8 research outputs found

    Identification Of Antigens Recognized By The Monoclonal Antibody, Ibmr3 On Lymphocytes And Established Cell Lines

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    Antibodi monoklon menunjukkan kegunaan yang tinggi dalam penyelidikan dan klinikal. Antibodi monoklon IBMR3 (IBMR3 MAb) telah menunjukkan keupayaan mengcam molekul yang mungkin berhubungkait dengan kompleks reseptor interleukin-4 (IL-4R). Selama ini, IL-4R sering dikaitkan dengan kanser. Tujuan penyelidikan ini adalah untuk mengesan pengekspresan antigen IBMR3 (IBMR3 Ag) pada sel mononuklear darah periferal (PBMC) dan panel titisan sel. Kaedah pewarnaan imuno menunjukkan IBMR3 MAb boleh mengcam antigen pada beberapa jenis sel termasuk sel epithelial, fibroblas, haematopoitik, kanser dan normal. Yang menariknya, IBMR3 Ag diekpres dengan signifikan dalam ruang sitoplasma tetapi tidak diekspres pada permukaan sel kecuali pada sel limfosit normal. Analisis pengekspresan IBMR3 Ag menunjukkan pengekspresannya adalah tinggi pada limfosit teraktif berbanding limfosit tidak teraktif tanpa mengambilkira jenis ejen mitogenik yang digunakan. Limfosit yang diaktifkan oleh CD3 MAb menunjukkan pengekspresan tertinggi (60.00 ± 1.94%) diikuti oleh limfosit yang diaktifkan oleh rangsangan PHA (41.23 ± 0.63%). Monoclonal antibodies have demonstrated significant utilities in both research and clinical applications. IBMR3 monoclonal antibody (IBMR3 MAb) has been shown to recognize a molecule that may be associated with the human interleukin-4 receptor (IL-4R) complex. IL-4 has been shown to be extensively associated with cancer. The aim of this study is to identify the IBMR3 antigen (IBMR3 Ag) expressed in normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and in a panel of established cell lines. Immunostaining revealed that IBMR3 MAb can recognize antigen in a variety of cell types, including epithelial, fibroblast, haemopoietic, cancer, and normal cells. Interestingly, IBMR3 Ag was found to be expressed in the cytoplasm but was absent on the cell surface except for normal lymphocytes. The analysis of IBMR3 Ag expression on lymphocytes showed that IBMR3 Ag expression was higher on activated lymphocytes compared to resting lymphocytes regardless of the type of mitogenic agents used. The lymphocytes activated by CD3 MAb demonstrated the highest expression (60.00 ± 1.94%) followed by those activated only by phytohaematoglutinin (PHA) stimulation (41.23 ± 0.63%)

    A review of Malaysian medicinal plants with potential anticancer activity

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    The global cancer incidence and its high mortality rate indicate limitations in its current treatment and chemotherapeutic strategies. This sparked a worldwide interest in the demand for chemical diversity in searching for therapeutic drugs derived from natural products. Natural products from medicinal plants, whether as pure compounds or crude extracts, offer inexhaustible sources of new drugs because of their unparalleled chemical diversity. This review aims to disseminate detailed information on the anticancer potential of Malaysian medicinal plants, focusing on the bioactive phytochemicals and mechanisms of action against cancer development in both in vitro and in vivo studies. A comprehensive search of PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, and ScienceDirect databases was conducted to find relevant articles on the anticancer activity of Malaysian medicinal plants. A total of hundred and twenty-two (122) articles on the anticancer activity of Malaysian medicinal plants was identified and reviewed. Eighty-five (85) plants (in vitro) and 16 plants (in vivo) have been identified to possess anticancer activity. The activity reported was attributed primarily to diverse chemical groups of naturally occurring phytochemicals such as flavonoids, phenolics, glycosides, quercetin, and gallic acid. Henceforth, the findings will hope to aid further research in understanding the underlaying mechanism and the efficiency of the isolation of the bioactive compounds

