687 research outputs found

    Cherenkov Flashes and Fluorescence Flares on Telescopes: New lights on UHECR Spectroscopy while unveiling Neutrinos Astronomy

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    Cherenkov Telescopes (as Magic, Hess and Veritas), while pointing horizontally should reveal also the fluorescence flare tails of nearby down-going air-showers. Such air-showers, born at higher (tens km) altitudes, are growing and extending up to lowest atmospheres (EeVs) or up to higher (few km) quotas (PeVs). Viceversa, as it has been foreseen and only recently observed, the opposite takes place. Fluorescence Telescopes made for UHECR detection may be blazed by inclined Cherenkov lights. The geomagnetic splitting may tag the energy as well as the inclined shower footprint as seen in a recent peculiar event in AUGER. Additional stereoscopic detection may define the event origination distance and its consequent primary composition, extending our understanding on UHECR composition, while unveling a novel tau Neutrino Astronomy.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Preprint submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods A. Only editorial format chang

    Updated Z-Burst Neutrinos at Horizons

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    Recent homogeneous and isotropic maps of UHECR, suggest an isotropic cosmic origin almost uncorrelated to nearby Local Universe prescribed by GZK (tens Mpc) cut-off. Z-Burst model based on UHE neutrino resonant scattering on light relic ones in nearby Hot neutrino Dark Halo, may overcome the absence of such a local imprint and explain the recent correlation with BL Lac at distances of a few hundred Mpc. Z-Burst multiple imprint, due to very possible lightest non-degenerated neutrino masses, may inject energy and modulate UHECR ZeV edge spectra. The Z-burst (and GZK) ultra high energy neutrinos (ZeV and EeV band) may also shine, by UHE neutrinos mass state mixing, and rise in corresponding UHE Tau neutrino flavor, whose charged current tau production and its decay in flight, maybe the source of UHE showering on Earth. The Radius and the atmosphere size of our planet constrains the tau maximal distance and energy to make a shower. These terrestrial tau energies are near GZK energy limit. Higher distances and energies are available in bigger planets; eventual solar atmosphere horizons may amplify the UHE tau flight allowing tau showering at ZeV energies offering a novel way to reveal the expected Z-Burst extreme neutrino fluxes.Comment: 6 Pages, 9 figure

    Air-Shower Spectroscopy at horizons

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    Horizontal and Upward air-showers are suppressed by deep atmosphere opacity and by the Earth shadows. In such noise-free horizontal and upward directions rare Ultra High Cosmic rays and rarer neutrino induced air-showers may shine, mostly mediated by resonant PeVs interactions in air or by higher energy Tau Air-showers originated by neutrino tau skimming the Earth. At high altitude (mountains, planes, balloons) the air density is so rarefied that nearly all common air-showers might be observed at their maximal growth at a tuned altitude and directions. The arrival angle samples different distances and the corresponding most probable primary cosmic ray energy. The larger and larger distances (between observer and C.R. interaction) make wider and wider the shower area and it enlarge the probability to be observed (up to three order of magnitude more than vertical showers); the observation of a maximal electromagnetic shower development may amplify the signal by two-three order of magnitude (respect suppressed shower at sea level); the peculiar altitude-angle range may disentangle at best the primary cosmic ray energy and composition. Even from existing mountain observatory the up-going air-showers may trace, above the horizons, PeV-EeV high energy cosmic rays and, below the horizons, PeV-EeV neutrino astronomy: their early signals may be captured in already existing gamma telescopes as Magic at Canarie, while facing the Earth edges during (useless) cloudy nights.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Prog. Part. Nucl. Phy

