25 research outputs found

    Weakly Supervised Object Detection for Remote Sensing Images: A Survey

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    The rapid development of remote sensing technologies and the availability of many satellite and aerial sensors have boosted the collection of large volumes of high-resolution images, promoting progress in a wide range of applications. As a consequence, Object detection (OD) in aerial images has gained much interest in the last few years. However, the development of object detectors requires a massive amount of carefully labeled data. Since annotating datasets is very time-consuming and may require expert knowledge, a consistent number of weakly supervised object localization (WSOL) and detection (WSOD) methods have been developed. These approaches exploit only coarse-grained metadata, typically whole image labels, to train object detectors. However, many challenges remain open due to the missing location information in the training process of WSOD approaches and to the complexity of remote sensing images. Furthermore, methods studied for natural images may not be directly applicable to remote sensing images (RSI) and may require carefully designed adaptations. This work provides a comprehensive survey of the recent achievements of remote sensing weakly supervised object detection (RSWSOD). An analysis of the challenges related to RSWSOD is presented, the advanced techniques developed to improve WSOD are summarized, the available benchmarking datasets are described and a discussion of future directions of RSWSOD research is provided

    Early damage detection of roller bearings using wavelet packet decomposition, ensemble empirical mode decomposition and support vector machine

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    Roller bearings are widely used in rotating machinery and one of the major reasons for machine breakdown is their failure. Vibration based condition monitoring is the most common method for extracting some important information to identify bearing defects. However, acquired acceleration signals are usually noisy, which significantly affects the results of fault diagnosis. Wavelet packet decomposition (WPD) is a powerful method utilized effectively for the denoising of the signals acquired. Furthermore, Ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) is a newly developed decomposition method to solve the mode mixing problem of empirical mode decomposi- tion (EMD), which is a consequence of signal intermittence. In this study a combined automatic method is proposed to detect very small defects on roller bearings. WPD is applied to clean the noisy signals acquired, then informative feature vectors are extracted using the EEMD technique. Finally, the states of the bearings are examined by labeling the samples using the hyperplane constructed by the support vector machine algorithm. The data were generated by means of a test rig assembled in the labs of the Dynamics and Identification Research Group in the mechanical and aerospace engineering depart- ment, Politecnico di Torino. Various operating condi- tions (three shaft speeds, three external loads and a very small damage size on a roller) were considered to obtain reliable results. It is shown that the combined method proposed is able to identify the states of the bearings effectively