388 research outputs found

    LCNN: Lookup-based Convolutional Neural Network

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    Porting state of the art deep learning algorithms to resource constrained compute platforms (e.g. VR, AR, wearables) is extremely challenging. We propose a fast, compact, and accurate model for convolutional neural networks that enables efficient learning and inference. We introduce LCNN, a lookup-based convolutional neural network that encodes convolutions by few lookups to a dictionary that is trained to cover the space of weights in CNNs. Training LCNN involves jointly learning a dictionary and a small set of linear combinations. The size of the dictionary naturally traces a spectrum of trade-offs between efficiency and accuracy. Our experimental results on ImageNet challenge show that LCNN can offer 3.2x speedup while achieving 55.1% top-1 accuracy using AlexNet architecture. Our fastest LCNN offers 37.6x speed up over AlexNet while maintaining 44.3% top-1 accuracy. LCNN not only offers dramatic speed ups at inference, but it also enables efficient training. In this paper, we show the benefits of LCNN in few-shot learning and few-iteration learning, two crucial aspects of on-device training of deep learning models.Comment: CVPR 1

    Newtonian Image Understanding: Unfolding the Dynamics of Objects in Static Images

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    In this paper, we study the challenging problem of predicting the dynamics of objects in static images. Given a query object in an image, our goal is to provide a physical understanding of the object in terms of the forces acting upon it and its long term motion as response to those forces. Direct and explicit estimation of the forces and the motion of objects from a single image is extremely challenging. We define intermediate physical abstractions called Newtonian scenarios and introduce Newtonian Neural Network (N3N^3) that learns to map a single image to a state in a Newtonian scenario. Our experimental evaluations show that our method can reliably predict dynamics of a query object from a single image. In addition, our approach can provide physical reasoning that supports the predicted dynamics in terms of velocity and force vectors. To spur research in this direction we compiled Visual Newtonian Dynamics (VIND) dataset that includes 6806 videos aligned with Newtonian scenarios represented using game engines, and 4516 still images with their ground truth dynamics

    ELASTIC: Improving CNNs with Dynamic Scaling Policies

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    Scale variation has been a challenge from traditional to modern approaches in computer vision. Most solutions to scale issues have a similar theme: a set of intuitive and manually designed policies that are generic and fixed (e.g. SIFT or feature pyramid). We argue that the scaling policy should be learned from data. In this paper, we introduce ELASTIC, a simple, efficient and yet very effective approach to learn a dynamic scale policy from data. We formulate the scaling policy as a non-linear function inside the network's structure that (a) is learned from data, (b) is instance specific, (c) does not add extra computation, and (d) can be applied on any network architecture. We applied ELASTIC to several state-of-the-art network architectures and showed consistent improvement without extra (sometimes even lower) computation on ImageNet classification, MSCOCO multi-label classification, and PASCAL VOC semantic segmentation. Our results show major improvement for images with scale challenges. Our code is available here: https://github.com/allenai/elasticComment: CVPR 2019 oral, code available https://github.com/allenai/elasti
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