131 research outputs found

    The Host Range of Gammaretroviruses and Gammaretroviral Vectors Includes Post-Mitotic Neural Cells

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    Gammaretroviruses and gammaretroviral vectors, in contrast to lentiviruses and lentiviral vectors, are reported to be restricted in their ability to infect growth-arrested cells. The block to this restriction has never been clearly defined. The original assessment of the inability of gammaretroviruses and gammaretroviral vectors to infect growth-arrested cells was carried out using established cell lines that had been growth-arrested by chemical means, and has been generalized to neurons, which are post-mitotic. We re-examined the capability of gammaretroviruses and their derived vectors to efficiently infect terminally differentiated neuroendocrine cells and primary cortical neurons, a target of both experimental and therapeutic interest.Using GFP expression as a marker for infection, we determined that both growth-arrested (NGF-differentiated) rat pheochromocytoma cells (PC12 cells) and primary rat cortical neurons could be efficiently transduced, and maintained long-term protein expression, after exposure to murine leukemia virus (MLV) and MLV-based retroviral vectors. Terminally differentiated PC12 cells transduced with a gammaretroviral vector encoding the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-xL were protected from cell death induced by withdrawal of nerve growth factor (NGF), demonstrating gammaretroviral vector-mediated delivery and expression of genes at levels sufficient for therapeutic effect in non-dividing cells. Post-mitotic rat cortical neurons were also shown to be susceptible to transduction by murine replication-competent gammaretroviruses and gammaretroviral vectors.These findings suggest that the host range of gammaretroviruses includes post-mitotic and other growth-arrested cells in mammals, and have implications for re-direction of gammaretroviral gene therapy to neurological disease

    The Gag Cleavage Product, p12, is a Functional Constituent of the Murine Leukemia Virus Pre-Integration Complex

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    The p12 protein is a cleavage product of the Gag precursor of the murine leukemia virus (MLV). Specific mutations in p12 have been described that affect early stages of infection, rendering the virus replication-defective. Such mutants showed normal generation of genomic DNA but no formation of circular forms, which are markers of nuclear entry by the viral DNA. This suggested that p12 may function in early stages of infection but the precise mechanism of p12 action is not known. To address the function and follow the intracellular localization of the wt p12 protein, we generated tagged p12 proteins in the context of a replication-competent virus, which allowed for the detection of p12 at early stages of infection by immunofluorescence. p12 was found to be distributed to discrete puncta, indicative of macromolecular complexes. These complexes were localized to the cytoplasm early after infection, and thereafter accumulated adjacent to mitotic chromosomes. This chromosomal accumulation was impaired for p12 proteins with a mutation that rendered the virus integration-defective. Immunofluorescence demonstrated that intracellular p12 complexes co-localized with capsid, a known constituent of the MLV pre-integration complex (PIC), and immunofluorescence combined with fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed co-localization of the p12 proteins with the incoming reverse transcribed viral DNA. Interactions of p12 with the capsid and with the viral DNA were also demonstrated by co-immunoprecipitation. These results imply that p12 proteins are components of the MLV PIC. Furthermore, a large excess of wt PICs did not rescue the defect in integration of PICs derived from mutant p12 particles, demonstrating that p12 exerts its function as part of this complex. Altogether, these results imply that p12 proteins are constituent of the MLV PIC and function in directing the PIC from the cytoplasm towards integration

    In vitro initial attachment of HIV-1 integrase to viral ends: control of the DNA specific interaction by the oligomerization state

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    HIV-1 integrase (IN) oligomerization and DNA recognition are crucial steps for the subsequent events of the integration reaction. Recent advances described the involvement of stable intermediary complexes including dimers and tetramers in the in vitro integration processes, but the initial attachment events and IN positioning on viral ends are not clearly understood. In order to determine the role of the different IN oligomeric complexes in these early steps, we performed in vitro functional analysis comparing IN preparations having different oligomerization properties. We demonstrate that in vitro IN concerted integration activity on a long DNA substrate containing both specific viral and nonspecific DNA sequences is highly dependent on binding of preformed dimers to viral ends. In addition, we show that IN monomers bound to nonspecific DNA can also fold into functionally different oligomeric complexes displaying nonspecific double-strand DNA break activity in contrast to the well known single strand cut catalyzed by associated IN. Our results imply that the efficient formation of the active integration complex highly requires the early correct positioning of monomeric integrase or the direct binding of preformed dimers on the viral ends. Taken together the data indicates that IN oligomerization controls both the enzyme specificity and activity

    Peptides Derived from HIV-1 Integrase that Bind Rev Stimulate Viral Genome Integration

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    The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) integrase protein (IN), catalyzes the integration of viral DNA into the host cell genome. IN catalyzes the first step of the integration process, namely the 3′-end processing in which IN removes a pGT dinucleotide from the 3′ end of each viral long terminal repeat (LTR). Following nuclear import of the viral preintegration complex, the host chromosomal DNA becomes accessible to the viral cDNA and the second step of the integration process, namely the strand-transfer step takes place. This ordered sequence of events, centered on integration, is mandatory for HIV replication. assay system, we show that INr-1 and INr-2 are able to abrogate the inhibitory effects exerted by Rev and Rev-derived peptides on integrase activity. Both INr-1 and INr-2 were found to be cell-permeable and nontoxic, allowing a study of their effect in HIV-1-infected cultured cells. Interestingly, both INr peptides stimulated virus infectivity as estimated by production of the viral P24 protein, as well as by determination of the appearance of newly formed virus particles. Furthermore, kinetics studies revealed that the cell-permeable INr peptides enhance the integration process, as was indeed confirmed by direct determination of viral DNA integration by real-time PCR.The results of the present study raise the possibility that in HIV-infected cells, the Rev protein may be involved in the integration of proviral DNA by controlling/regulating the activity of the integrase. Release from such inhibition leads to stimulation of IN activity and multiple viral DNA integration events

