3 research outputs found

    Évaluation d'une nouvelle gĂ©nĂ©ration d'engrais enrobĂ©s pour diminuer le lessivage des Ă©lĂ©ments minĂ©raux et rĂ©duire les Ă©missions de gaz Ă  effet de serre (N2O)

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    Afin d’amĂ©liorer l’efficacitĂ© d’utilisation des engrais et rĂ©duire les rĂ©percussions nĂ©gatives sur l’environnement, l’enrobage des engrais conventionnels Ă  l’aide de nouveaux polymĂšres biodĂ©gradables constitue une solution prometteuse. À cet effet, l’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’évaluer cette nouvelle gĂ©nĂ©ration d’engrais enrobĂ©s Ă  l’aide de nouveaux polymĂšres biodĂ©gradables. L’homogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© entre les particules des engrais enrobĂ©s Ă©tait lĂ©gĂšrement infĂ©rieure Ă  celle des engrais conventionnels. Les polymĂšres biodĂ©gradables Ă©taient relativement solubles dans l’eau et ils ne freinaient pas la libĂ©ration des Ă©lĂ©ments minĂ©raux. La cinĂ©tique de libĂ©ration des Ă©lĂ©ments minĂ©raux dans un substrat tourbeux fut toutefois similaire chez les deux types d’engrais. Deux heures aprĂšs application, Biodrix Na libĂ©rĂ© 34% moins d’urĂ©e et N-urĂ©e que Ureia, mais la diffĂ©rence s’est estompĂ©e aprĂšs un jour. L’effet des engrais enrobĂ©s sur la rĂ©duction du lessivage des nitrates et des pertes de N₂O a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© en conditions contrĂŽlĂ©es. Aminaex et Biodrix N ont rĂ©duit le lessivage des nitrates de 41% et 54% par rapport Ă  Ureia et ont retardĂ© le flux maximal de N₂O de 10 jours par rapport Ă  Ureia. Par contre, l’enrobage du phosphore n’a pas rĂ©duit son lessivage. Aminaex et Biodrix N ont eu une plus longue pĂ©riode d’émission de N₂O par rapport Ă  Ureia, ce qui a augmentĂ© le niveau du flux cumulĂ© en N₂O aprĂšs 20 jours pour les deux engrais enrobĂ©s par rapport Ă  Ureia. Pour les engrais phosphatĂ©s, l’enrobage n’a pas assurĂ© une libĂ©ration lente, ni n’a rĂ©duit le lessivage des Ă©lĂ©ments minĂ©raux. En conclusion, dans un milieu Ă  tempĂ©rature et Ă  teneur en eau contrĂŽlĂ©es, l’enrobage des engrais azotĂ©s enpolymĂšres biodĂ©gradables a ralenti la solubilisation instantanĂ©e de l’urĂ©e et a permisde rĂ©duire le lessivage et les pics d’émissions de N₂OIn order to improve the efficiency of fertilizer use and reduce the negative impact they have on the environment, the coating of conventional fertilizers with new biodegradable polymers is a promising solution.The objective of this study was to evaluate a new generation of fertilizers coated with novel biodegradable polymers. The homogeneity of coated fertilizer particles was slightly lower than that of conventional fertilizers. Biodegradable polymers are relatively soluble in water and do not inhibit the release of mineral elements. The kinetics of nutrient release in a peat substrate was however similar for both types of fertilizer. Two hours after application, Biodrix N released 34% less urea and N-urea than Ureia, but the difference disappeared after one day. The effect of coated fertilizers on the reduction of nitrate leaching and N₂O losses was evaluated under controlled conditions. Aminaex and Biodrix N reduced nitrate leaching by 41% and 54% compared to Ureia and delayed the peak of N₂O efflux by 10 days. On the other hand, the coating of the phosphorus did not reduce its leaching. Aminaex and Biodrix N had a longer N₂O emission period than Ureia, which increased the cumulative N₂O efflux emissions after 20 days for both coated fertilizers compared to Ureia. In conclusion, undercontrolled conditions, coating nitrogen fertilizers with biodegradable polymers hindered the instantaneous solubilization of urea, decreased nitrate leaching and reduced the peak of N₂O efflux

    Évaluation d'une nouvelle gĂ©nĂ©ration d'engrais enrobĂ©s pour diminuer le lessivage des Ă©lĂ©ments minĂ©raux et rĂ©duire les Ă©missions de gaz Ă  effet de serre (N2O)

