5 research outputs found

    Antiaging Activity of Gel Preparation Containing Three Varieties of Passion Fruit Peel Ethanolic Extract

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    BACKGROUND: Antiaging cosmetics are cosmetics that can prevent or correct the signs of premature aging. Passion fruit (Passiflora sp.) peel is an agricultural waste contains polyphenol compounds and flavonoids which are a source of natural antioxidants to prevent premature aging. The passion fruit peel extract formulated into gel preparations which can increase the economic value of the passion fruit peel waste. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to test the antiaging activity of gel preparations containing ethanolic extracts of purple, red, and yellow passion fruit on experimental animal skins with several parameters (wrinkle, melanin, pore, moisture, and elasticity). METHODS: Gel was made by adding passion fruit peel extract with several concentrations (0.05%, 0.10%, 0.15%, 0.20%, and 0.25%) in gel base. The blank used is a gel base without extracts. Measurement of wrinkle, black pigment (melanin), pore size, moisture content, and elasticity was performed using a skin analyzer. The use of gel is done 2 times a day for 28 days. RESULTS: Gel with purple, red, and yellow passion fruit peel extract can be formulated into gel preparations. The higher concentration of passion fruit peel extract shows a higher antiaging activity. Gel preparations with purple, red, and yellow passion fruit peel extract, respectively, show the recovery of wrinkle 16.16%, 8.73%, and 6.49%; recovery of melanin 20.11%, 10.75%, and 8.06%; recovery of pore 18.78%, 10.15%, and 7.69%; recovery of moisture 32.74%, 17.70%, and 13.04%; and recovery of elasticity 30.08%, 16.13%, and 12.30%. CONCLUSIONS: The highest antiaging activity was given by gel preparations containing purple passion fruit peel extract and the lowest antiaging activity was given by gel preparations with yellow passion fruit peel extracts


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    Ambroxol Hydrochloride (Ambroxol HCI) is one of mucolytic drugs that is commonly used to dilute thesecretion within the respiratory tract. This process is completed by lowering the viscosity of mucopolysaccharides, in which its characteristic which is mucolytic within the respiratory tract. This research aims to conduct a validation of the UV spectrophotometry method in determining the level of ambroxol HCI in tablets. This methos is also used to obtain the level of amboxol HCI in tablets that are available in the market. The parameters of the validation are accuracy, precision, limit of detection (LOD), and limit of qualification (LOQ). The samples of ambroxol HCI was consisted of one (1)generic tablet and five (5) from branded tablets from the market. The results of the validation tested gave an accuracy of 99.58% in recovery percentage and Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) of 1.14%. These results showed that this method gave good precision and exactness, with the limit of detection (LOD) 0,1505 µg/ml andlimit of quantification (LOQ) 0,5018 µg/ml. These numbers are obtained from tablets with brands namely Lapimuc® (PT. Lapi) with its level of ambroxol HCI of 99,71 ± 0,64%; Epexol® (PT. Sanbe) with levels of ambroxol HCI of 99,78 ± 0,52%; Mucera® (PT. Otto) with levels of ambroxol HCI of 99,76 ± 0,5239%; Mucos® (PT. Meprofarm) with levels of ambroxol HCI of 99,8 ± 0,75%; Mucopect® (PT. Boehringer Ingelheim) with levels of ambroxol HCI of99,5 ± 0,70%; and finally a generic tablet with the of ambroxolHCl( PT. Phapros) of 99,6 ± 0,59%. All tablets used within this research have conform to the general levels of amboxol HCI in a tablet which is not less than 90.0% and not more that 110% from the number written in the regulation


