21 research outputs found


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    The recent collapse of bridges in Italy has prompted numerous studies on monitoring and maintenance. Many structures in Italy have been in service for over 50 years, necessitating new approaches to ensure their safety. To address this issue, Italy's Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori Pubblici (Superior Council of Public Works) has developed the Guidelines for Risk Classification and Management, proposing a multi-level approach to bridge management within a complex geomorphological environment. The guidelines outline a multi-level process that includes surveying the structures, conducting detailed inspections, and assigning risk classes based on hazard, exposure, and vulnerability. Current inspection processes are time-consuming and costly. Therefore, alternative monitoring technologies are crucial. Unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with cameras, laser technologies, and GPS systems offer flexible and cost-effective solutions for visual inspection. These technologies enable the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data, such as size, material properties, and overall condition. In this context, efficient data management and exploration systems are necessary to handle the vast amount of geo-referenced information. Multi-epoch databases play a crucial role in documenting the conditions of bridges and supporting a maintenance and structural health monitoring workflow. These databases can be utilized within a Bridge Management System to aid road managers in decision-making processes. Additionally, 3D exploration platforms provide visual analysis and highlight areas of interest within the structure. This work presents a multi-epoch geo-database that adheres to the Italian guidelines, offering optimized data management and queryability for 2D and 3D information. The entire process is designed using open-source and reproducible solutions

    Towards nationally curated data archives for clinical radiology image analysis at scale: Learnings from national data collection in response to a pandemic

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    The prevalence of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 disease has resulted in the unprecedented collection of health data to support research. Historically, coordinating the collation of such datasets on a national scale has been challenging to execute for several reasons, including issues with data privacy, the lack of data reporting standards, interoperable technologies, and distribution methods. The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 disease pandemic has highlighted the importance of collaboration between government bodies, healthcare institutions, academic researchers and commercial companies in overcoming these issues during times of urgency. The National COVID-19 Chest Imaging Database, led by NHSX, British Society of Thoracic Imaging, Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust and Faculty, is an example of such a national initiative. Here, we summarise the experiences and challenges of setting up the National COVID-19 Chest Imaging Database, and the implications for future ambitions of national data curation in medical imaging to advance the safe adoption of artificial intelligence in healthcare

    Towards nationally curated data archives for clinical radiology image analysis at scale: learnings from national data collection in response to a pandemic

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    The prevalence of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 disease has resulted in the unprecedented collection of health data to support research. Historically, coordinating the collation of such datasets on a national scale has been challenging to execute for several reasons, including issues with data privacy, the lack of data reporting standards, interoperable technologies, and distribution methods. The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 disease pandemic has highlighted the importance of collaboration between government bodies, healthcare institutions, academic researchers and commercial companies in overcoming these issues during times of urgency. The National COVID-19 Chest Imaging Database, led by NHSX, British Society of Thoracic Imaging, Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust and Faculty, is an example of such a national initiative. Here, we summarise the experiences and challenges of setting up the National COVID-19 Chest Imaging Database, and the implications for future ambitions of national data curation in medical imaging to advance the safe adoption of artificial intelligence in healthcare

    The iPad in portable imaging: radiology on the move

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    The Neapolitan historic centre, for his multiple historic and artistic testimonies, can be considered a real “outdoor Museum” of the city. From the itself bird’s eye view you can admire the rich structure of squares, streets, alleys, extraordinary monuments, aristocratic palaces, decent buildings and simple constructions placed into specific urban grids. Different realities that you can recognise everywhere by observing the relations with the urban context extended to more and less large morphological areas, or by going to their historic matrices which have generated them and reading their connotations in successive periods of time, or, also, by analysing the constructive and compositional aspects of the building units, introducing an open classification to explore their form, structure, deterioration, etc. Walking through the Major, Superior and Inferior Decumani, which have already been favourite locations for ancient Greeks and Romans, you can admire the prestigious facades of fifteenth and sixteenth century Palaces of Neapolitan noble families like Carafa, Filomarino, Mazziotti, Pignatelli, Marigliano. Prospectuses that become the privileged place of the evident expression of a demonstration of the noble local power, through which great figures of architects show modern techno-structural capabilities, anticipating, sometimes, ideas and modus operandi that will become more typical for the Roman, Raphaelesque and Michelangelesque Renaissance. Masonry palaces with the characteristic yellow and grey tuff, morphologically developed around a central court which is accessed by an elegant vaulted vestibule, characterised by the rigorous ashlar facies, in opus isodomum, in a style aimed at recovering a classic formal language made by emblems, shields, statues, capitals, volute, reveal a rich and innovative city. The prospectuses of the sumptuous palaces of the Parthenopean Decumani become a stimulating page to read and understand for the knowledge of the city’s historical identity, to extract data from it, in a priceless experience which offers an immediate fruition to the pleased gaze

    Progetto di recupero funzionale della chiesa di San Bernardo e Santa Margherita a Fonseca in Napoli

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    La Chiesa di San Bernardo e Santa Margherita a Fonseca a Napoli, nel quartiere Stella, spogliata, nel tempo, di tutti gli arredi, dei marmi e del pavimento, necessita non solo di un recupero statico e di un reintegro sapiente delle originarie forme architettoniche, ma, soprattutto, di una rifunzionalizzazione, che favorisca la sua integrazione con le attivit\ue0 e con le tradizioni artistiche del centro storico cittadino. Un\u2019analisi approfondita del quadro produttivo locale a livello artigianale e lo studio delle potenzialit\ue0 offerte dall'organizzazione seicentesca della chiesa hanno portato ad individuare nella realizzazione di una scuola, di laboratori e di botteghe per l\u2019artigianato della lavorazione del rame una destinazione consona all'edificio sia dal punto di vista della fattibilit\ue0 economica che di quella dell\u2019intervento di recupero in s\ue9. | The San Bernardo and Santa Margherita a Fonseca Church, in Naples, in the Stella district, has been despoiled of furniture, marbles and floor long time ago. It needs, however, not only a severe structural intervention and a clever refurbishment of its architectural identity, but, also, a proper new use definition, in order to make possible its integration with the surrounding central area activities. A focused analysis of this productive framework, mainly related to handcraft, and of opportunities offered by the spatial distribution of the building itself brought to the idea of setting up a copper handcraft school, fitting both the economical restraints and the refurbishment issues

    Progetto di recupero funzionale della chiesa di S. Bernardo e Santa Margherita a Fonseca in Napoli

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    Se il tema del recupero funzionale delle chiese non più in uso va assumendo un interesse sempre crescente negli antichi centri italiani, a Napoli raggiunge proporzioni vastissime, tenuto conto che, solo nel centro antico della città, oltre duecento sono le chiese dismesse, abbandonate o impropriamente utilizzate. In questa nota, dopo aver esaminato le vicende storiche che hanno interessato la chiesa, le caratteristiche geometriche e materiche, le condizioni di degrado e le cause che l’hanno prodotto, viene presentata una ipotesi di recupero funzionale per ridare nuova vita all’organismo architettonico