shift to this frequency becomes dominant. It is found that the amplitude and phase of the Rabi oscillations strongly depend on the initial phase of the low-frequency field as well as on detuning from multiphoton resonance. The recent experimental data for the second- and third-order Raman transitions observed for nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond [Z. Shu, et al., arXiv:1804. 10492] are well described in the frame of our approach. Our results provide new possibilities for coherent control of quantum systems.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, Accepted to Phys. Rev. A (18 Sep 2018

    Relaxation, decoherence and steady-state population inversion in qubits doubly dressed by microwave and radiofrequency fields

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    The coherent dynamics of relaxing spin qubits driven by a classical bichromatic field comprising a strong resonant component and a weaker component with a frequency close to the strong-field Rabi frequency is studied. The double dressing by the bichromatic field modifies dephasing and dissipation processes. We demonstrate that detuning of the weaker-field frequency from the strong-field Rabi frequency prolongs the decay of Rabi oscillations between some doubly dressed states. The sensitivity of Rabi oscillations to the modified detuning-dependent relaxation is illustrated for nitrogen-vacancy qubits in diamond. We discuss a steady-state population inversion of the doubly dressed-state levels.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Kerr-like nonlinearities in an optomechanical system with an asymmetric anharmonic mechanical resonator

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    In the framework of the nonsecular perturbation theory based on the Bogoliubov averaging method, an optomechanical system with an asymmetric anharmonic mechanical resonator is studied. The cross-Kerr interaction and the Kerr-like self-interaction of photons and vibration quanta arise in the Hamiltonian. These interactions are induced by both cubic and quartic nonlinearities of oscillations of the mechanical resonator and the cavity-resonator interaction that is linear in mechanical displacements. We demonstrate a bistable behavior of the number of vibration quanta and find that this behavior is controlled by the cross-Kerr interaction. It is shown that, without driving and dissipation, the constructed superposition Yurke-Stoler-like states of the cavity (or the mechanical resonator) disentangle at certain times the entangled modes of the system. The obtained results offer new possibilities for control of optomechanical systems with asymmetric mechanical oscillations.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure

    Detuning-dependent narrowing of Mollow triplet lines of driven quantum dots

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    We study the two-time correlation function and the resonance fluorescence spectrum of a semiconductor quantum dot excited by a strong off-resonant laser pulse. The obtained analytical expressions exhibit a specific detuning-dependent damping of Rabi oscillations of the dressed quantum dot as well as a detuning-dependent width of Mollow-triplet lines. In the absence of pure dephasing, the central peak of the triplet is broadened, upon increasing detuning, but the blue and red side peaks are narrowed. We demonstrate that pure dephasing processes can invert these dependences. A crossover between the regimes of detuning-dependent narrowing and broadening of the side and central peaks is identified. The predicted effects are consistent with resent experimental results and numerical calculations.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure