2 research outputs found
Influencia del taller "SPEAKING ENGLISH EASILY" en la producci贸n oral del idioma ingl茅s en los estudiantes de tercer grado "A" de secundaria de la Instituci贸n Educativa N潞0004 T煤pac Amaru 2012
The following research report named "SPEAKING ENGLISH EASIL Y" in the English Language Oral Production for the students of third grade section "A" in Tupac Amaru Secondary School. Sorne objectives were proposed to develop this project, to test the "SPEAKING ENGLISH EASILY" workshop to improve English language learning. In order to achieve this objective, the research hypothesis (Hi) is that the "SPEAKING ENGLISH EASIL Y" workshop has significant influence on English language learning of students of the third grade "A" and "B" of Tupac Amaru secondary school. In order to test the hypothesis, a type of applied experimental level research was developed. The sample consisted of 23 students in the third grade of secondary school who resolved an evaluation before and after the application of the "SPEAKING ENGLISH EASIL Y" workshop. The pre and post-test data analysis of the experimental group has shown the average of the scores of pre and post-test is 4 and 19. The analysis and interpretation of experimental results of the "SPEAKING ENGLISH EASILY" workshop has significantly influenced the English language learning of students in third grade "A" of Tupac Amaru secondary school.El t铆tulo de la presente investigaci贸n es "SPEAKING ENGLISH EASILY" en la producci贸n oral del idioma ingl茅s de los estudiantes de tercer grado "A" de secundaria de la instituci贸n educativa N潞 0004 T煤pac Amaru. Para desarrollar la presente investigaci贸n se plante贸 el siguiente objetivo, experimentar el taller "SPEAKING ENGLISH EASILY" para mejorar el aprendizaje del idioma Ingl茅s. Con la finalidad de alcanzar el objetivo propuesto, nos planteamos la hip贸tesis de investigaci贸n (H隆) que el taller "SPEAKING ENGLISH EASIL Y" influye significativamente en el aprendizaje del idioma Ingl茅s de los estudiantes de tercer grado "A" de secundaria de la Instituci贸n Educativa N潞 0004 T煤pac Amaru. Para contrastar la hip贸tesis se procedi贸 a desarrollar una investigaci贸n del tipo aplicada de nivel experimental. La muestra estuvo constituida por 23 estudiantes del tercer grado "A" de secundaria a los cuales se les aplic贸 una evaluaci贸n antes y despu茅s del desarrollo del taller "SPEAKING ENGLISH EASIL Y". El an谩lisis de los datos del pre-test y post-test del grupo experimental, ha permitido comprobar el promedio de las notas del pre-test y post-test que son 4 y 18. El an谩lisis y la interpretaci贸n de los resultados en la experimentaci贸n del taller "SPEAKING ENGLISH EASIL Y" concluy贸 que ha influido significativamente en el aprendizaje del idioma Ingl茅s de los estudiantes de tercer grado "A" de secundaria de la Instituci贸n Educativa T煤pac Amaru.Tesi