16 research outputs found

    Multi-habitat carbon stock assessments to inform nature-based solutions for coastal seascapes in arid regions

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    Coastal ecosystems are integral to global carbon cycling and are increasingly recognised for their role in mitigating climate change. Within these ecosystems, the dynamics of carbon storage are diverse, varying significantly across different habitats. However, existing management strategies often focus predominantly on vegetated habitats neglecting the contributions of non-vegetated areas. We address this knowledge gap by providing a quantitative spatial assessment of carbon storage across coastal seascapes varying in plant biomass. Our comprehensive multi-habitat inventory of carbon stocks in the United Arab Emirates confirmed that mangroves are the largest carbon-storing habitat per hectare (94.3 t/ha), followed by saltmarshes (63.6 t/ha), microbial mats (51.6 t/ha), mudflats (46.8 t/ha), seagrass (32.5 t/ha), and coastal sabkha (31.0 t/ha).Mean carbon content in the top 50 cm of mangrove soils (53.9 t/ha) was similar to saltmarshes (52.7 t/ha), microbial mats (51.6 t/ha), and mudflats (46.8 t/ha). We highlight the importance of including non-vegetated habitats in carbon accounting and management strategies. Our findings suggest that a more context-specific whole-system approach is essential for guiding effective ecosystem management and designing ecologically meaningful Nature-based Solutions (NbS). Adopting this broader perspective in NbS can ensure more comprehensive conservation and restoration outcomes, which not only protect and enhance blue carbon ecosystems but also contribute to broader ecological and social benefits. This approach is pivotal for advancing our understanding of interconnected coastal ecosystems and their role in climate change mitigation

    Assessment of the Impact of the Human Coronavirus (COVID-19) Lockdown on the Energy Sector: A Case Study of Sharjah, UAE

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    The recent coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has wreaked havoc on the global economy, causing major shifts in energy use and output patterns. For some countries, this has had a significant effect on energy demand and carbon emissions, at least in the short term. Since the United Arab Emirates is currently exerting many efforts towards sustainability, it is important to assess and understand the impacts of the pandemic and the lockdown measurements on the local energy sectors. Data for this analysis were gathered by the Sharjah Electricity Water & Gas Authority (SEWA) for Sharjah City which is the capital of the Emirate of Sharjah. The changes in electricity after the implementation of quarantine and lockdown-like measures were assessed, and the results indicate that the electric power demand in Sharjah City was reduced in the commercial, industrial, and agricultural sectors, whereas the residential and government sectors witnessed a higher power demand. The overall electricity consumption in the year 2020 was reduced by 1.04% in comparison with previous years including 2016 to 2019. The results of this study indicate that the changes in electricity consumption were minimal in Sharjah City as compared to other cities around the world. However, this paper highlights the importance of governmental response during and after a pandemic, and the possible impacts that lockdowns could potentially have in the energy industry worldwide

    Evaluating Livability Perceptions: Indicators to Evaluate Livability of a University Campus

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    Livability indicators and assessments are critical to promoting campus sustainability and livability. Despite the various indicator frameworks and local initiatives aimed at attaining sustainability, campus livability assessments in the Middle East are scarce. An extensive literature search was used in this paper to obtain the best livability indicators, and the Delphi method was used to reach consensus using a panel of experts in the fields of sustainability and livability. The determining indicators were identified and categorized according to Environmental Quality, Social and Cultural Elements, Accessibility, Amenities and Services, Safety, Housing, and Other Services. A questionnaire using both qualitative and quantitative questions was used, taking into consideration the perceptions of students, faculty, and staff residing at the American University of Sharjah (AUS) campus in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). A score of 87/100 was obtained in this study, indicating that the AUS can be considered a highly livable campus. Responses showed that social and cultural elements, such as social gatherings, availability of restaurants, and children’s activities, were of utmost importance to the respondents. Additionally, services on campus, accessibility, and quality of housing played a major role in respondents’ choices. The index obtained in this study serves as a reference/benchmark for similar and comparative studies of campus livability, and can be adapted to similar scenarios. Moreover, this study opens the doors for future studies to gain deeper insights into the required steps to evaluate the livability of a campus, in order to facilitate future transformation of a traditional campus into a livable campus