    Neutrino Astronomy and Cosmic Rays Spectroscopy at Horizons

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    A new air-showering physics may rise in next years at horizon, offering at different angles and altitudes a fine tuned filtered Cosmic Rays astrophysics and an upward Neutrino induced air-showering astronomy. Most of this opportunity arises because of neutrino masses, their mixing and the consequent replenishment of rarest tau flavor during its flight in Space. Horizontal air atmosphere act as a filter for High energy Cosmic Rays (CR) and as a beam dump for Ultra High Energy (UHE) neutrinos and a powerfull amplifier for its tau decay in air by its wide showering areas. Earth sharp shadows plays the role of a huge detector volume for UHE neutrino and a noise-free screen for upcoming EeVs tau air-showers (as well PeVs anti-neutrino electron air interactions). Projects for Tau Airshowers are growing at the top of a mountains or at the edge of a cliff. ASHRA in Hawaii and CRNTN in Utah are tracking fluorescence lights, while other novel projects on Crown array detectors on mountains, on balloons and satellites are elaborated for Cherenkov lights. AUGER, facing the Ande edges, ARGO located within a deep valley are testing inclined showers; MILAGRO (and MILAGRITO) may be triggered by horizontal up-going muon bundles from the Earth edges; HIRES and AUGER UHECR detectors, linking twin array telescopes along their axis may test horizontal Cerenkov blazing photons. MAGIC (Hess, Veritas) and Shalon Telescopes may act already like a detector for few PeVs and Glashow resonance neutrino events; MAGIC pointing downward to terrestrial ground acts as a massive tens of km^3 detector, making it the most sensitive dedicated neutrino telescope. MAGIC facing the sea edges must reveal mirrored downward UHECR Air-showers Cherenkov flashes. Magic-crown systems may lead to tens km^3, neutrino detectors.Comment: 24 pages, 24 figures, Conference NO-VE, Venice, 09-02-200

    Vertical Array in Space for Horizontal Air-Showers

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    We consider the guaranteed physics of horizontal (hadron) air-showers, HAS, developing at high (tens km) altitudes. Their morphology and information traces are different from vertical ones. Hundreds of km long HAS are often split by geomagnetic fields in a long (fan-like) showering with a twin spiral tail. The horizontal fan-like airshowers are really tangent and horizontal only at North and South poles. At different latitude these showering plane are turned and inclined by geomagnetic fields. In particular at magnetic equator such tangent horizontal East-West airshowers are bent and developed into a vertical fan air-shower, easily detectable by a vertical array detector (hanging elements by gravity). Such "medusa" arrays maybe composed by inflated floating balloons chains. The light gas float and it acts as an calorimeter for the particles, while it partially sustains the detector weight. Vertically hanging chains as well as rubber doughnut balloons (whose interior may record Cherenkov lights) reveal bundles of crossing electron pairs. Such an array maybe loaded at best and cheapest prototype in common balloons tracing upward and tangent hadron air-showers from terrestrial atmosphere edge. These array structure may reveal the split shower signature. Better revealing the composition nature. Just beyond the Earth horizons there are exciting, but rarer, sources of upward airshowers: the new UHE Tau Air-showers astronomy originated within Earth by EeVs tau neutrino signals skimming the soil and forming UHE Tau, decaying later in flight. Therefore Horizontal airshowers at equator may show the hadron horizontal twin split nature, its composition as well as a very first expected UHE Neutrino astronomy.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; EPS HEP 200

    Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays, Z-Shower and Neutrino Astronomy by Horizontal-Upward Tau Air-Showers

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    Ultra High Cosmic Rays (UHECR) Astronomy may be correlated to a primary parental Neutrino Astronomy: indeed any far BL Lac Jet or GRB, sources of UHECR, located at cosmic edges, may send its signal, overcoming the severe GZK cut-off, by help of UHE ZeV energetic neutrino primary. These UHE neutrino scattering on relic light ones (spread on wide Hot Local Groups Halos) maybe fine-tuned : E_(nu) =(M_Z)^2/m_(nu) = 4 10^(22) eV *((0.1eV)/m_(nu)), to combine at once the observed light neutrino masses and the UHECR spectra, leading to a relativistic Z-Shower in Hot Dark Halos (e few tens Mpc wide) whose final nuclear component traces the UHECR event on Earth. Therefore UHECR (with no longer volme GZK constrains) may point to far BL Lac sources. This Z-Burst (Z-Shower) model calls for large neutrino fluxes. Even if Nature do not follow the present Z-model, UHECR while being cut-off by Big Bang Radiation, must produce a minimal UHE neutrino flux, the GZK neutrino secondaries. For both reasons such UHE Neutrino Astronomy must be tested on Earth. Lowest High Energy Astronomy is searched by AMANDA, ANTARES underground deterctors by muons tracks. We suggest a complementary higher energy Neutrino Tau Astronomy inducing Horizontal and Upward Tau AirShowers. Possible early evidence of such a New Neutrino UPTAUs (Upward Tau Showers at PeVs energies) Astronomy may be in BATSE records of Upward Terrestrial Gamma Flashes. Future signals must be found in detectors as EUSO, seeking Upward-Horizontal events: indeed even minimal, guaranteed, GZK neutrino fluxes may be better observed if EUSO threshold reaches 10^(19) eV by enlarging its telescope size.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figures, Invited talk at the X International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes, Venice, Italy, March 11-14, 200