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    Ambroxol Hydrochloride (Ambroxol HCI) is one of mucolytic drugs that is commonly used to dilute thesecretion within the respiratory tract. This process is completed by lowering the viscosity of mucopolysaccharides, in which its characteristic which is mucolytic within the respiratory tract. This research aims to conduct a validation of the UV spectrophotometry method in determining the level of ambroxol HCI in tablets. This methos is also used to obtain the level of amboxol HCI in tablets that are available in the market. The parameters of the validation are accuracy, precision, limit of detection (LOD), and limit of qualification (LOQ). The samples of ambroxol HCI was consisted of one (1)generic tablet and five (5) from branded tablets from the market. The results of the validation tested gave an accuracy of 99.58% in recovery percentage and Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) of 1.14%. These results showed that this method gave good precision and exactness, with the limit of detection (LOD) 0,1505 µg/ml andlimit of quantification (LOQ) 0,5018 µg/ml. These numbers are obtained from tablets with brands namely Lapimuc® (PT. Lapi) with its level of ambroxol HCI of 99,71 ± 0,64%; Epexol® (PT. Sanbe) with levels of ambroxol HCI of 99,78 ± 0,52%; Mucera® (PT. Otto) with levels of ambroxol HCI of 99,76 ± 0,5239%; Mucos® (PT. Meprofarm) with levels of ambroxol HCI of 99,8 ± 0,75%; Mucopect® (PT. Boehringer Ingelheim) with levels of ambroxol HCI of99,5 ± 0,70%; and finally a generic tablet with the of ambroxolHCl( PT. Phapros) of 99,6 ± 0,59%. All tablets used within this research have conform to the general levels of amboxol HCI in a tablet which is not less than 90.0% and not more that 110% from the number written in the regulation

    Determinination Of Iron, Potassium, Calcium, And Sodium In The Fruit Of Guava (Syzygium Aqueum) And Guava Semarang (SyzygiumSamarangense) In Spectrophotometry Atomic Absorpti

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    Syzygium belongs to the guava tribe or Myrtaceae, originating from Southeast Asia. Syzygium is divided into two: small water guava known as Syzygium aqueum and large water guava known as Syzygium samarangense. This study aims to determine the mineral levels of iron, potassium, calcium, and sodium contained in guava and guava Semarang and to compare mineral levels between a guava and guava Semarang. Each sample was dry digested, and then quantitative analysis of iron, potassium, calcium, and sodium was carried out using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) with a wavelength of 248.3 nm; potassium 766.5 nm; calcium 422.7; and sodium 589.0 nm. The advantage of this method is that it can determine the content of minerals in small quantities without being influenced by other minerals. The results showed the levels of iron, potassium, calcium, and sodium in guava and guava Semarang, respectively: (0.2553 ± 0.0077) mg/100g and (0.1548 ± 0.0152) mg/100g; (70.2326 ± 1.5738) mg/100g and (45.7714 ± 0.9827) mg/100g; (3.8588 ± 0.1619) mg/100g and (0.4663 ± 0.0507) mg/100g; (8.1187 ± 0.3375) mg/100g and (6.1648 ± 0.1689) mg/100g. A comparison of mineral content between guava and guava Semarang shows that iron, potassium, calcium, and sodium minerals in guava are more significant than in guava Semarang. Statistically, the different tests of the average content of iron, potassium, calcium, and sodium between guava and guava Semarang using the F distribution found that the content of iron, potassium, calcium, and calcium sodium in guava was significantly higher than in guava Semarang

    Determination Of Macro Mineral Content In Fresh Noni Fruit (Morinda Citrifolia L.) By Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

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    This study aims to determine the levels of macro minerals such as potassium, calcium, sodium, and magnesium in fresh noni fruit. The sample of noni fruit was destructed, then quantitative analysis of potassium, calcium, sodium, and magnesium were performed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) at a wavelength 766.5 nm for potassium; 422.7 nm for calcium; 589.0 nm for sodium; and 285.2 nm for magnesium. The advantages of this method are selective and sensitive. The average % recoveries were obtained in 109.7 % for potassium; 96.4 % for calcium; 99.7 % for sodium; and 92.4 % for magnesium. This method is very suitable for determining mineral content in fruit as shown in the recovery results and in accordance with the validation requirements