270 research outputs found

    Advertising Message Processing Amongst Urban Children: With Reference To TV Advertising in Pakistan.

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    The current study extends the knowledge of cognitive processing of advertising messages by urban children in Pakistan. Data were collected from 230 children in age bracket 7 - 12 years, drawn by using the cluster sampling approach. Structured questionnaire using three point rating scale was used. Data analysis showed that children’s capability to understand, decode and process advertising messages is directed not only by their own cognitive capabilities at different age levels but also through societal and personal backgrounds. Some communal and social customs related to tolerability and aptness of human behavior also manipulate the processing of advertising messages by children of either sex. Some other factors including the model liking, role played, story, and jingle will not only influence liking or disliking of some specific advertisements and therefore its decoding. At this age group, it was not appropriate to use advanced psychometric techniques for study, so, a simple three a point scale was used for data collection. Further research may explore other insights by using development in measuring tools and techniques. How advertising messages are decoded by children and which are important sources of persuading and influencing is a topic not explored much in Pakistan. Therefore, the study would add some insights for good understanding the children’s capabilities to process and ultimately scheming valuable communication approaches.Advertising, Cognitive Processing, Communication, Pakistan, Children

    Classification of Water using Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System

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    The basic reason to conduct the research and state the problems regarding the contaminated water is to highlight the basic elements that should be available in water and some that are not, to a ratio that the water is declared safe for drinking. To do so we will keep account of the basic elements in water, odor, taste, hardness, pH level and color of water by following the guidelines given by World Health Organization (WHO) and researches conducted in past on the safe drinking water in Pakistan. Our basic objective is to conclude these mention factors are either in the range of safety parameters or not and also set some of the parameter on which the previous researches in Pakistan are lacking. In past researches the methods used to calculate the values of water were manual but for our research we will use significant software tool for calculations because we want zero tolerance in the output values of elements in the water up to the safety level . The method proposed for this type of research is Fuzzification to calculate the values and measurements of the proposed problem. In this research we areusing our computer science expertise combined with mathematical knowledge to provide the solution and these things that set our project apart

    Assessment of Salt Tolerance Ability among Different Accessions of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

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    Twenty sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) accessions were evaluated against three different salinity levels. Triplicate factorial completely randomized design was followed. Salinity was developed with NaCl to achieve the final salinity levels of 3dSm-1, 6dSm-1 and 9dSm-1, whereas control contained tap water. Data of 60 days old ten seedlings from each entry was recorded and analyzed. Accessions G-36, G-61, A-23, A-6, and A-185 performed better in both controlled and saline conditions. These accessions showed better biomass production and high shoot and root growth by least concentration of Na+ and higher concentration of K+ and Cl- in leaf sap resulting in better K+ and Na+. Keywords: Halianthus annus, salinity, biomass, leaf sa

    Diagnosis Health Effects of Pollution Produced by Coal Power Plants Using Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System

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    Coal Power Plants emit harmful products which pose potentially large risk to human health and the environment. Coal-fired power plant are source of nitrogen oxide, airborne fly ash and Sulphur. In substantially less attentions has been paid to detect the effect of these toxic elements present in coal pollution on the human health. In this Article, Fuzzy System (FS) is proposed to detect the Health effects of pollution produced by coal power plants. The proposed DHEPCPP-FS Smart System can categorize the different Health effects of pollution produced by coal power plants. The Proposed DHEPCPP-MFIS Expert System has six input variables at layer. The input variables are Carbon monoxide (CO). Black carbon, Nitrogen dioxide (NO ), Sulfur dioxide (SO ), Heavy metals and Black smoke which produce output condition of health like Lungs problem, Heart problem or Cancer. This paper also present an scrutiny of the results achieved by using Proposed DHEPCPP-MFIS Expert System ascertain effects of pollution on health produced by coal power plants processes with the medical expert opinion and researches conducted in the past

    Design of a Finger Ring Antenna for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Body-centric communications have become very active area of research due to ever-growing demand of portability. Advanced applications such as; health monitoring, tele-medicine, identification systems, performance monitoring of athletes, defence systems and personal entertainment are adding to its popularity. In this paper, a novel wearable antenna radiating at 5 GHz for the body-centric wireless sensor networks has been presented. The antenna consists of a conventional microstrip patch mounted on a gold base and could be worn in a finger like a ring. CST Microwave Studio is used for modelling, simulation and optimisation of the antenna. The simulated results show that the proposed antenna has a -10 dB bandwidth of 90.3 MHz with peak gain of 6.9 dBi. Good performance in terms of bandwidth, directivity, gain, return loss and radiation characteristics, along with a miniaturised form factor makes it a very well suited candidate for the body-worn wireless sensor applications

