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    In achieving Good Governance, the Bandung City Government implements e-Government to improve the quality of its performance. The implementation of e-Government is expected to increase the convenience, efficiency and accessibility of public services. One form of e-government implementation, the Bandung City Personnel, Education and Training Agency (BKPP) implements a Dynamic Work Allowance (TKD) system based on Electronic Performance Remuneration (e-RK). -RK affects the achievement of employee performance as expected so that it can give birth to solutions or recommendations for the smooth implementation of activities in government agencies, especially in the city of Bandung. The research method used is a quantitative approach. To measure which dimensions are inadequate, the authors use the TPC (technology performance chain) theory from Goodhue and Thompson (1995) which shows four dimensions including Task Characteristics, Technologies Characteristics, Task-technology fit, and Utilization. The performance theory used is Mitchel's theory in Sedarmayanti (2001) where there are five dimensions in assessing performance, namely Promptness, Quality of Work, Initiative, Communication, and Capability. ). The researcher used a sampling technique, namely the proportionate stratified random sampling technique with a total sample of 46 people. The results showed that e-RK had a high effect on the performance of BKPP employees. The results showed that the contribution given by e-RK had an effect of 87.8% on employee performance. Then for the rest as much as 12.2% is the influence of other contributions not examined in this study. Based on the hypothesis test, the value of tcount > ttable (17.807 >2.01537) was obtained. So it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and there is a significant effect on the implementation of e-RK on the performance of BKPP employees. Dalam mencapai Good Governance, Pemerintah Kota Bandung menerapkan e-Government untuk meningkatkan kualitas kinerjanya. Penerapan e-Government diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kenyamanan, efisiensi serta aksesibilitas yang dari pelayanan publik. Salah satu bentuk penerapan e-government, Badan Kepegawaian, Pendidikan, dan Pelatihan (BKPP) Kota Bandung menerapkan sistem pemberian Tunjangan Kerja Dinamis (TKD) yang berbasis Elektronik Remunerasi  Kinerja (e-RK).Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk menjelaskan apakah penerapan E-RK berpengaruh terhadap tercapainya kinerja pegawai sesuai yang diharapkan sehingga bisa melahirkan solusi ataupun rekomendasi bagi kelancaran pelaksanaan kegiatan di instansi-instansi pemerintah khususnya di Kota Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kuantitatif. Untuk mengukur dimensi mana yang tidak memadai, penulis menggunakan teori TPC (technology performance chain) dari Goodhue dan Thompson (1995) yang menunjukan empat dimensi diantaranya Task Characteristic, Technologies Characteristic, Task-technology fit, dan Utilization. Adapun teori kinerja yang digunakan ialah teori Mitchel dalam Sedarmayanti (2001) dimana terdapat lima dimensi dalam menilai kinerja, yaitu Ketetapan Waktu (Promptness), Kualitas Kerja (Quality of Work), Inisiatif (Initiative), Komunikasi (Communication), dan Kemampuan (Capability). Peneliti menggunakan teknik penarikan sampel yaitu teknik proportionate stratified random sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 46 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa e-RK berpengaruh tinggi terhadap kinerja pegawai BKPP. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kontribusi yang diberikan e-RK berpengaruh sebesar 87,8% terhadap Kinerja Pegawai. Kemudian untuk sisanya yaitu sebanyak 12,2% merupakan pengaruh dari kontribusi lain yang tidak diteliti pada penelitian ini. Berdasarkan uji hipotesis,  diperoleh nilai thitung > ttabel (17,807 >2,01537) . Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ho ditolak dan terdapat pengaruh signifikan penerapan e-RK terhadap Kinerja Pegawai BKPP