31 research outputs found

    Subarachnoid-Pleural Fistula: Applied Anatomy of the Thoracic Spinal Nerve Root

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    Subarachnoid-pleural fistula (SPF) is a rare complication of chest or spine operations for neoplastic disease. Concomitant dural and parietal pleural defects permit flow of cerebrospinal fluid into the pleural cavity or intrapleural air into the subarachnoid space. Dural injury recognized intraoperatively permits immediate repair, but unnoticed damage may cause postoperative pleural effusion, intracranial hypotension, meningitis, or pneumocephalus. We review two cases of SPF following surgical intervention for chest wall metastatic disease to motivate a detailed review of the anatomy of neural, osseous, and ligamentous structures at the intervertebral foramen. We further provide recommendations for avoidance and detection of such complication

    Continuous Multi-Parameter Heart Rate Variability Analysis Heralds Onset of Sepsis in Adults

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    BACKGROUND: Early diagnosis of sepsis enables timely resuscitation and antibiotics and prevents subsequent morbidity and mortality. Clinical approaches relying on point-in-time analysis of vital signs or lab values are often insensitive, non-specific and late diagnostic markers of sepsis. Exploring otherwise hidden information within intervals-in-time, heart rate variability (HRV) has been documented to be both altered in the presence of sepsis, and correlated with its severity. We hypothesized that by continuously tracking individual patient HRV over time in patients as they develop sepsis, we would demonstrate reduced HRV in association with the onset of sepsis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We monitored heart rate continuously in adult bone marrow transplant (BMT) patients (n = 21) beginning a day before their BMT and continuing until recovery or withdrawal (12+/-4 days). We characterized HRV continuously over time with a panel of time, frequency, complexity, and scale-invariant domain techniques. We defined baseline HRV as mean variability for the first 24 h of monitoring and studied individual and population average percentage change (from baseline) over time in diverse HRV metrics, in comparison with the time of clinical diagnosis and treatment of sepsis (defined as systemic inflammatory response syndrome along with clinically suspected infection requiring treatment). Of the 21 patients enrolled, 4 patients withdrew, leaving 17 patients who completed the study. Fourteen patients developed sepsis requiring antibiotic therapy, whereas 3 did not. On average, for 12 out of 14 infected patients, a significant (25%) reduction prior to the clinical diagnosis and treatment of sepsis was observed in standard deviation, root mean square successive difference, sample and multiscale entropy, fast Fourier transform, detrended fluctuation analysis, and wavelet variability metrics. For infected patients (n = 14), wavelet HRV demonstrated a 25% drop from baseline 35 h prior to sepsis on average. For 3 out of 3 non-infected patients, all measures, except root mean square successive difference and entropy, showed no significant reduction. Significant correlation was present amongst these HRV metrics for the entire population. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Continuous HRV monitoring is feasible in ambulatory patients, demonstrates significant HRV alteration in individual patients in association with, and prior to clinical diagnosis and treatment of sepsis, and merits further investigation as a means of providing early warning of sepsis

    Gastropulmonary fistula after bariatric surgery

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    The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is one of the most common operations for morbid obesity. Although rare, gastropulmonary fistulas are an important complication of this procedure. There is only one recently reported case of this complication. The present report describes the serious nature of this complication in a patient after an uneventful laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery

    Scientific Overview of the CSCI-CITAC 2009 Conference

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    From September 21st-23rd 2009, the Clinical Investigator Trainee Association of Canada – Association des cliniciens-chercheurs en formation du Canada (CITAC-ACCFC) and the Canadian Society for Clinician Investigators (CSCI), held their annual conference in Ottawa. Participants included clinician investigators and trainees from across the country. The conference featured many excellent guest speakers including this year’s recipient of the Henry G. Friesen International Prize in Health Research, Sir John Bell. There were several forums focusing on professional development, with topics such as “sustaining the clinician investigator in Canada”, “succeeding as a clinician investigator”, and “collaborating internationally with MD+ trainees”, alongside networking opportunities to help establish relationships with potential mentors and collaborators. Further, the CSCI-CITAC annual conference featured some of the cutting edge research that MD+ trainees throughout Canada are engaged in. Trainees presented their research either at the Young Investigators Forum poster session or at the oral plenary. This scientific overview aims to highlight some of the research presented by trainees at the annual conference. The broad themes of scientific interest included topics from both basic science and clinical research. In this article, we summarize some of the major research questions that are being investigated by clinician-investigator trainees in the following areas: neurological sciences, cell biology, medicine, immunology, obstetrics, gynecology, neonatology, orthopedics, rheumatology, and public health