66 research outputs found

    What Drives Organizations To Share Knowledge With Their Supply Chain Partners?

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    Based on knowledge based view of the firm ’knowledge’ is an important productive resource. Organizations need to acquire required knowledge not only from internal sources but also from other organizations. If appropriate conditions for knowledge sharing are provided, an organization is able to obtain knowledge from its supply chain partners. One of the fundamental requirements of knowledge sharing is intention to share knowledge which has been widely investigated at individual level. Intention to share knowledge needs to be investigated at organizational levels especially between supply chain partners. The current study aims to identify drivers of the intention of an organization to share knowledge with its supply chain partners. By conducting literature review, three sets of factors have been identified and described in the form of a conceptual model. These are ‘contextual factors’, ‘organizational factors’ and ‘the nature of knowledge’. Both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies are planned to investigate such relationships. However, the present study only reports the conceptual model and results of the qualitative part of the study in automotive industry. The quantitative investigation that complements the current study is the subject of a future stage of the study although overall guidelines for conducting a survey are provided

    IS Enactment and organisational learning: A case of an integrated ERP post-implementation in Australia

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    Research has shown that the use of avatars within mHealth applications, that is, using mobile devices to provide health information to users, can improve health outcomes. While several studies have investigated the design of avatars for mHealth applications, these studies focused solely on western cultures and most of them have not considered whether design principles are different between Western and Arabic users. This work will investigate the design of Arabic avatars by conducting a qualitative study, which includes semi-structured interviews with multiple stakeholders. The study will adopt a co-design methodology to derive design principles for persuasive Arabic avatars in the context of mHealth. In particular, it is our aim to increase users’ perceived social presence and intention to use the persuasive mHealth avatars by taking Arabic culture into consideration. The work may contribute to a higher level of adoption of avatar-based mHealth applications in Arabic countries

    Organizational Learning and ERP Post-implementation Phase: A Situated Learning Perspective

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    In this paper, we interpret the sequence of events and issues that led to the ERP failure during the post-implementation phase in a large IT service management company in Australia. For this purpose, we used theoretical frameworks from the domain of organizational and situated learning. We found that several factors created severe complexities and failure at the post-implementation phase of the ERP: 1) staff’s lack of understanding of the SAP-ERP, 2 the interconnection of ERP with business processes, 3) a disconnection between the training that the vendor provided and actual work practices, and 4) management’s and staff’s misunderstanding about the adequacy of the training and staff engagement. Our findings suggest that the theoretical space that situated learning theories provide can enhance our understanding about post-implementation issues

    Adoption of Instant Messaging Technologies by University Students

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    The main objective of this paper is to better understand the nature and patterns of students’ socialization patterns in relation to the adoption of Instant Messaging (IM) systems. A model based on the Extended Planned Behavior Theory (EPBT) was applied to a sample of 80 students of software engineering at the University of New South Wales, Australia. Based on the EPBT model, a questionnaire was administered to these students. A number of key concepts were identified in relation to the students’ adoption of IM. It was also found that students use IM to support a number of task-related purposes such as collaborating with their classmates about group work and assignments, as well as for scheduling and coordinating meetings and significant results were obtained

    Investigating Inter-Organizational Knowledge Sharing Intention in Supply Chain Partnership

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    In today’s knowledge based economies, organizations cannot rely on acquiring the required knowledge solely from internal resources. This will make inter-organizational knowledge sharing an important issue. A great proportion of the current Studies mostly focus on the intention to share knowledge within an organization. This paper argues that there is a need to investigate the intention to share knowledge between organizations especially among supply chain partners because inter-organizational knowledge sharing is critical to supply chain activities. Based on the literature, the current study proposes a conceptual model showing the factors affecting inter-organizational knowledge sharing in supply chains, and how these factors may affect intention to share knowledge among the chained organisations. Through a systematic literature review, three major sets of factors were identified including: contextual factors, organizational factors and factors related to nature of knowledge. It is illustrated in the proposed conceptual model that contextual factors influence the intention to share knowledge in IO contexts. A plan is also proposed for both validation and testing of the conceptual model. For this purpose a mix methodology approach is proposed including interviews and a survey

    Cloud Computing Adoption: An Effective Tailoring Approach

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    Many organisations are currently moving their legacy systems to the cloud as it offers on-demand, elastic, and pay-as-you-go service models. However, different cloud migration scenarios can involve different activities during the migration process using one of many existing migration methods to make legacy cloud-compliant. There is no universally superior or applicable method for all cloud migration scenarios. In situations like this, designing situation-specific methods that fit several existing migration scenarios would be beneficial to the industry. The literature review reveals that issues surrounding the method tailoring for the cloud migration have not been addressed yet. To effectively harness this shortcoming, the idea of situational method engineering approach is applied to develop a framework for designing and maintaining bespoke methods for moving legacies to the cloud. The paper demonstrates the applicability of the framework via presenting two scenarios of creating, configuring, and sharing situational methods
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