133 research outputs found

    Verrucous Squamous Cell Cancer of the Esophagus: A Case Report

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    Verrucous Cancer of the esophagus is basically a type of squamous cell carcinoma and is associated with a chronic inflammatory process in the lower esophagus usually secondary to gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD). Mostly it is a local disease process but sometimes it can invade distant structures also. We report a case is a 62-year-old female patient who presented with marked weight loss, anorexia, and difficulty to take solid food. On Upper GI endoscopy there was a warty appearing irregular mass at the mid to distal esophagus. Superficial multiple biopsies were taken but turned negative for malignancy and re-endoscopy after a few days with deep multiple biopsies revealed the diagnosis of verrucous carcinoma on histopathology. The patient was having multiple co-morbid conditions like hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and early nephropathy along with infiltration of malignancy in surrounding structures on CT scan chest. Therefore a decision was taken to place an esophageal stent by upper GI endoscopy followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy by the oncology department. Patient symptoms were much relieved after 4 months of chemotherapy and radiotherapy and the patient is still on regular follow-up in medical OPD. Chronic inflammation due to gastritis and esophagitis is the main risk factor for verrucous carcinoma of the esophagus. Although surgery is the treatment of the choice for the local and early disease but as in our case disease was already spread palliative stenting followed by chemo-radiation is the best possible option that can be offered

    Development of Biofilms for Antimicrobial Resistance

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    Biofilms are a unit referred to as assemblage of microbial cells growing as surface-attached microbial communities within the natural surroundings. Their genetic and physiological aspects are widely studied. Biofilm development involves the assembly of extracellular compound substances that forms the most bailiwick network. Quorum sensing is one more crucial development specifically connected with biofilm formation in several microorganism species. In ecological purpose, the biofilm offers protection against unfavorable conditions and provides a platform for the genetic transfer. A biofilm-forming bacterium area unit is medically necessary, as they are resistant to several antibiotics and might spread resistant genes. This chapter provides the summary of microorganism biofilm formation and its significance in ecology

    Analysing the Effect of Remittances on Rural Household in Pakistan

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    Abstract. Rural households are more vulnerable to uncertain situations, for these uncertainty they diversify not only their resources but their income. Income receive to households is in three formats i.e. labour income, internal remittance income and external remittance income. Rural households invest for uncertain situation in future, rural households invest in assets in good time and this investment help them to tackle future uncertainty. Current paper investigates by using the data of PSLM that how remittances effect accumulation of assets, because remittances are utilise as transitory income. Results also explains that external remittances significantly affect the assets accumulation of rural households.Keywords. Assets accumulation, Rural Areas, Probit model, PSLM.JEL. C25, D10, D61, F22, F24, R20

    Analysing the Effect of Remittances on Rural Household in Pakistan

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    Rural households are more vulnerable to uncertain situations, for these uncertainty they diversify not only their resources but their income. Income receive to households is in three formats i.e. labour income, internal remittance income and external remittance income. Rural households invest for uncertain situation in future, rural households invest in assets in good time and this investment help them to tackle future uncertainty. Current paper investigates by using the data of PSLM that how remittances effect accumulation of assets, because remittances are utilise as transitory income. Results also explains that external remittances significantly affect the assets accumulation of rural households

    Absolute Lymphocyte Count and its Correlation with Serum Ferritin Level: An early indicator of disease severity in COVID-19

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    Introduction: The massive number of cases with SARS-Cov-2 has put a tremendous pressure on healthcare systems all over the world. Most of the countries have declared health emergency. In these highly challenging times and also to reduce the risk of morbidity early warning signs may be helpful.6 Objective: To correlate lymphocyte count with serum ferritin levels in patients with COVID-19 admitted in the intensive care unit of a tertiary care hospital. Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out at Fauji Foundation Hospital Rawalpindi from July 2020-December 2020. A positive COVID-19 patient was the one who had a positive real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for SARS-CoV-2 by sampling through nasopharyngeal swabs. 3 ml of blood is taken for Blood CP in ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid containing vacutainers and was run on Sysmex-XN series. For serum ferritin 4 ml clotted blood was collected in plain test tube. Serum ferritin was performed on AXSYM system by immunoassay using AXSYM Ferritin reagent kit pack. Covid -19 disease severity classification proposed by WHO was used to categorise the patients. (WHO COVID 19 interim guidelines). 11 Results: A total of 91 patients diagnosed with covid-19 by RT-PCR testing admitted in intensive care units (severe and critical disease) were included in the study. Out of these 91 patients ;41 were males and 50 patients were females. Mean age of the patients was 61+/- 9 years. The age range was (28-75) years. The median nadir lymphocyte count was 0.2 X 10 9/L. Mean lymphocyte count was 1.1 +/- 0.2 SD. Mean Ferritin value was 1148.5 +/- 60 SD. The Pearson correlation coefficient showed an r value of -0.60 which shows a moderate negative correlation. Conclusion: There is a significant negative correlation between lymphocyte count and serum ferritin level

    Screening Antibacterial Activity of Vinegar & Olive Oil on Enteric Bacteria

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    Food-borne infection is the health problem related to food borne diseases. The majority of reported food-borne disease outbreak was caused by pathogenic bacteria. The important handling & uncooked or raw foods are risk of contamination which is unfit for human consumption & leads to food-borne infection. In the present study, the antimicrobial activity of olive oil & vinegar has been suggested that both the natural preservatives were effective & shown effective bacterial reduction & used as an inhibitors of food-borne pathogens. In this study we screened the chicken meat samples. The isolated micro-organisms were E. coli, Klebsiella, Salmonella & Shigella. Further antimicrobial activity of olive oil & vinegar were screened against these micro-organisms from our findings, it’s suggested that both the natural preservatives were effective & shown effective bacterial reduction & used as a inhibitors of food-borne pathogens. The growth of bacterial isolates was inhibited by vinegar. The vinegar & olive oil both exhibited a broad range of antimicrobial activity tested by agar-well diffusion methods & zone of inhibitions (mm) were then measured. Antibiotics sensitivity test against these microbial isolates compared with Gentamicin, Nalidixic acid & Chloramphenicol. These compounds therefore possess potential to be used as food bio-preservatives

    Remittances and Asset Accumulation of Household in Pakistan

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    Assets accumulated by household is important topic, it is investment by household to maximise their utility for present time and for future. It is stock investment which help the household to use these assets in tough time. How income receive to household from three sources i.e. labour income, internal remittances, and external remittances effect assets accumulation of household is the topic for investigation in this paper. This paper analyses the effect of remittances on aggregate household’s assets of Pakistan by using Probit model estimated through maximum likelihood method. Finding of this paper shows that external remittances positively and significantly affect assets accumulation of aggregate household of Pakistan. Results of the paper are closest to theoretical idea that remittances have significantly affect the asset accumulation of household

    Analysing the Effect of Remittances on Rural Household in Pakistan

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    Rural households are more vulnerable to uncertain situations, for these uncertainty they diversify not only their resources but their income. Income receive to households is in three formats i.e. labour income, internal remittance income and external remittance income. Rural households invest for uncertain situation in future, rural households invest in assets in good time and this investment help them to tackle future uncertainty. Current paper investigates by using the data of PSLM that how remittances effect accumulation of assets, because remittances are utilise as transitory income. Results also explains that external remittances significantly affect the assets accumulation of rural households
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