    Blazing Cerenkov Flashes at the Horizons by Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos Induced Air-Showers

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    High Energy Cosmic Rays (C.R.) versus Neutrino and Neutralino induced Air-Shower maybe tested at Horizons by their muons, gamma and Cerenkov blazing signals. Inclined and Horizontal C.R. Showers (70-90 zenith angle) produce secondary (gamma, e+, e-) mostly suppressed by high column atmosphere depth. Earliest shower Cherenkov photons are diluted by large distances and by air opacity, while secondary penetrating muons and their successive decay into electrons and gamma, may revive additional Cerenkov lights. GeVs gamma telescopes at the top of the mountains or in Space may detect at horizons PeVs up to EeV C.R. and their secondaries. Details on arrival angle and column depth, shower shape, timing signature of photon flash intensity, may inform us on the altitude interaction and primary UHECR composition. Below the horizons, at zenith angle among copious single albedo muons, rare up-going showers traced by muon bundles would give evidence of rare tau Earth-Skimming neutrinos, at EeVs energies. Their rate may be comparable with 6.3 PeVs anti-neutrino electron induced air-shower (mostly hadronic) originated above and also below horizons, in interposed atmosphere by W resonance at Glashow peak. Additional and complementary UHE SUSY neutralinos at tens PeVs-EeV energy may blaze, by its characteristic electromagnetic signature. Their secondary shower blazing Cerenkov lights and distances might be disentangled from UHECR by Stereoscopic Telescopes such as Magic ones or Hess array experiment. The horizontal detection sensitivity of Magic in the present set up (if totally devoted to the Horizons Shower search) maybe already be comparable to AMANDA underground neutrino detector at PeVs energies.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, International Conference on Frontier Science, Phys. and Astrophysics in Space, June 200

    Coherent and random UHECR Spectroscopy of Lightest Nuclei along CenA: Shadows on GZK Tau Neutrinos spread in a near sky and time

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    Earliest 2007 UHECR anisotropy findings and ICRC AUGER updated maps and clustering confirms our understanding of CenA as the main nearby UHECR source. Those events are mostly lightest nuclei, as He. The events are spread by galactic fields. We argue that the main UHECR event bending, along CenA, is spreading vertically (respect to horizontal spiral galactic fields) by random (and a final coherent) Lorentz force. The He-nuclei dominance is also well probed by detailed AUGER composition data. The Lightest nuclei are still compatible with most recent Hires composition results. Such lightest UHECR nuclei are fragile and opaque even to nearest Universe. Offering a very narrow local (ten Mpc) view. This opacity explain the otherwise puzzling Virgo persistent absence. The He photo-disruption in flight should lead to halves energy tail clustering (along the same CenA group), events made by deuterium, He3 and protons (or unstable neutrons). This tail anisotropy should be revaled. The consequent foreseen UHE neutrino by UHECR Lightest nuclei dissociation, at tens-a hundred PeV, may rise soon in AUGER and TA telescopes. Such neutrino signal are quite inclined upward fluorescent Tau air-showers at nearest (2 - 4 km) horizons, at middle-low telescope view zenith angles. Their air-showers will be opening and extending in widest azimuth angle and fastest angular velocity spread. Contrary to far EeV tau expected by popular GZK neutrinos. Even hard to observe these Tau Air-showers at tens and hundred PeVs may soon shine (in a peculiar way) at near telescope views and within a short (years) time, both in AUGER, HEAT and TA sky.Comment: 5 pages, 12 figures, (2 new figures from the original and modified AUGER HEP09 talk presentation
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