776 research outputs found

    Impact of CO2 fertilization on maximum foliage cover across the globe's warm, arid environments

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    Satellite observations reveal a greening of the globe over recent decades. The role in this greening of the "CO2 fertilization" effect-the enhancement of photosynthesis due to rising CO2 levels-is yet to be established. The direct CO2 effect on vegetatio

    The impact of bushfires on water yield from south-east Australia's ash forests

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    Widespread disturbance within forested catchments typically increases runoff. However, following widespread fire in 1939 throughout south-east Australia, Kuczera (1987) reported persistent reductions in runoff that were attributed to increased evapotrans

    Changes in the variability of global land precipitation

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    In our warming climate there is a general expectation that the variability of precipitation (P) will increase at daily, monthly and inter-annual timescales. Here we analyse observations of monthly P (1940-2009) over the global land surface using a new theoretical framework that can distinguish changes in global P variance between space and time. We report a near-zero temporal trend in global mean P. Unexpectedly we found a reduction in global land P variance over space and time that was due to a redistribution, where, on average, the dry became wetter while wet became drier. Changes in the P variance were not related to variations in temperature. Instead, the largest changes in P variance were generally found in regions having the largest aerosol emissions. Our results combined with recent modelling studies lead us to speculate that aerosol loading has played a key role in changing the variability of P

    Determining RuBisCO activation kinetics and other rate and equilibrium constants by simultaneous multiple non-linear regression of a kinetic model

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    The forward and reverse rate constants involved in carbamylation, activation, carboxylation, and inhibition of D-ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) have been estimated by a new technique of simultaneous non-linear regression of a differential equation kinetic model to multiple experimental data. Parameters predicted by the model fitted to data from purified spinach enzyme in vitro included binding affinity constants for non-substrate CO2 and Mg2+ of 200±80 μM and 700±200 μM, respectively, as well as a turnover number (kcat) of 3.3±0.5 s-1, a Michaelis half-saturation constant for carboxylation (KM,C) of 10±4 μM and a Michaelis constant for RuBP binding (KM,RuBP) of 1.5±0.5 μM. These and other constants agree well with previously measured values where they exist. The model is then used to show that slow inactivation of RuBisCO (fallover) in oxygen-free conditions at low concentrations of CO2 and Mg2+ is due to decarbamylation and binding of RuBP to uncarbamylated enzyme. In spite of RuBP binding more tightly to uncarbamylated enzyme than to the activated form, RuBisCO is activated at high concentrations of CO2 and Mg2+. This apparent paradox is resolved by considering activation kinetics and the fact that while RuBP binds tightly but slowly to uncarbamylated enzyme, it binds fast and loosely to activated enzyme. This modelling technique is presented as a new method for determining multiple kinetic data simultaneously from a limited experimental data set. The method can be used to compare the properties of RuBisCO from different species quickly and easily

    Changes in New Zealand pan evaporation since the 1970s,

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    ABSTRACT Several previous studies have reported declines in pan evaporation rate throughout the Northern Hemisphere of about 2-4 mm a −2 for various periods since the 1950s. A recent analysis of Australian pan evaporation reported a similar decline and raises the possibility that part of the phenomenon may be related to the greenhouse effect. To assess that possibility, one needs to know whether the decline in evaporative demand is happening in other parts of the Southern Hemisphere. As a first step to addressing the latter question, we examined the trend in pan evaporation at 19 New Zealand sites. We found statistically significant declines in pan evaporation rate at 6 of the 19 sites. There were no sites with statistically significant increases in pan evaporation. When averaged across all 19 sites, the decline in pan evaporation rate was roughly 2 mm a −2 (i.e. mm per annum per annum) since the 1970s. Over a 30-year period, this is equivalent to a decline of about 60 mm a −1 in annual pan evaporation. These results are generally consistent with those reported throughout the Northern Hemisphere and in Australia. We conclude that the trend for decreasing evaporative demand previously reported throughout the Northern Hemisphere terrestrial surface may also be widespread in the Southern Hemisphere. This may be, in part, a greenhouse-related phenomenon

    Revisiting the parameterization of potential evaporation as a driver of long-term water balance trends

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    We examine the effects of two different parameterizations of potential evaporation on long-term trends in soil moisture, evaporative flux and runoff simulated by the water balance model underlying the Palmer Drought Severity Index. The first, traditiona

    A general framework for understanding the response of the water cycle to global warming over land and ocean

