3 research outputs found

    Assignment of unimodal probability distribution models for quantitative morphological phenotyping

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    Abstract Background Cell morphology is a complex and integrative readout, and therefore, an attractive measurement for assessing the effects of genetic and chemical perturbations to cells. Microscopic images provide rich information on cell morphology; therefore, subjective morphological features are frequently extracted from digital images. However, measured datasets are fundamentally noisy; thus, estimation of the true values is an ultimate goal in quantitative morphological phenotyping. Ideal image analyses require precision, such as proper probability distribution analyses to detect subtle morphological changes, recall to minimize artifacts due to experimental error, and reproducibility to confirm the results. Results Here, we present UNIMO (UNImodal MOrphological data), a reliable pipeline for precise detection of subtle morphological changes by assigning unimodal probability distributions to morphological features of the budding yeast cells. By defining the data type, followed by validation using the model selection method, examination of 33 probability distributions revealed nine best-fitting probability distributions. The modality of the distribution was then clarified for each morphological feature using a probabilistic mixture model. Using a reliable and detailed set of experimental log data of wild-type morphological replicates, we considered the effects of confounding factors. As a result, most of the yeast morphological parameters exhibited unimodal distributions that can be used as basic tools for powerful downstream parametric analyses. The power of the proposed pipeline was confirmed by reanalyzing morphological changes in non-essential yeast mutants and detecting 1284 more mutants with morphological defects compared with a conventional approach (Box–Cox transformation). Furthermore, the combined use of canonical correlation analysis permitted global views on the cellular network as well as new insights into possible gene functions. Conclusions Based on statistical principles, we showed that UNIMO offers better predictions of the true values of morphological measurements. We also demonstrated how these concepts can provide biologically important information. This study draws attention to the necessity of employing a proper approach to do more with less

    Rational selection of morphological phenotypic traits to extract essential similarities in chemical perturbation in the ergosterol pathway

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    Abstract Terbinafine, fluconazole, and amorolfine inhibit fungal ergosterol synthesis by acting on their target enzymes at different steps in the synthetic pathway, causing the accumulation of various intermediates. We found that the effects of these three in- hibitors on yeast morphology were different. The number of morphological parameters commonly altered by these drugs was only approximately 6% of the total. Using a rational strategy to find commonly changed parameters,we focused on hidden essential similarities in the phenotypes possibly due to decreased ergosterol levels. This resulted in higher apparent morphological similarity. Improvements in morphological similarity were observed even when canonical correlation analysis was used to select biologically meaningful morphological parameters related to gene function. In addition to changes in cell morphology, we also observed differences in the synergistic effects among the three inhibitors and in their fungicidal effects against pathogenic fungi possibly due to the accumulation of different intermediates. This study provided a comprehensive understanding of the properties of inhibitors acting in the same biosynthetic pathway