    Cytotoxic effect of dillapiole on human breast cancer MCF-7 CELLS

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    Plant secondary metabolites and their derivatives play a significant role in anticancer drug therapy since they are effective against specific characteristics while reducing side effects. Dillapiole is a phenylpropanoid that holds several bioactivities like anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-leishmanial, and anti-cancer. This study aims to investigate the possible cytotoxic effect of dillapiole on human breast cancer, MCF-7 cells. Cells were cultured in complete RPMI media and incubated at standard culture conditions. After the cells reached 80% confluency, cells were treated with various concentrations (ranging from 0 μM to 150 μM) of dillapiole and tamoxifen as a positive control. Cells were later incubated at 48 and 72 h. Using WST-1 assay, the cytotoxic effect was determined for both incubation times. Results show tamoxifen inhibited the MCF-7 cells with the IC50 at 75.9 μM and 39.8 μM for 48 and 72 h respectively. Parallel with the positive control results, there was a significant cytotoxic effect of dillapiole against MCF-7 cells at 48- and 72-hr incubation with the IC50 at 92.1 μM and 63.1 μM respectively. Based on these results, dillapiole was cytotoxic against MCF-7 cells and its cytotoxic activity was both in a time and dose-dependent manner (<0.05). The morphological analysis supported the WST-1 assay. Our preliminary finding is in agreement with other previous studies, suggesting that dillapiole appears to be a promising anti-cancer agent and opens a wider possibility of downstream analysis on its underlying cytotoxicity mechanism

    Cytotoxic effect of dillapiole on human breast cancer MCF-7 cells

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    Plant secondary metabolites and their derivatives play a significant role in anticancer drug therapy since they are effective against specific characteristics while reducing side effects. Dillapiole is a phenylpropanoid that holds several bioactivities like anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-leishmanial, and anti-cancer. This study aims to investigate the possible cytotoxic effect of dillapiole on human breast cancer, MCF-7 cells. Cells were cultured in complete RPMI media and incubated at standard culture conditions. After the cells reached 80% confluency, cells were treated with various concentrations (ranging from 0 μM to 150 μM) of dillapiole and tamoxifen as a positive control. Cells were later incubated at 48 and 72 h. Using WST-1 assay, the cytotoxic effect was determined for both incubation times. Results show tamoxifen inhibited the MCF-7 cells with the IC50 at 75.9 μM and 39.8 μM for 48 and 72 h respectively. Parallel with the positive control results, there was a significant cytotoxic effect of dillapiole against MCF-7 cells at 48- and 72-hr incubation with the IC50 at 92.1 μM and 63.1 μM respectively. Based on these results, dillapiole was cytotoxic against MCF-7 cells and its cytotoxic activity was both in a time and dose-dependent manner (<0.05). The morphological analysis supported the WST-1 assay. Our preliminary finding is in agreement with other previous studies, suggesting that dillapiole appears to be a promising anti-cancer agent and opens a wider possibility of downstream analysis on its underlying cytotoxicity mechanism

    Oryzias latipes (JAPANESE MEDAKA) as genetic model to study causative genes of epilepsy disease: an in-silico approach

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    Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder that has affected around 50-70 million people worldwide. Various animal models have previously been used in epilepsy research. To expand the knowledge of the disease, a new animal model is suggested to be explored considering the genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity that contributes to the complexity of the disease. This study was undertaken to analyze 14 causative genes of epilepsy disease in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes), humans, and the established model of this disease which is zebrafish (Danio rerio) by assessing the variation in the genes by using MEGA X and predicting the functional motif and secondary structure of the proteins by using PROSITE and GORIV respectively. Results from the variation analysis showed the lowest percentage of conserved genes in Japanese medaka was 60%.50% of the genes of Japanese medaka were found to be more conserved than zebrafish in comparison to a human. The functional motifs present in all genes in Japanese medaka showed the same motifs present in humans. All the secondary structures of Japanese medaka genes were predicted to contain the alpha helix, extended strand, and random coil. In conclusion, it can be inferred that Japanese medaka could be a reliable animal model for epilepsy disease

    Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) as genetic model to study causative genes of epilepsy disease : an in-silico approach

