1 research outputs found
Fully Parallel 30-MHz, 2.5-Mb CAM
Translation functions in high-speed communications networks such as Internet protocol and asynchronous transfer mode are requiring larger and faster lookup tables. Content addressable memories (CAM's) provide built-in hardware lookup capability with high speed and high flexibility in address allocation. Previous high-capacity CAM's have been inadequate for emerging applications; comparators are time-shared among multiple bits or multiple words, resulting in serialized operation. Fully parallel architectures represent the best solution for highspeed operation, but previous fully parallel CAM's have lacked the capacity required for leading-edge networking applications. This paper describes a fully parallel (single-clock-cycle) CAM chip. The chip uses a 0.35-m digital CMOS technology to achieve 2.5 Mb of CAM storage and 30-MHz operating frequency. Innovative layout techniques are used to achieve two-dimensional decoding, a traditional problem with high-capacity CAM's. Architecture and operation of the chip are described, including a novel NAND match architecture, operation-specific self-timing loops, and on-board cascade management circuits. The chip functions at 31 MHz, with a search access time of 26 ns and an average search power dissipation of 5.2 W at 25 MHz