10 research outputs found

    Impact of crop varieties on household food security in Haor areas of Bangladesh

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    The purpose of the study was to identify the crop varieties in the Haor area of Netrokona district to minimize the food vulnerability situation during food crisis. The study was conducted in four selected villages of Madan and Khaliajuri Upazilas under the Netrokona district. Data were collected from randomly selected 400 farmers from the study area in the year 2011. The findings of the study revealed that farmers usually cultivate only three HYV boro rice varieties (BR 19, BRRI dhan 28 and BRRI dhan 29) in the Haor area under study. In aman season farmers mostly cultivate local varieties and they get minimum yield. Only few vegetables found to cultivate by the farmers in Haor area. The vegetables are: onion, garlic, chilli, bottle gourd, sweet gourd, ladys finger and tomato. Among these onion, garlic and chilli are mostly cultivated. Many farmers reported that during the flood they had to face serious problems in respect of communication, diseases, increased price of different commodities, and lack of adequate government safety net programs/relief. Farmers lack of flood preparedness has been observed while some farmers remained uncared about the occurrence of flood and consequently they did not take any preparedness for flood. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v3i2.17812 Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 3 (2): 7-11, December, 201

    Eco-friendly kitchen gardening by Pakistani rural women developed through a farmer field school participatory approach

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    A joint venture was made by the Food and Agriculture Organization and the Society of Facilitators and Trainers Pakistan to train rural women of eight districts of Pakistan in kitchen gardening and off-season vegetable cultivation using a farmer field school (FFS) approach. Overall, 42 females were trained as master trainers who in turn established 48 season-long FFS where 1227 rural females were facilitated to establish home gardens and field plots with emphasis on minimizing chemical inputs in crop production and protection. Observatory skills regarding regular plant growth and ecology were enhanced through agroecosystem analysis, which, in turn, improved their crop management decisions. The largest portion of FFS participants (38.2%) was illiterate and with regard to age, the largest category (36.6%) was 21 – 30 years old. The participatory FFS activities not only enhanced the awareness of participating rural women folk but also provided a forum to share their experiences. They gained confidence and improved their social interactions and awareness about their role in improving livelihoods and agriculture. The cost – benefit analysis showed home gardens and field plots of vegetables to be economically beneficial activitie

    Impact of crop varieties on household food security in Haor areas of Bangladesh

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    The purpose of the study was to identify the crop varieties in the Haor area of Netrokona district to minimize the food vulnerability situation during food crisis. The study was conducted in four selected villages of Madan and Khaliajuri Upazilas under the Netrokona district. Data were collected from randomly selected 400 farmers from the study area in the year 2011. The findings of the study revealed that farmers usually cultivate only three HYV boro rice varieties (BR 19, BRRI dhan 28 and BRRI dhan 29) in the Haor area under study. In aman season farmers mostly cultivate local varieties and they get minimum yield. Only few vegetables found to cultivate by the farmers in Haor area. The vegetables are: onion, garlic, chilli, bottle gourd, sweet gourd, ladys finger and tomato. Among these onion, garlic and chilli are mostly cultivated. Many farmers reported that during the flood they had to face serious problems in respect of communication, diseases, increased price of different commodities, and lack of adequate government safety net programs/relief. Farmers lack of flood preparedness has been observed while some farmers remained uncared about the occurrence of flood and consequently they did not take any preparedness for flood. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v3i2.17812 Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 3 (2): 7-11, December, 201

    Technical Issues in Coronary and Peripheral Procedures

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    Technical Issues in Coronary and Peripheral Procedures

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    Technical Issues in Coronary and Peripheral Procedures

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    The Potential of Flavanol and Procyanidin Intake to Influence Age-Related Vascular Disease

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