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    ABSTRACT Mental disorder is a mental illness caused by a person's inability to adapt to the situation he is facing which will cause uncomfortable feelings. One form of culture is the birth of various kinds of local traditions that are carried on for generations and are sustainable, such as alms of the earth. This tradition is one of the special rituals that demands consistency in its implementation. The Keyongan Village community has experience when they do not carry out the almsgiving tradition, this experience is related to fear and anxiety which causes the community to experience mental disorders. This study aims to find out the experience of the community when they do not carry out the alms-earth tradition and the community's efforts to overcome mental disorders through the alms-earth tradition. The research method used is qualitative – phenomenology. The research subjects were 3 people who were selected through a purposive sampling technique. The three subjects felt a change in their psychological condition before and after carrying out the alms-earth tradition. Data collection techniques were carried out by interviews, observation and documentation. As for the technique of testing the validity of the data studied through method triangulation. The results of the study show that the sedekah bumi procession has a close relationship with Islamic values. These values are then understood to have an effect on the psyche of the community if the tradition is carried out and if the community does not participate in carrying out the sedekah bumi tradition, they are usually overwhelmed by feelings of anxiety that will cause mental disorders. A group of people who experience mental disorders have begun to carry out the alms-earth tradition to overcome mental disorders by understanding and interpreting the almsearth tradition more deeply. Alms of the Earth has a value of gratitude, moral values and religious values, which in fact are interpreted by society as an effort to overcome mental disorders. The similarity of the values in the sedekah bumi tradition with Islamic values indirectly has a good impact on the welfare of society. Keywords: mental disorder, earth alms traditio