    Environmental and Economic Impact Assessments of a Photovoltaic Rooftop System in the United Arab Emirates

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    The shift toward renewable energy resources, and photovoltaic systems specifically, has gained a huge focus in the past two decades. This study aimed to assess several environmental and economic impacts of a photovoltaic system that installed on the rooftop of an industrial facility in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). The life cycle assessment method was employed to study all the flows and evaluate the environmental impacts, while several economic indicators were calculated to assess the feasibility and profitability of this photovoltaic system. The results showed that the production processes contributed the most to the environmental impacts, where the total primary energy demand was 1152 MWh for the whole photovoltaic system, the total global warming potential was 6.83 × 10–2 kg CO2-eq, the energy payback time was 2.15 years, the carbon dioxide payback time was 1.87 years, the acidification potential was 2.87 × 10–4 kg SO2-eq, eutrophication potential was 2.45 × 10–5 kg PO43-eq, the ozone layer depletion potential was 4.685 × 10–9 kgCFC-11-eq, the photochemical ozone creation potential was 3.81 × 10–5 kg C2H4-eq, and the human toxicity potential was 2.38 × 10–2 kg1,4-DB-eq for the defined function unit of the photovoltaic system, while the economic impact indicators for the whole system resulted in a 3.5 year payback period, the benefit to cost ratio of 11.8, and 0.142 AED/kWh levelized cost of electricity. This was the first study to comprehensively consider all of these impact indicators together. These findings are beneficial inputs for policy- and decision-makers, photovoltaic panel manufacturers, and photovoltaic contractors to enhance the sustainability of their processes and improve the environment

    Statistical Analysis for Water Quality Assessment: A Case Study of Al Wasit Nature Reserve

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    This study presents a comprehensive data analysis using univariate and multivariate statistical techniques as a tool to establish a baseline for the assessment of water quality parameters in environmental compartments. The Al Wasit Nature Reserve is a hypersaline wetland in the UAE with a spatial fluctuation in water parameters as water flows above ground as well as ponds forming in deeper areas and over the year due to the arid climate and seasonality. Water samples were collected at fifteen sites along the hypersaline wetland over three periods during the months of February to March 2021 as temperatures started to rise with the oncoming summer. Water quality parameters, including the temperature, pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), electrical conductivity (EC), chemical oxygen demand (COD), chloride, ammonia, and nitrates, were measured. The results of the data analysis were used to group the sites, which were divided into three groups with similar water quality characteristics. Correlation assessments between all studied parameters revealed significant differences in the values of eight of the evaluated parameters between the three identified clusters, with only the nitrate concentrations and dissolved oxygen parameters not being significant. It was found that one of the three clusters (cluster 1) performed better than the other two for most of the studied parameters. The results of this study demonstrate the applicability and the potential time and cost savings of the usage of data analysis tools for long-term data monitoring in the wetland and other environmental systems worldwide

    The Photocatalytic Degradation of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin in the Presence of Silver–Titanium Based Catalysts

