1,329 research outputs found

    Lindley Approximation Technique for the Parameters of Lomax Distribution

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    The present study is concerned with the estimation of shape and scale parameter of Lomax distribution using Bayesian approximation techniques (Lindley's Approximation). Different priors viz gamma, exponential and Levy priors are used to obtain the Bayes estimates of parameters of Lomax distributions under Lindley approximation technique. For comparing the efficiency of the obtained results a simulation study is carried out using R-software

    MARINE: Man-in-the-middle attack resistant trust model IN connEcted vehicles

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    Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork (VANET), a novel technology holds a paramount importance within the transportation domain due to its abilities to increase traffic efficiency and safety. Connected vehicles propagate sensitive information which must be shared with the neighbors in a secure environment. However, VANET may also include dishonest nodes such as Man-in-the-Middle (MiTM) attackers aiming to distribute and share malicious content with the vehicles, thus polluting the network with compromised information. In this regard, establishing trust among connected vehicles can increase security as every participating vehicle will generate and propagate authentic, accurate and trusted content within the network. In this paper, we propose a novel trust model, namely, Man-in-the-middle Attack Resistance trust model IN connEcted vehicles (MARINE), which identifies dishonest nodes performing MiTM attacks in an efficient way as well as revokes their credentials. Every node running MARINE system first establishes trust for the sender by performing multi-dimensional plausibility checks. Once the receiver verifies the trustworthiness of the sender, the received data is then evaluated both directly and indirectly. Extensive simulations are carried out to evaluate the performance and accuracy of MARINE rigorously across three MiTM attacker models and the bench-marked trust model. Simulation results show that for a network containing 35% MiTM attackers, MARINE outperforms the state of the art trust model by 15%, 18%, and 17% improvements in precision, recall and F-score, respectively.N/A

    Finding Factors Causing Postdural Puncture Headache In Obstetric Patients After Spinal Anaesthesia

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    Objective: Among various recognized factor of spinal headache the single most important causative factor is size of spinal needle. The aim of this study was to determine incidence of spinal headache with 27 GQuincke Babcock spinal needle in Caesarean section patients. Materials and Methods: This observationalcross sectional study was carried out in the Combined Military Hospital Gujranwala and Pakistan Naval Shipping Rahat Hospital Karachi from Jan 2011 to Jan 2013. In 500 Caesarean section (C section) cases preloaded with 1000 ml Ringers Lactate, 27 G QuinckeBabcok spinal needle was used in sitting as well as left lateral position for spinal anaesthesia in all patients using local anaesthesia plain lidocaine 2% 1-2ml.In interspace L 2-3 / L3-4 eitherBupivacaine hydrochloride hyperbaric 0.75 % or 0. 5% was injected. All Caesarean cases were included except contraindicated. Spinal needle Quincke Babcock 27 G alone was used.The results were presented in percentages, mean and standard deviation. Results: A total of 500 patients of c-section were evaluated. Overall incidence of true spinal headache was 2%, failed spinal anaesthesia 4%, spinal needle was changed in 3 %, success rate of 96 % and maternal acceptance 47.4 %. Single pricks were 59.4 % while 2-3 pricks were 40.6 % . Conclusion: Smaller spinal needle has changed the safety profile of spinal anaesthesia in C section cases by very low failure rates and true PDPH a rarity. PDPH will continue as long as dura is punctured but incidence can be decreased by different technique

    Bayesian estimation of the scale parameter and survival function of weighted weibull distribution under different loss functions using r software

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    In this paper, we propose to obtain the Bayesian estimators of the scale parameter of a three parameter weighted weibull distribution, based on non-informative and informative priors using Entropy loss function and Quadratic loss function. The risk functions of these estimators have been studied. A real life example has been used to compare the performance of the estimates under different loss functions. Keywords: Weighted Weibull distribution, Jeffery’s prior and Gamma prior, loss functions

    Economic Impact of Covid-19 And Revival Measures: Way Forward for South Asian Countries

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     COVID-19 has been declared and proven as a source of continuing global economic loss and world shattering over the last 100 years. This dilemma has encouraged global economy to run slow when international flights were shutdown, universities were closed, complete lockdown, ban on tourism and so on. This study aims at investigating economic perspective of Covid-19 on south Asian countries and revival measures adopted by them. Data was collected from already published research articles from various databases. By having a systematic review of latest related articles available online it is concluded that Covid-19 pandemic has severely affected nations globally. Factors responsible for such severe economic crisis are termination of daily wages jobs, labor immobility in lockdown, decline in production level, supply chain discontinuation, decline in exports, foreign direct investment, projects etc. Several measures were also suggested in light of literature to mitigate the economic impact. Implication of this study is useful in developing strategies and policies so as to combat the severe intensity of economic crisis on South Asian economies

    Some Topological Properties of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Normed Spaces

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    In 1986, Atanassov introduced the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy set theory which is based on the extensions of definitions of fuzzy set theory given by Zadeh. This theory provides a variable model to elaborate uncertainty and vagueness involved in decision making problems. In this chapter, we concentrate our study on the ideal convergence of sequence spaces with respect to intuitionistic fuzzy norm and discussed their topological and algebraic properties

    A Study of Bounded Variation Sequence Spaces

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    In the theory of classes of sequence, a wonderful application of Hahn-Banach extension theorem gave rise to the concept of Banach limit, i.e., the limit functional defined on c can be extended to the whole space l ∞ and this extended functional is called as the Banach limit. After that, in 1948 Lorentz used this concept of a week limit to introduce a new type of convergence, named as the almost convergence. Later on, Raimi generalized the concept of almost convergence known as σ − convergence and the sequence space BV σ was introduced and studied by Mursaleen. The main aim of this chapter is to study some new double sequence spaces of invariant means defined by ideal, modulus function and Orlicz function. Furthermore, we also study several properties relevant to topological structures and inclusion relations between these spaces
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