461 research outputs found

    A telemetry antenna system for unmanned air vehicles

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    This paper presents a low VSWR high gain telemetry antenna system manufactured for UAVs that provides 360± coverage in the roll plane of the UAV. Proposed telemetry antenna system includes four telemetry antennas, one power divider that has one input and four output terminals which feeds the telemetry antennas with equal magnitude and phase. Proposed high gain telemetry antennas are based on the feeding of the microstrip patch antenna via aperture coupling. Full coverage in the roll plane of the UAV is obtained by using circular array configuration of telemetry antennas. RF power divider is designed by using couple of Wilkinson power dividers with equal line lengths and impedance sections from input terminal to the all four output terminals


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    The purpose of this research is to determine the expectation of pre-service primary teachers for a teaching of mathematics book. The study was conducted with 41 pre-service teachers. The research was defined as a case study from descriptive qualitative research designs. Pre-service teachers were asked about the qualities they thought of a book of teaching of mathematics to be prepared for primary school 1th-4th grades should have, and a text expressing their thoughts was made them write. The collected data were analyzed by the content analysis method. According to the results, pre-service teachers expect that teaching of mathematics book meets the needs both during their undergraduate education and throughout their teaching life. They stated that the language of the book should be removed as far as possible from the academic language. Also, regarding the mathematical content of the book, it is stated that the practices must be rich in terms of activities, instead of complicated mathematical notations, there should be expressions that can be easily understood, the clearest explanation of mathematical concepts should be included in the book. They also pointed out the book including what might be the misconceptions about mathematical concepts or what might be the misconceptions about the topic would be useful for them in the point of what they should pay attention to when teaching them. They also stated that there should be a lot of material samples for teaching each subject about mathematical content

    Identifying Common Errors in Vertical Lowercase Manuscript Writing of the First Graders in Primary School

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    The aim of the study is to identify common writing errors of the first graders in primary school. The sample of study was consisted of 67 students. Case study was used for the research design. A data collection tool was developed for identifying the errors that students have made while writing vertical lowercase letters. According to the findings, the most common types of errors encountered occurred as a result of non-compliance with the rules related to the writing directions of the lowercase letters. Also, it was seen that curved shaped were drawn in some letters which must have been drawn a line-shaped, that some letters were drawn round not fully closed which must have been drawn round, that the round of letters were drawn as ellipses that when the letters were drawn ellipse-shaped letters were drawn in a tilted way and that the round of letters was combined with the line in the wrong side

    Optimization of aperture coupled microstrip patch antennas

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    Aperture coupled microstrip patch antennas (ACMPA) are special class of microstrip antennas with high gain and wide impedance bandwidth. These antennas differ from other microstrip antennas with their feeding structure of the radiating patch element. Input signal couples to the radiating patch through the aperture that exists on the ground plane of the microstrip feedline. These special antennas are multilayer stacked type of antennas with so many design variables that will affect the antenna performance. This paper presents the design and optimization procedure of ACMPA while taking care of all possible design variables and parameters to get the highest possible antenna gain and minimum VSWR

    (In)securitising post-Soviet Space through security policies: Russian and the western concerns on the colour revolutions in Ukraine and Georgia

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    This article mainly elaborates the relations between Russia and the West during and after the Cold War. Both sides saw each other as a security threat during the Cold War. After 1990s when the Soviet Union collapsed, this antagonistic relation ended for a short period. Once Vladimir Putin came to power, Russia once again revealed security concerns in the post-Soviet space. The iconic symbol of this concern was the Colour Revolutions in Georgia and Ukraine. The Kremlin saw the Revolutions as a Western threat to Russia's identity formation in the region. On the other hand, the West saw the Revolutions as a call for democratic liberation for the peoples of the region. Hence, this study looks deeply into both sides of concerns about the Revolutions through the concepts of identity politics and security concerns

