89 research outputs found

    Caracterização química e espectroscópica de compostos orgânicos aplicados à produção de plantas medicinais.

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    Devido ao potencial dos compostos orgânicos tem-se observado sua crescente utilização na agricultura. A aplicação dos diferentes compostos no solo possibilita avaliar a correlação dos parâmetros químicos e espectroscópicos e as respostas de desenvolvimento das plantas cultivadas, fornecendo bases científicas para agricultura orgânica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as propriedades químicas e o grau de humificação de compostos orgânicos por espectroscopia de fluorescência de luz UV-vis. Os compostos A e E apresentaram maior grau de humificação.Disponível também em: Cadernos de Agroecologia, V. 5, n.1, 2010. Trabalho também apresentado in: WORKSHOP DE PLANTAS MEDICINAIS DE MATO GROSSO DO SUL, 13.; EMPÓRIO DE AGRICULTURA FAMILIAR DA GRANDE DOURADOS, 3., 2010, Dourados. Palestras e Resumos Expandidos. Dourados: UFGD, 2010

    Teor de óleo essencial de Ocimum selloi Benth. sob diferentes doses de compostos orgânicos.

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    Em espécies bioativas, a aplicação de compostos orgânicos tem sido relacionada à produção de metabólitos secundários. No presente estudo, avaliou-se o efeito de diferentes doses de compostos orgânicos no teor de óleo essencial de alfavaca anisada, fornecendo bases científicas para agricultura orgânica. Em Curitiba-PR, ano de 2008, num delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, doses (0, 0,85, 1,7 e 3 t.ha-1) de compostos estabilizados (A, B, C e D), elaborados com diferentes materiais orgânicos, foram utilizadas no cultivo de alfavaca anisada. O espaçamento utilizado em cultivo protegido irrigado foi de 0,5m entre linhas por 1,0m entre plantas. Aos seis meses de cultivo, amostras compostas de folhas foram coletadas e submetidas ao processo de hidrodestilação, por meio do aparelho do tipo Clevenger, para quantificação do óleo essencial. Em solo com acúmulo de matéria orgânica as doses e compostos avaliados não influenciaram o teor de óleo essencial de Ocimum selloi Beth.Disponível também em: Cadernos de Agroecologia, V. 5, n.1, 2010

    High definition tDCS effect on postural control in healthy individuals: Entropy analysis of a crossover clinical trial

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    Objective: Converging evidence supporting an effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on postural control and human verticality perception highlights this strategy as promising for post-stroke rehabilitation. We have previously demonstrated polarity-dependent effects of high-definition tDCS (HD-tDCS) on weight-bearing asymmetry. However, there is no investigation regarding the time-course of effects on postural control induced by HD-tDCS protocols. Thus, we performed a nonlinear time series analysis focusing on the entropy of the ground reaction force as a secondary investigation of our randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover clinical trial. Materials and Methods: Twenty healthy right-handed young adults received the following conditions (random order, separate days); anode center HD-tDCS, cathode center HD-tDCS or sham HD-tDCS at 1, 2, and 3 mA over the right temporo-parietal junction (TPJ). Using summarized time series of transfer entropy, we evaluated the exchanging information (causal direction) between both force plates and compared the dose-response across the healthy subjects with a Generalized Linear Hierarchical/Mixed Model (GLMM). Results: We found significant variation during the dynamic information flow (p \u3c 0.001) among the dominant bodyside (and across time). A greater force transfer entropy was observed from the right to the left side during the cathode-center HD-tDCS up to 2 mA, with a causal relationship in the information flow (equilibrium force transfer) from right to left that decreased over time. Conclusions: HD-tDCS intervention induced a dynamic influence over time on postural control entropy. Right hemisphere TPJ stimulation using cathode-center HD-tDCS can induce an asymmetry of body weight distribution towards the ipsilateral side of stimulation. These results support the clinical potential of HD-tDCS for post-stroke rehabilitation

    Manipulation of human verticality using high-definition transcranial direct current stimulation

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    Background: Using conventional tDCS over the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) we previously reported that it is possible to manipulate subjective visual vertical (SVV) and postural control. We also demonstrated that high-definition tDCS (HD-tDCS) can achieve substantially greater cortical stimulation focality than conventional tDCS. However, it is critical to establish dose-response effects using well-defined protocols with relevance to clinically meaningful applications. Objective: To conduct three pilot studies investigating polarity and intensity-dependent effects of HD-tDCS over the right TPJ on behavioral and physiological outcome measures in healthy subjects. We additionally aimed to establish the feasibility, safety, and tolerability of this stimulation protocol. Methods: We designed three separate randomized, double-blind, crossover phase I clinical trials in different cohorts of healthy adults using the same stimulation protocol. The primary outcome measure for trial 1 was SVV; trial 2, weight-bearing asymmetry (WBA); and trial 3, electroencephalography power spectral density (EEG-PSD). The HD-tDCS montage comprised a single central, and 3 surround electrodes (HD-tDCS3x1) over the right TPJ. For each study, we tested 3x2 min HD-tDCS3x1 at 1, 2 and 3 mA; with anode center, cathode center, or sham stimulation, in random order across days. Results: We found significant SVV deviation relative to baseline, specific to the cathode center condition, with consistent direction and increasing with stimulation intensity. We further showed significant WBA with direction governed by stimulation polarity (cathode center, left asymmetry; anode center, right asymmetry). EEG-PSD in the gamma band was significantly increased at 3 mA under the cathode. Conclusions: The present series of studies provide converging evidence for focal neuromodulation that can modify physiology and have behavioral consequences with clinical potential