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    Afin d’amĂ©liorer l’efficacitĂ© d’utilisation des engrais et rĂ©duire les rĂ©percussions nĂ©gatives sur l’environnement, l’enrobage des engrais conventionnels Ă  l’aide de nouveaux polymĂšres biodĂ©gradables constitue une solution prometteuse. À cet effet, l’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’évaluer cette nouvelle gĂ©nĂ©ration d’engrais enrobĂ©s Ă  l’aide de nouveaux polymĂšres biodĂ©gradables. L’homogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© entre les particules des engrais enrobĂ©s Ă©tait lĂ©gĂšrement infĂ©rieure Ă  celle des engrais conventionnels. Les polymĂšres biodĂ©gradables Ă©taient relativement solubles dans l’eau et ils ne freinaient pas la libĂ©ration des Ă©lĂ©ments minĂ©raux. La cinĂ©tique de libĂ©ration des Ă©lĂ©ments minĂ©raux dans un substrat tourbeux fut toutefois similaire chez les deux types d’engrais. Deux heures aprĂšs application, Biodrix Na libĂ©rĂ© 34% moins d’urĂ©e et N-urĂ©e que Ureia, mais la diffĂ©rence s’est estompĂ©e aprĂšs un jour. L’effet des engrais enrobĂ©s sur la rĂ©duction du lessivage des nitrates et des pertes de N₂O a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© en conditions contrĂŽlĂ©es. Aminaex et Biodrix N ont rĂ©duit le lessivage des nitrates de 41% et 54% par rapport Ă  Ureia et ont retardĂ© le flux maximal de N₂O de 10 jours par rapport Ă  Ureia. Par contre, l’enrobage du phosphore n’a pas rĂ©duit son lessivage. Aminaex et Biodrix N ont eu une plus longue pĂ©riode d’émission de N₂O par rapport Ă  Ureia, ce qui a augmentĂ© le niveau du flux cumulĂ© en N₂O aprĂšs 20 jours pour les deux engrais enrobĂ©s par rapport Ă  Ureia. Pour les engrais phosphatĂ©s, l’enrobage n’a pas assurĂ© une libĂ©ration lente, ni n’a rĂ©duit le lessivage des Ă©lĂ©ments minĂ©raux. En conclusion, dans un milieu Ă  tempĂ©rature et Ă  teneur en eau contrĂŽlĂ©es, l’enrobage des engrais azotĂ©s enpolymĂšres biodĂ©gradables a ralenti la solubilisation instantanĂ©e de l’urĂ©e et a permisde rĂ©duire le lessivage et les pics d’émissions de N₂O.In order to improve the efficiency of fertilizer use and reduce the negative impact they have on the environment, the coating of conventional fertilizers with new biodegradable polymers is a promising solution.The objective of this study was to evaluate a new generation of fertilizers coated with novel biodegradable polymers. The homogeneity of coated fertilizer particles was slightly lower than that of conventional fertilizers. Biodegradable polymers are relatively soluble in water and do not inhibit the release of mineral elements. The kinetics of nutrient release in a peat substrate was however similar for both types of fertilizer. Two hours after application, Biodrix N released 34% less urea and N-urea than Ureia, but the difference disappeared after one day. The effect of coated fertilizers on the reduction of nitrate leaching and N₂O losses was evaluated under controlled conditions. Aminaex and Biodrix N reduced nitrate leaching by 41% and 54% compared to Ureia and delayed the peak of N₂O efflux by 10 days. On the other hand, the coating of the phosphorus did not reduce its leaching. Aminaex and Biodrix N had a longer N₂O emission period than Ureia, which increased the cumulative N₂O efflux emissions after 20 days for both coated fertilizers compared to Ureia. In conclusion, undercontrolled conditions, coating nitrogen fertilizers with biodegradable polymers hindered the instantaneous solubilization of urea, decreased nitrate leaching and reduced the peak of N₂O efflux

    Evaluation of a New Generation of Coated Fertilizers to Reduce the Leaching of Mineral Nutrients and Greenhouse Gas (N2O) Emissions

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    The increased use of fertilizers in agriculture and forest and horticulture nurseries contributes to the pollution of water resources and greenhouse gas emissions. The objective of this study is to evaluate a new generation of fertilizers coated with new biodegradable polymers in terms of physical quality, release kinetics, and their effect on reducing nitrate leaching and N2O emissions and compare them to uncoated fertilizers (Urea, monoammonium phosphate (MAP), and KCl) having the same mineral nutrient concentration. In a peat-based substrate, the release of mineral nutrients was similar in both types of fertilizer. Two hours after application, Urea released 34% more urea than Biodrix N, the difference disappearing after one day. The leaching of cumulative ammonium nitrogen after 20 days was reduced by 40% and 26% respectively by Aminaex and Biodrix N compared to Urea. In a peat-based substrate containing 30% (v/v) of compost, the cumulative nitrate leaching was reduced by 54% by Biodrix N and by 41% by Aminaex compared to Urea. The highest average N2O flux was observed on the first day for Urea, whereas for Aminaex and Biodrix N, N2O emissions increased on the third day, reaching a peak of efflux on day 10. A 10-day delay of the N2O efflux emissions and a longer period of emissions were observed in treatments containing Aminaex and Biodrix N compared to Urea. Cumulative N2O efflux was 142, 154, and 171 mg m−2, respectively, for Urea, Aminaex, and Biodrix N over a 20-day period. These new biodegradable polymer-coated nitrogen fertilizers can reduce mineral nutrient leaching in the event of heavy rainfall and lower maximum N2O emissions in comparison with conventional nitrogen sources