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    Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) are persistent toxic compounds that are ubiquitous in the environment. The photodegradation of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in the presence of silver titanium oxide (AgTi) and silver titanium doped into the Y-zeolite (AgTiY) was tested using high (254 nm) and mid (302 nm) energy UV irradiation sources. AgTi and AgTiY, both showed success in the photodegradation of 2,3,7,8-TCDD dissolved in methanol/tetrahydrofuran solution. Both catalysts were found to effectively decompose TCDD at 302 nm (lower energy) reaching in between 98–99% degradation after five hours, but AgTiY showed better performance than AgTi at 60 min reaching 91% removal. Byproducts of degradation were evaluated using Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC–MS), resulting in 2,3,7-trichlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, a lower chlorinated congener and less toxic, as the main degradation product. Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) was used to evaluate the relative toxicity of the degradation byproducts were a decrease in optical density indicated that some products of degradation could be potentially more toxic than the parent TCDD. On the other hand, a decrease in toxicity was observed for the samples with the highest 2,3,7,8-TCDD degradation, confirming that AgTiY irradiated at 302 nm is an excellent choice for degrading TCDD. This is the first study to report on the efficiency of silver titanium doped zeolites for the removal of toxic organic contaminants such as dioxins and furans from aquatic ecosystems

    Carbon Footprint at a United Arab Emirates University: GHG Protocol

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    Background: University campuses can be leaders of change by tracking carbon footprints and establishing strategies for reductions. The American University of Sharjah (AUS) has led this effort in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), establishing an Office of Sustainability to address energy consumption on its campus, resulting in a reduction of 30% by 2015. AUS campus uses the Greenhouse Gas Protocol to annually track carbon footprint. The purpose of this paper is to stablish a framework that institutions can use to calculate the carbon footprint (CF) on their university campuses. Methods: The GHG Protocol, which categorizes emissions into three scopes; 1: direct, 2: indirect, and 3: other indirect emissions, was used as a guideline. This paper covers the following: Scope 1: emissions from university fleet, Scope 2: emissions from electricity and water consumption, Scope 3: emissions from the university commute, limited business air travel and waste. The data for each category are analyzed and recommendations to reduce the carbon footprint are presented. Results: The total CO2 emissions for the AUS campus in 2018–2019 were 94,553.30 tCO2e. Additionally, the percentage contribution of total emissions for Scope 1, 2 and 3 were 0.37%, 61.12% and 38.51%. Conclusions: The two highest contributors of CO2 emissions at the AUS campus are electricity consumption (60.91%) and university commute (36.54%). AUS has hosted numerous educational campaigns and awareness programs to try to reduce carbon emissions, which helped in reducing electricity consumption throughout campus; however, these are still insufficient; hence, the importance of quantifying the CF of the AUS campus. Based on the results obtained, recommendations can be made to reduce overall CO2 emissions for AUS and other higher education institutions in the region and internationally

    Carbon Footprint at a United Arab Emirates University: GHG Protocol

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    Background: University campuses can be leaders of change by tracking carbon footprints and establishing strategies for reductions. The American University of Sharjah (AUS) has led this effort in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), establishing an Office of Sustainability to address energy consumption on its campus, resulting in a reduction of 30% by 2015. AUS campus uses the Greenhouse Gas Protocol to annually track carbon footprint. The purpose of this paper is to stablish a framework that institutions can use to calculate the carbon footprint (CF) on their university campuses. Methods: The GHG Protocol, which categorizes emissions into three scopes; 1: direct, 2: indirect, and 3: other indirect emissions, was used as a guideline. This paper covers the following: Scope 1: emissions from university fleet, Scope 2: emissions from electricity and water consumption, Scope 3: emissions from the university commute, limited business air travel and waste. The data for each category are analyzed and recommendations to reduce the carbon footprint are presented. Results: The total CO2 emissions for the AUS campus in 2018–2019 were 94,553.30 tCO2e. Additionally, the percentage contribution of total emissions for Scope 1, 2 and 3 were 0.37%, 61.12% and 38.51%. Conclusions: The two highest contributors of CO2 emissions at the AUS campus are electricity consumption (60.91%) and university commute (36.54%). AUS has hosted numerous educational campaigns and awareness programs to try to reduce carbon emissions, which helped in reducing electricity consumption throughout campus; however, these are still insufficient; hence, the importance of quantifying the CF of the AUS campus. Based on the results obtained, recommendations can be made to reduce overall CO2 emissions for AUS and other higher education institutions in the region and internationally