12 research outputs found

    Malaysian household income distribution: a fractal point of view

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    Malaysian Household Income Survey data provided by the Malaysian Department of Statistics is used to provide evidence that the upper tails of the household income distribution follows a fractal based distribution known as power-law. Inequality measures are then applied to ascertain the levels of inequality based on this distribution. In addition to that, we analyzed the data in terms of different classes of occupation, obtained power-law exponents for each class and then highlighted the inequality between these classes

    Transformation of Language in Teaching and Learning Policy

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    AbstractDue to the abolishment of the Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics in English (PPSMI) policy by the Malaysian Cabinet in July 2009, a new policy which is called Upholding the Malay Language and Strengthening Command of English (MBMMBI) policy was introduced. Both languages have their role and importance. The Malay language has long since been the language of knowledge and unity in Malaysia, whereas English is the international communication language. This study focuses on students’ perspectives regarding the issue of the transformation from PPSMI to MBMMBI. A survey has been conducted to gather information from students who enrolled for Science and Mathematics courses. Results show that the students are taking a positive standpoint in upholding the Malay language and at the same time strengthening the command of the English language. The transformation from PPSMI to MBMMBI is hoped to generate Malaysians who are fluent and confident in both Malay and English languages

    Students’ Inclination towards English Language as Medium of Instruction in the Teaching of Science and Mathematics

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    AbstractMalay language, the national language of Malaysia has been the medium of instruction for Science and Mathematics for the past four and a half decades in Malaysia. The government however changed the medium of instruction of these subjects to English in January 2003. The “Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics in English” (PPSMI) policy was implemented in all primary and secondary schools. It aims to improve the English language proficiency among students as well as the learning and achievement level in science and mathematics. This paper presents findings of the study on students’ inclination towards English language as medium of instruction in teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics in Higher Learning Institutions in Malaysia. The respondents were 291 undergraduate students from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) and Faculty of Education (FPEND) of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). A questionnaire pertaining to students’ inclination was used as research instrument. Using descriptive statistics, ANOVA and t-test, the study found that undergraduate students of FST and FPEND had an inclination towards English as medium of instruction in the teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics. Using the Post-Hoc test, it is found that Indian students and students from other races than Malay and Chinese have greater inclination towards English as medium of instruction in teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics in UKM for both faculties. However, FST students who studied in Mandarin and Tamil at pre-university level (STPM) had higher inclination compared to those who used Malay language or even English

    Nilai-nilai dalam kepimpinan dan warga kerja universiti dan hubung kaitnya dalam mengadun prestasi organisasi

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    Kepimpinan sering dikaitkan dengan prestasi sesebuah organisasi, justeru bidang kuasa dan kebertanggungjawaban besar yang digalas pihak kepemimpinan. Namun, tidak kurang pentingnya warga kerja organisasi yang berperanan melaksanakan polisi dan dasar organisasi. Walau bagaimanapun, sejak krisis nilai berlaku hingga mencetuskan krisis mata wang dunia, pelbagai usaha dan kajian dilakukan untuk mengenal pasti kedudukan nilai atau nilai teras dalam kriterium yang mempengaruhi prestasi organisasi. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengukur prestasi universiti dengan menggunakan Model Kecemerlangan Prestasi berasaskan Nilai Teras (VBTPEM). Kriterium Kepemimpinan dan kriterium Pekerja dari segi Fokus Pekerja dan Fokus Produktiviti dianalisis dari sudut sumbangan dan hubungannya dalam menjamin prestasi kecemerlangan universiti. Tinjauan dijalankan ke atas warga kerja sebelas buah universiti awam di Malaysia dan seramai 537 responden daripada kalangan kakitangan Gred 41 dan ke atas terlibat dalam tinjauan ini. Tatakaedah Kuasa Dua Terkecil Separa digunakan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara setiap kriterium dalam model VBTPEM. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa nilai-nilai Kepemimpinan memainkan peranan yang signifikan dalam mempengaruhi nilai-nilai Fokus Pekerja (β = 0.711) dan Fokus Produktiviti (β = 0.241) dengan R2 = 50.5%, dan seterusnya nilai-nilai dalam Pekerja dan Produktiviti menerangkan sebanyak 67.8% daripada variasi dalam prestasi universiti. Ini menunjukkan bahawa hala tuju kepemimpinan dan komitmen tinggi warga kerja universiti, serta gandingan kedua-dua pihak adalah sangat penting dalam mengadun prestasi yang diimpikan organisasi

    Model persamaan struktur kesetiaan pelanggan perkhidmatan jalur lebar HSDPA

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    This paper reports the structural equation modelling of the interrelationship among several latent factors which include customer satisfaction and customer loyalty for describing the quality of broadband wireless service HSDPA. A survey was conducted using questionnaires filled by 385 customers of HSDPA obtained through e-mails and internet discussion forum. The study found that network performance in terms of speed, connectivity, mobility and access affected customer satisfaction positively and significantly, while customer satisfaction influenced customer loyalt

    Kehendak dan kepuasan pelanggan IPTA terhadap perkhidmatan telekomunikasi Maxis

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    This study examined the customer satisfaction on Maxis Services using Importance- Performance Analysis (IPA) and Penalty Rewards Contrast Analysis. 325 respondents from public higher education institution (PHEI) students were selected randomly. The instrument of this study is questionnaire that contains seven factors for analysis including service cost, network coverage, network promotion, customer counter services, website customer services, operator services and other services. This study observed the level of importance and satisfaction of customers on the attributes stated using 1 to 7 Likert’s scale. The result shows that there are some factors that need more emphasis and improvements to achieve customer’s satisfaction and hence increase Maxis quality of services in Malaysi

    The Role of Final Year Project in The School of Mathematical Sciences in Human Capital Development

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    AbstractSoft skills are important elements in the development of human capital. These elements can be incorporated into the teaching and learning at all levels through courses or subjects offered. At the School of Mathematical Sciences (PPSM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), a final year project is a compulsory course for all students as a partial fulfillment to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree. This study aims to investigate the role of final year project in the students’ human capital development. A survey was carried out on 136 final year students in PPSM from three programmes; Mathematics, Actuarial Science and Statistics. Based on the analysis, it is found that nearly all respondents agreed that the final year project has successfully strengthened their key elements of soft skills, which include leadership, communication and continuous learning