    Kimyasal buhar biriktirme yöntemiyle SnO2 ince filmlerin üretilmesi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bu tez çalışmasında Li-iyon pillerde kullanılabilecek alternatif negatif elektrotlardan SnO2 nin kimyasal buhar biriktirme (CVD) yöntemiyle Si wafer üzerine kaplanması incelenmiştir. Altlık malzemesi olarak seçilen Si wafer önce 5 dk. süre ile asetonda bekletilmiş ve daha sonra metanol ile temizlenmiştir. Temizlenen Si wafer fırın içerisine yerleştirilerek sıcaklık ayarı yapılmıştır. Si wafer üzerine SnO2 ince film kaplaması CVD yöntemiyle 400, 450, 500 ve 550oC sıcaklık ve 150, 450 ve 750 cm3/dk. O2 akış hızlarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. 10g. SnCl2.2H2O tuzu 250oC sıcaklıkta eritilerek 400-550oC sıcaklıklardaki fırın içerisine O2 gazı yardımıyla değişik akış hızlarında sürüklenmiştir. SnO2 ince film kaplamaları 15, 30 ve 45 dakikalık sürelerde yapılmıştır. Sıcaklık ve kaplama süresi arttığında SnO2 ince filmlerin kalınlığı ve tane boyutlarının arttığı gözlenmiştir. Kaplama kalınlığının artmasıyla filmlerin iletkenliğinin arttığı ve özdirençlerinin azaldığı belirlenmiştir. En kararlı SnO2 ince filmleri 450oC sıcaklık 30 dakika kaplama süresi ve 450 cm3/dk O2 akış hızında elde edilmiştir. Si wafer üzerine yapılan SnO2 ince film kaplamaları SEM, AFM, XRD ve dört nokta iletkenlik cihazları ile karakterize edilmiştir.In this study, SnO2 coatings on Si wafer, coated by Chemical Vapor Deposition ( CVD) method, as an alternative negative electrodes for li-ion batteries were investigated. Si wafers which is selected as a substrate material were immersed in acetone for 5 min. and than cleaned with methanol. Cleaned Si wafers were put in the oven and the temperature was set. SnO2 thin films which coating on Si wafer were fulfilled 400, 450, 500, 550oC temperature and 150, 450, 750 sccm O2 flow rates by CVD. After SnCl2.2H2O (10 g.) salt was melted of 250oC temperature, was dragged at 400-550oC temperature in the oven different flow rates by the help of O2. SnO2 thin films coating were carried out as 15, 30 and 45 minutes. When the temperature and deposition time were increased, thickness and the grains size of SnO2 thin films were increased. Conductivity of thin films were increased by the time deposition thickness was increased. Contrary to this, resistivity was decreased. Stable SnO2 thin films acquired at the 450oC, for 30 minutes deposition time and 450 sccm oxygen flow rates. SnO2 thin films which coating on Si wafer were investigated by XRD, SEM AFM and Four probe conductivity equipments

    Compilation of Suggestions Section in Postgraduate Theses with Scientific Research Theme in Educational Sciences

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    This study aims to compile the suggestions in the postgraduate theses prepared with the theme of quot%253Bscientific research (SR) in Turkey between 2000-2022 years. In the study, 4 sub-themes were chosen for the scientific research theme%253B quot%253Bscientific research methods (SRM), quot%253Bscientific research processes (SRP)quot%253B, quot%253Bscientific consistency (SC)quot%253B, and quot%253Bscientific self-efficacy, (SSE)quot%253B. The data were obtained from the suggestions sections of the studies conducted for the keywords obtained by so-called sub-themes at the Higher Education National Thesis Center (HENTC). The document analysis method was used in the research. A total of 40 theses including 27 master%252339%253Bs and 13 doctoral theses were compiled and reviewed in the study. Then the findings obtained by using the MAXQDA 18 package program were mapped as the percentage (%25) and frequency (F) values. In the research, theses written for 4 different groups were investigated%253B teachers, pre-service teachers, middle school students, and graduate students. Accordingly, the findings were arranged according to the groups and interpreted. Accordingly, in studies on teachers, it was obtained findings about the need for in-service training to be given to teachers to be more experienced in scientific research and to conduct research on a wider scale. Secondly, in studies conducted for pre-service teachers, it was determined that updates should be made to include more scientific research in the curricula for pre-service teachers. On the other hand in the studies conducted for secondary school students, it was concluded that experiments and laboratory activities would contribute to students%252339%253B learning of scientific processes. And finally, in the studies on graduate students, it was determined that there was a consensus that the hours and subjects of scientific research courses should be increased

    A Kinetic Evaluation for Phenothiazine Based Copolymers

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    In here, the nonisothermal decomposition kinetics of co-polymers based phenothiazine was present-ed. For this, firstly, 3, 7-di-2-thienyl-10H-phenothiazine (TF) was prepared via an optimized Suzu-ki–Miyaura cross-coupling reaction. After monomer (TF) characterization, the copolymerization re-actions with EDOT and thiophene were performed by the electrochemical technique. The molecular masses of the co-polymers were found by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) analysis. Thermal characterizations of the resulting polymers were conducted by thermogravimetric analyses. The thermal decomposition kinetics of the resulting polymers was also performed. For this, the kinetic methods (Tang, FWO, KAS, Kissinger, and Friedman) based on the multiple heating rates were used. Several kinetic parameters related to the decomposition kinetics of the solid-state were revealed