    Reassessing leadership traits: An Islamic perspective

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    The phenomena of leadership has long been cited and discussed in business and management literature. Discourse on effective leadership qualities is popular in management circles. Interestingly, traditional literature on leadership has presented rather diverse results. And recent developments in the field of leadership and management reveal a growing interest in religion and spirituality. The present study attempts to understand leadership and submit a comprehensive framework exploring leadership traits from an Islamic viewpoint. A sample of 16 respondents was selected, most of whom had extensive knowledge and experience in leadership and management. They belonged to diverse industries such as manufacturing, construction, telecommunications, banking and education. The study found that Islamic Leadership is based around the notion of stewardship of Allah's creation. An Islamic leader must be a role model with exemplary personality, attitude, character and competence. And only those individuals may be selected as leaders who have piety (Taqwa) and goodness. The study also presented that Taqwa, Consultation and Intellectual competence are the key traits for a Muslim leader. In addition, Taqwa encompasses Islamic Spirituality and Islamic Social responsibly. The sub-constructs of Taqwa include; belief (Iman), worship (Ibadat) and repentance (Tawbah), patience, emotional control, forgiveness, the establishment of zakah and giving sadakah, fulfillment of contracts, justice and integrity. Together, these traits frame the overall description of Islamic leadership

    Organizational Resilience: A Dynamic Capability of Complex Systems

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    In recent years, the concept of organizational resilience has largely attracted the interest of academicians and practitioners alike. A fair number of researches have been conducted on developing the concept of organizational resilience. However, there seems to be a lack of consensus over its conceptualization mainly because the concept itself is prodigious and is used in a variety of disciplines. Furthermore, research within the domain of organizational resilience has been outcome oriented; however, questions addressing the drivers of resilience are yet to be answered. On the other hand, research within the domain of dynamic capabilities view have long been criticized as tautological, resistant to operationalization, and lacking the unification of thought. However, there exists a sufficient degree of conceptual similitude between the two concepts, mainly due to their epistemological similarities grounded within the theoretical assumptions of chaotic systems, environmental dynamism, and systems thinking. Incorporating both perspectives in parallel for understanding the theoretical connections can lead to clarifications at an ontological level. Therefore, this paper attempts to propose a holistic model of organizational resilience by incorporating a lens metaphor of dynamic capabilities view. This paper is divided into four sections. The first section of this paper lays down the multidisciplinary discourses within the realm of organizational resilience. The second section highlights the management discourse about the conceptualization of organizational resilience. The third section of this paper uses a lens metaphor of dynamic capabilities view in an attempt to add depth to the concept of organizational resilience. The fourth and the final section attempts to propose the drivers of organizational resilience from a strategic viewpoint

    Evaluation of Impact of Prescribing Safety Assessment Workshop on Medical Doctors Using Kirkpatrick Model

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    Background Clinical pharmacology training is a prerequisite for all medical graduates. Prescription writing errors are not infrequent at primary health care level leading to threat to patient safety. Prescribers lacks uniform structured training and assessment which is one of the major factors for this situation across the country. In lots of institutions despite proper curriculum, learners lack interest because the subject importance is insignificant. Hence to bring more interest in pharmacology for prescribers there is a dire need for innovative and interesting methods of teaching and assessment, one of which is prescribing safety assessment (PSA). Objectives To assess if the PSA is superior method of training prescription writing than CPW To evaluate the workshop on prescription writing using guidelines of Kirkpatrick Model   Methods It was an experimental study. 44 medical doctors participated; a pre-test was taken 01 week before the workshop. Afterwards, they were randomized into 02 groups, group A went through PSA and group B followed conventional prescription writing (CPW) 01-day workshop. At the end, post-test was taken from both groups. The qualitative data was also collected from participants on feedback proforma consisting of few closed ended questions on Likert scale. Results The independent t-test was used to compare the data as it was in normal distribution. Posttest performance of PSA group significantly increased P ˂ 0.001 as compared to CPW. Reaction  to closed ended 13 questions on Likert scale showed high satisfaction from 4.32 to 4.84 on 5 points  Likert scale on workshop satisfaction. Conclusion PSA is an effective teaching and assessment strategy for learning clinical pharmacology. The study objectively proves its effectiveness in comparison to CPW and provides a guideline to implement this innovative and useful tool for teaching and assessment. Keywords Prescribing safety assessment, conventional prescription writing, Faculty development, Workshop, Impact, Kirkpatrick model

    Investigating the non-work antecedents of workplace deviance

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    Deviance in the workplace, which has a huge destructive and harmful impact on the organization, is of key concern to academicians and practitioners. Existing literature focuses on the work-related antecedents of workplace deviance. However, the non-work-related antecedents have received little attention. Hence, the present research attempts to understand, the non-work antecedents that aggravate deviant behavior among employees at a workplace. The Gioia qualitative research approach was used to understand, examine, analyze, and interpret the views of respondents. A semi-structured interviewing technique was adopted. The respondents were encouraged to share their own experiences, thoughts, and understanding regarding the phenomenon. A sample of 25 experienced respondents from public and private organisations in Pakistan were interviewed. The results indicate that commuting factors (road hindrances, conflict behaviors, traffic discipline, and over-speeding), social factors (family-work conflict, and disturbed social relations), and an individual's lifestyle (attitude, physical inactivity, and sleep deprivation) are the contributing factors pertaining to the non-work antecedents of workplace deviance. The current study contributes to the literature by focusing on the non-work antecedents of workplace deviance