    Perturbation of Host Nuclear Membrane Component RanBP2 Impairs the Nuclear Import of Human Immunodeficiency Virus -1 Preintegration Complex (DNA)

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    HIV-1 is a RNA virus that requires an intermediate DNA phase via reverse transcription (RT) step in order to establish productive infection in the host cell. The nascent viral DNA synthesized via RT step and the preformed viral proteins are assembled into pre-integration complex (PIC) in the cell cytoplasm. To integrate the viral DNA into the host genome, the PIC must cross cell nuclear membrane through the nuclear pore complex (NPC). RanBP2, also known as Nup358, is a major component of the cytoplasmic filaments that emanates from the nuclear pore complex and has been implicated in various nucleo-cytoplasmic transport pathways including those for HIV Rev-protein. We sought to investigate the role of RanBP2 in HIV-1 replication. In our investigations, we found that RanBP2 depletion via RNAi resulted in profound inhibition of HIV-1 infection and played a pivotal role in the nuclear entry of HIV DNA. More precisely, there was a profound decline in 2-LTR DNA copies (marker for nuclear entry of HIV DNA) and an unchanged level of viral reverse transcription in RanBP2-ablated HIV-infected cells compared to RanBP3-depleted or non-specific siRNA controls. We further demonstrated that the function of Rev was unaffected in RanBP2-depleted latently HIV infected cells (reactivated). We also serendipitously found that RanBP2 depletion inhibited the global ectopic gene expression. In conclusion, RanBP2 is a host factor that is involved in the nuclear import of HIV-1 PIC (DNA), but is not critical to the nuclear export of the viral mRNAs or nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling of Rev. RanBP2 could be a potential target for efficient inhibition of HIV

    Revisiting HIV-1 uncoating

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    HIV uncoating is defined as the loss of viral capsid that occurs within the cytoplasm of infected cells before entry of the viral genome into the nucleus. It is an obligatory step of HIV-1 early infection and accompanies the transition between reverse transcription complexes (RTCs), in which reverse transcription occurs, and pre-integration complexes (PICs), which are competent to integrate into the host genome. The study of the nature and timing of HIV-1 uncoating has been paved with difficulties, particularly as a result of the vulnerability of the capsid assembly to experimental manipulation. Nevertheless, recent studies of capsid structure, retroviral restriction and mechanisms of nuclear import, as well as the recent expansion of technical advances in genome-wide studies and cell imagery approaches, have substantially changed our understanding of HIV uncoating. Although early work suggested that uncoating occurs immediately following viral entry in the cell, thus attributing a trivial role for the capsid in infected cells, recent data suggest that uncoating occurs several hours later and that capsid has an all-important role in the cell that it infects: for transport towards the nucleus, reverse transcription and nuclear import. Knowing that uncoating occurs at a later stage suggests that the viral capsid interacts extensively with the cytoskeleton and other cytoplasmic components during its transport to the nucleus, which leads to a considerable reassessment of our efforts to identify potential therapeutic targets for HIV therapy. This review discusses our current understanding of HIV uncoating, the functional interplay between infectivity and timely uncoating, as well as exposing the appropriate methods to study uncoating and addressing the many questions that remain unanswered

    The role of unintegrated DNA in HIV infection

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    Integration of the reverse transcribed viral genome into host chromatin is the hallmark of retroviral replication. Yet, during natural HIV infection, various unintegrated viral DNA forms exist in abundance. Though linear viral cDNA is the precursor to an integrated provirus, increasing evidence suggests that transcription and translation of unintegrated DNAs prior to integration may aid productive infection through the expression of early viral genes. Additionally, unintegrated DNA has the capacity to result in preintegration latency, or to be rescued and yield productive infection and so unintegrated DNA, in some circumstances, may be considered to be a viral reservoir. Recently, there has been interest in further defining the role and function of unintegrated viral DNAs, in part because the use of anti-HIV integrase inhibitors leads to an abundance of unintegrated DNA, but also because of the potential use of non-integrating lentiviral vectors in gene therapy and vaccines. There is now increased understanding that unintegrated viral DNA can either arise from, or be degraded through, interactions with host DNA repair enzymes that may represent a form of host antiviral defence. This review focuses on the role of unintegrated DNA in HIV infection and additionally considers the potential implications for antiviral therapy

    HIV infection of non-dividing cells: a divisive problem

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    Understanding how lentiviruses can infect terminally differentiated, non-dividing cells has proven a very complex and controversial problem. It is, however, a problem worth investigating, for it is central to HIV-1 transmission and AIDS pathogenesis. Here I shall attempt to summarise what is our current understanding for HIV-1 infection of non-dividing cells. In some cases I shall also attempt to make sense of controversies in the field and advance one or two modest proposals