2,331 research outputs found
De la quête de légitimation à la question de la légitimité : les thérapeutiques "traditionnelles" au Sénégal
E. Fassin & D. Fassin — From the Quest for Legitimation to the Question of Legitimacy : 'Traditional' Therapies in Senegal.
The quest for new forms of recognition for traditional therapists raises the question of the relations between the different kinds of medical practices and, more precisely, that of medical legitimacy. Through three case studies carried out in Senegal, the authors attempt to show how principles of legitimation are defined today with, as essential characteristics: recognition of the least legitimate of the healers, strengthening of the legitimator's authority, and recourse to legitimating bodies outside of the medical field. This analysis shows the inanity of the classical modem/traditional opposition and leads to an examination of the meaning of a legitimacy crisis which seems to affect both doctors and healers.Fassin Éric, Fassin Didier. De la quête de légitimation à la question de la légitimité : les thérapeutiques « traditionnelles » au Sénégal.. In: Cahiers d'études africaines, vol. 28, n°110, 1988. pp. 207-231
Миф, ритуал, праздник: взаимосвязь традиций
В истории культуры нельзя найти какой-либо исторический отрезок времени в любом регионе, где хоть на мгновение человеческое сообщество могло бы существовать автономно и независимо от прочных связей с прошлым и будущим. Даже если кто-то и заявлял об окончательном разрыве с традицией, то при внимательном изучении всегда обнаруживались элементы и структуры «прошлого» в настоящем. В культуре христианства присутствуют элементы языческих традиций, в атеистических по своему идеологическому содержанию советских праздниках можно обнаружить связь с предшествующими народными традициями, праздниками, ритуалами. Культурное бытие человечества не дискретно, но континуально и взаимозависимо
Equalities between h-type indices and definitions of rational h-type indicators
Purpose: To show for which publication-citation arrays h-type indices are equal and to reconsider rational h-type indices. Results for these research questions fill some gaps in existing basic knowledge about h-type indices.
Design/methodology/approach: The results and introduction of new indicators are based on well-known definitions.
Findings: The research purpose has been reached: answers to the first questions are obtained and new indicators are defined.
Research limitations: h-type indices do not meet the Bouyssou-Marchant independence requirement.
Practical implications: On the one hand, more insight has been obtained for well-known indices such as the h-and the g-index and on the other hand, simple extensions of existing indicators have been added to the bibliometric toolbox. Relative rational h-type indices are more useful for individuals than the existing absolute ones.
Originality/value: Answers to basic questions such as "when are the values of two h-type indices equal" are provided. A new rational h-index is introduced
La biopolitique n’est pas une politique de la vie
Autour de son cours au Collège de France de 1975-1976 et du premier volume de son Histoire de la sexualité, Michel Foucault avança, de manière fugace, mais décisive, une théorie du biopouvoir dont la composante la plus remarquable était la biopolitique. Ce concept, qu’il délaissa lui-même au profit d’autres pistes de recherche, connut néanmoins une fortune considérable dans les sciences sociales. Bien plus pourtant qu’une véritable politique de la vie, que l’étymologie du mot paraissait annoncer, la biopolitique s’est révélée être un gouvernement des populations, des conduites et des pratiques, laissant échapper ce qu’on peut appeler la vie elle-même. Reprenant une double ligne de réflexion à partir de Georges Canguilhem, dont il fut l’élève, et d’Hannah Arendt, dont il ignora l’oeuvre, on se propose dans ce texte de retourner à la substance des politiques de la vie, entre vivant et vécu, entre zoé et bios, et, à partir de travaux empiriques conduits sur les réfugiés en France et sur le sida en Afrique du Sud, d’appréhender certains des enjeux de ces politiques. Il s’agit en particulier de penser la vie du point de vue à la fois des inégalités et des légitimités.For his courses at the Collège de France in 1975-1976 and in the first volume of his Histoire de la sexualité, Michel Foucault briefly but decisively advanced a theory of biopower whose outstanding element was biopolicy. This concept, which he himself abandoned for other lines of research, nonetheless enjoyed considerable success in the social sciences. Far more, however, than a veritable policy of life as suggested by the etymology of the word, biopolicy in fact referred to the government of populations, behaviours and practices, leaving out what can be called life itself. Based on a two-fold line of reflection by Georges Canguilhem, whose pupil he was, and by Hannah Arendt, whose work was unknown to him, it is proposed in this text to return to the substance of policies of life, between living and lived, between zoé and bioss, and, based on empirical studies of refugees in France and AIDS in South Africa, to grasp some of the issues of these policies, in particular, thinking of life from the viewpoint of both inequalities and legitimacies.En torno a su curso en el Colegio de Francia de 1975-1976 y del primer volumen de su Historia de la sexualidad, Michel Foucault avanzó, de manera fugaz, pero decisiva, una teoría del biopoder cuyo componente más notable era lo biopolítico. Este concepto, que él mismo olvidó en favor de otras pistas de investigación, conoció sin embargo un éxito considerable en las ciencias sociales. Más que una verdadera política de la vida, que la etimología de la palabra parecía anunciar, lo biopolítico reveló ser un gobierno de las poblaciones, de las conductas y prácticas, dejando escapar lo que se puede llamar la propia vida. Reanudando una doble línea de reflexión a partir de Georges Canguilhem, del que fue alumno, y de Hannah Arendt, cuya obra ignoró, nos proponemos en este texto devolver a la sustancia política de la vida, entre vivo y vivido, entre Zoé y bios, y, a partir de trabajos empíricos hechos sobre los refugiados en Francia y sobre el SIDA en Sudáfrica, comprender lo que está en juego en estas políticas. Se trata en particular de pensar la vida desde el punto de vista a la vez de las desigualdades y de las legitimidades