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    Climate models project increases in globally averaged atmospheric specific humidity that are close to the Clausius"Clapeyron (CC) value of around 7%K-1 whilst projections for mean annual global precipitation (P) and evaporation (E) are somewhat muted at around 2%K-1. Such global projections are useful summaries but do not provide guidance at local (grid box) scales where impacts occur. To bridge that gap in spatial scale, previous research has shown that the "wet get wetter and dry get drier" relation, Δ(P -E)αP -E, follows CC scaling when the projected changes are averaged over latitudinal zones. Much of the research on projected climate impacts has been based on an implicit assumption that this CC relation also holds at local (grid box) scales but this has not previously been examined. In this paper we find that the simple latitudinal average CC scaling relation does not hold at local (grid box) scales over either ocean or land. This means that in terms of P -E, the climate models do not project that the "wet get wetter and dry get drier" at the local scales that are relevant for agricultural, ecological and hydrologic impacts. In an attempt to develop a simple framework for local-scale analysis we found that the climate model output shows a remarkably close relation to the long-standing Budyko framework of catchment hydrology. We subsequently use the Budyko curve and find that the local-scale changes in P -E projected by climate models are dominated by changes in P while the changes in net irradiance at the surface due to greenhouse forcing are small and only play a minor role in changing the mean annual P -E in the climate model projections. To further understand the apparently small changes in net irradiance we also examine projections of key surface energy balance terms. In terms of global averages, we find that the climate model projections are dominated by changes in only three terms of the surface energy balance: (1) an increase in the incoming long-wave irradiance, and the respective responses (2) in outgoing longwave irradiance and (3) in the evaporative flux, with the latter change being much smaller than the former two terms and mostly restricted to the oceans. The small fraction of the realised surface forcing that is partitioned into E explains why the hydrologic sensitivity (2%K-1) is so much smaller than CC scaling (7%K -1). Much public and scientific perception about changes in the water cycle has been based on the notion that temperature enhances E. That notion is partly true but has proved an unfortunate starting point because it has led to misleading conclusions about the impacts of climate change on the water cycle. A better general understanding of the potential impacts of climate change on water availability that are projected by climate models will surely be gained by starting with the notion that the greater the enhancement of E, the less the surface temperature increase (and vice versa). That latter notion is based on the conservation of energy and is an underlying basis of climate model projections

    On the extent of genetic variation for transpiration efficiency in sorghum

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    A glasshouse study examined 49 diverse sorghum lines for variation in transpiration efficiency. Three of the 49 lines grown were Sorghum spp. native to Australia; one was the major weed Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense), and the remaining 45 lines were cultivars of Sorghum bicolor. All plants were grown under non-limiting water and nutrient conditions using a semi-automatic pot watering system designed to facilitate accurate measurement of water use. Plants were harvested 56–58 days after sowing and dry weights of plant parts were determined. Transpiration efficiency differed signficantly among cultivars. The 3 Australian native sorghums had much lower transpiration efficiency than the other 46 cultivars, which ranged from 7·7 to 6·0 g/kg. For the 46 diverse cultivars, the ratio of range in transpiration efficiency to its l.s.d. was 2·0, which was similar to that found among more adapted cultivars in a previous study. This is a significant finding as it suggests that there is likely to be little pay-off from pursuing screening of unadapted material for increased variation in transpiration efficiency. It is necessary, however, also to examine absolute levels of transpiration efficiency to determine whether increased levels have been found. The cultivar with greatest transpiration efficiency in this study (IS9710) had a value 9% greater (P < 0·05) than the accepted standard for adapted sorghum cultivars. The potential impact of such an increase in transpiration efficiency warrants continued effort to capture it. Transpiration efficiency has been related theoretically and experimentally to the degree of carbon isotope discrimination in leaf tissue in sorghum, which thus offers a relatively simple selection index. In this study, the variation in transpiration efficiency was not related simply to carbon isotope discrimination. Significant associations of transpiration efficiency with ash content and indices of photosynthetic capacity were found. However, the associations were not strong. These results suggest that a simple screening technique could not be based on any of the measures or indices analysed in this study. A better understanding of the physiological basis of the observed genetic differences in transpiration efficiency may assist in developing reliable selection indices. It was concluded that the potential value of the improvement in transpiration efficiency over the accepted standard and the degree of genetic variation found warrant further study on this subject. It was suggested that screening for genetic variation under water-limiting conditions may provide useful insights and should be pursued

    Effects of rising temperatures and [CO2] on the physiology of tropical forest trees

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    Using a mixture of observations and climate model outputs and a simple parametrization of leaf-level photosynthesis incorporating known temperature sensitivities, we find no evidence for tropical forests currently existing ‘dangerously close’ to their optimum temperature range. Our model suggests that although reductions in photosynthetic rate at leaf temperatures (TL) above 30°C may occur, these are almost entirely accountable for in terms of reductions in stomatal conductance in response to higher leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficits D. This is as opposed to direct effects of TL on photosynthetic metabolism. We also find that increases in photosynthetic rates associated with increases in ambient [CO2] over forthcoming decades should more than offset any decline in photosynthetic productivity due to higher D or TL or increased autotrophic respiration rates as a consequence of higher tissue temperatures. We also find little direct evidence that tropical forests should not be able to respond to increases in [CO2] and argue that the magnitude and pattern of increases in forest dynamics across Amazonia observed over the last few decades are consistent with a [CO2]-induced stimulation of tree growth

    Simulating daily field crop canopy photosynthesis: an integrated software package

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    Photosynthetic manipulation is seen as a promising avenue for advancing field crop productivity. However, progress is constrained by the lack of connection between leaf-level photosynthetic manipulation and crop performance. Here we report on the development of a model of diurnal canopy photosynthesis for well watered conditions by using biochemical models of C-3 and C-4 photosynthesis upscaled to the canopy level using the simple and robust sun-shade leaves representation of the canopy. The canopy model was integrated over the time course of the day for diurnal canopy photosynthesis simulation. Rationality analysis of the model showed that it simulated the expected responses in diurnal canopy photosynthesis and daily biomass accumulation to key environmental factors (i.e. radiation, temperature and CO2), canopy attributes (e.g. leaf area index and leaf angle) and canopy nitrogen status (i.e. specific leaf nitrogen and its profile through the canopy). This Diurnal Canopy Photosynthesis Simulator (DCaPS) was developed into a web-based application to enhance usability of the model. Applications of the DCaPS package for assessing likely canopy-level consequences of changes in photosynthetic properties and its implications for connecting photosynthesis with crop growth and development modelling are discussed