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    Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder that has affected around 50-70 million people worldwide. Various animal models have previously been used in epilepsy research. To expand the knowledge of the disease, a new animal model is suggested to be explored considering the genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity that contributes to the complexity of the disease. This study was undertaken to analyze 14 causative genes of epilepsy disease in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes), humans, and the established model of this disease which is zebrafish (Danio rerio) by assessing the variation in the genes by using MEGA X and predicting the functional motif and secondary structure of the proteins by using PROSITE and GORIV respectively. Results from the variation analysis showed the lowest percentage of conserved genes in Japanese medaka was 60%.50% of the genes of Japanese medaka were found to be more conserved than zebrafish in comparison to a human. The functional motifs present in all genes in Japanese medaka showed the same motifs present in humans. All the secondary structures of Japanese medaka genes were predicted to contain the alpha helix, extended strand, and random coil. In conclusion, it can be inferred that Japanese medaka could be a reliable animal model for epilepsy disease

    Aqueous Extract of Clitoria ternatea Attenuates the Growth of Streptococcus mutans

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    In the human oral cavity, Streptococcus mutans is often observed and is a major contributor to tooth decay. Increased S. mutans levels may be linked to progressively more severe forms of periodontal disease because root exposure in people with periodontitis increases caries rates. Hence, a new potential antibacterial compound needs to be searched to combat this pathogenic bacterium. The butterfly pea, or Clitoria ternatea is an ornamental plant that has been reported to exhibit antibacterial properties against several bacteria. Thus, the goal of this investigation was to determine how well C. ternatea aqueous (CTA) extract inhibited S. mutans. The disk diffusion assay was performed to access the antibacterial properties of the CTA extract. The efficiency of the extract against the test bacterium was then determined through MIC/MBC determinations and a time-kill study. Meanwhile, the toxicity of the extract was tested using a brine shrimp lethality assay (BSLA). The CTA extract demonstrated substantial antibacterial activity against the test bacterium at a concentration of 200 mg/ml, with a diameter of the inhibition zone of 13.4±0.4 mm, according to the disc diffusion assay. The aqueous extract’s MIC and MBC values were found to be 100 and 400 g/mL, respectively. Time-kill analysis revealed the CTA extract exerted a strong bactericidal effect on S. mutans and this activity was dose-dependent. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) exhibited the bacterial cells experienced severe damage after being exposed to CTA extract including formation cavities, irregular shape, and crumpled cells. Thus, the present study suggested the potential of CTA extract as an antibacterial agent against oral cavity bacteria and can be used in the formulation of natural mouthwash due to no toxicity effect

    Bioactivity of clitoria ternatea crude extracts against pathogenic bacteria

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    Clitoria ternatea, sometimes referred to as the Asian pigeon wings blue pea, the butterfly pea, or the Darwin pea, is a Fabaceae plant species that has been shown to possess antibacterial effects against several pathogenic microbes. Hence, the present study has been carried out to access the antibacterial activity of C. ternatea flower extracted with water and methanol against pathogenic bacteria. The well and disk diffusion assays were performed to determine the antibacterial activity of C. ternatea flower extracts. The efficacy of the extracts was then evaluated via broth microdilution assay to obtain MIC and MBC values and the growth reduction assay. Meanwhile, the DPPH scavenging test was used to assess the antioxidant activity of the crude extracts. The results of the well and disc diffusion assays showed that Gram-positive bacteria were more sensitive to both extracts compared to Gramnegative bacteria. Meanwhile, the methanolic extract showed higher antibacterial activity on both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria compared to the aqueous extract. The results of the MIC and MBC tests showed that the methanolic extract was bactericidal to both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The aqueous extract, however, demonstrated bacteriostatic activity against Gram-negative bacteria and bactericidal activity solely against Gram-positive bacteria. After a 24-h exposure period, a growth reduction assay showed that the methanolic extract could suppress both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria by up to 99%. Meanwhile, the aqueous extract showed an inhibition percentage value ranging from 75% to 96% after an incubation period. The aqueous extract had the lowest antioxidant activity, with an EC50 value of 87.78 µg/mL, whereas the methanolic extract had a fair amount of antioxidant activity when compared to the control (quercetin), according to the DPPH scavenging assay. The present study suggests that C. ternatea extracts as a potential antibacterial agent against pathogenic bacteria with significant antioxidant activity and this activity may be due to the presence of anthocyanin and its derivatives