The compound F-2-index and the compound H-index as extension of the f(2) and h-indexes from a dynamic perspective
Purpose: Elaboration of an indicator to include the dynamic aspect of citations in bibliometric indexes. Design/methodology/approach: A new bibliometric methodology-the f(2)-index-is applied at the career level and at the level of the recent 5 years to analyze the dynamic aspect of bibliometrics. The method is applied, as an illustration, to the field of corporate governance. Findings: The compound F-2-index as an extension of the f(2)-index recognizes past achievements but also values new research work with potential. The method is extended to the h-index and the h(2)-index. An activity index is defined as the ratio between the recent h'-index to the career h-index. Research limitations: The compound F-2 and H-indexes are PAC, probably approximately correct, and depend on the selection and database. Practical implications: The F-2- and H compound indexes allow identifying the rising stars of a field from a dynamic perspective. The activity ratio highlights the contribution of younger researchers. Originality/value: The new methodology demonstrates the underestimated dynamic capacity of bibliometric research
El irresistible ascenso del derecho a la vida. Razón humanitaria y justicia social
Durante las últimas décadas, el derecho a la vida ha ido ocupando un lugar central en la economía general de los derechos humanos, mientras los derechos económicos y sociales han pasado a segundo plano. Dicha evolución se ha producido de manera casi invisible, en tanto que la evidencia del valor de la vida humana se ha impuesto sobremanera y de un modo aparentemente consensual en el espacio público internacional. Mediante un estudio de caso sobre el sida en África del Sur y, en particular, de lo que se puede llamar un drama social, intento mostrar cómo dos comunidades éticas, posicionadas de manera desigualmente homogénea con respecto a ambos tipos de derechos, se han enfrentado, sin reconocerse como tales. Ampliando el análisis a otros casos, propongo el concepto de biolegitimidad, legitimidad del “simple hecho de vivir”, según la fórmula de Walter Benjamin, no estudiando su fundamento metafísico como él hace, sino deteniéndome en la significación antropológica de una progresiva sustitución de la justicia social por la razón humanitaria.During the recent decades, in the general economy of human rights, the right to life has taken a crucial place, whereas the economic and social rights have become secondary. This evolution occurred in an almost invisible way as the moral obviousness of the value of human life imposed itself in an apparently consensual manner in the international public space. On the basis of a case study about the social drama of AIDS in South Africa, I attempt to show how two ethical communities constituted around these two rights entered in conflict. Broadening the analysis to other situations, I propose the concept of biolegitimacy, the legitimacy of “mere life”, in Walter Benjamin’s words, not through the study of its metaphysical foundations as he does, but examining the anthropological meaning of the progressive substitution of humanitarian reason to social justice.Au cours des dernières décennies, dans l’économie générale des droits de l’homme, le droit à la vie a pris une place centrale, cependant que les droits économiques et sociaux sont passés au second plan. Cette évolution s’est produite de manière presque invisible tant l’évidence morale de la valeur de la vie humaine s’est imposée de façon apparemment consensuelle dans l’espace public international. A partir d’une étude de cas autour du sida en Afrique du Sud et notamment de ce qu’on peut appeler un drame social, j’essaie de montrer comment deux communautés éthiques, inégalement homogènes autour de ces deux types de droits, se sont affrontées sans se reconnaître en tant que telles. Elargissant l’analyse à d’autres cas, je propose le concept de biolégitimité, légitimité du “simple fait de vivre”, selon la formule de Walter Benjamin, non pas en étudiant ses fondements métaphysiques comme il s’y emploie, mais en m’attachant à la signifi cation anthropologique d’une progressive substitution de la raison humanitaire à la justice sociale
‘Race’, sexualities and the French public intellectual: an interview with Eric Fassin
French academic Eric Fassin is interviewed about his work in the field of public sociology, particularly around race and sexuality, over the last two decades. He explains the background and context of intellectuals in France before moving on to the specifics of addressing firstly ‘race’, and secondly sexuality. He argues that 1989 and 2005 are the key turning points in public discourse on ‘race’. Prior to 1989, which saw the first of the ‘Headscarf crises’, ‘race’ was not dealt with explicitly, either in French colonial history or its postcolonial present. The headscarf crisis clarified the tensions within the republican tradition (in which people are formally divided only into French citizens and foreigners, rather than recognised as classes or ethnic groups). The discourse surrounding the riots of 2005 made this the other key year. The framing of debate was along the lines of discrimination (between French citizens) rather than integration (of foreigners into Frenchness), marking a shift towards an acceptance that racism was a social issue. Fassin coins the term ‘sexual democracy’ to encapsulate the distinction between characteristics that are immanent rather than transcendent, and argues that discourse about sexuality and families represents a conflict between those who see them as governed by the social, and those who see them as outside these norms, beyond the social
The impact of internal corporate social responsibility on organizational commitment: Evidence from Vietnamese service firms
This study examines the relationship between internal corporate social responsibility (CSR) and organizational commitment in the service sector in Vietnam. Results from a survey of 256 employees indicate that internal CSR has a positive and significant correlation with organizational commitment. More specifically, labor relations, health and safety, and training and education had a significant effect on organizational commitment whereas work–life balance and social dialogue have no significant association with organizational commitment. The authors also provide implications, limitations, and recommendations for future research
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