17 research outputs found

    Microinestabilidades producidas por gradientes de corriente en plasmas magnetizados

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    Se estudian inestabilidades producidas por gradientes de velocidad y temperatura electr贸nica en un sustrato de plasma inmerso en un campo magn茅tico con cizalladura. Utilizando diversos modelos para describir la din谩mica de iones y electrones se muestra que ambos gradientes pueden excitar modos inestables de baja frecuencia, y se determinan la tasa de crecimiento y estructura espacial de estos modos dentro de un amplio rango de valores de los par谩metros de inter茅s. Dependiendo del modelo utilizado, la condici贸n de cuasineutralidad conduce a una ecuaci贸n diferencial lineal de segundo orden o a una ecuaci贸n integral. En el l铆mite de plasma fr铆o la ecuaci贸n diferencial resultante puede ser resuelta anal铆ticamente para perfiles sencillos de velocidad y campo magn茅tico pero cuando se utiliza un modelo cin茅tico para los electrones (y el de fluido fr铆o para los iones) es necesario recurrir a m茅todos num茅ricos. En el caso de temperatura i贸nica finita la fuerte localizaci贸n de los modos considerados hace que sea necesario recurrir a un formalismo que conduce a una ecuaci贸n integral (equivalente a la condici贸n de cuasineutralidad en el espacio k), que debe ser resuelta num茅ricamente. Se analiza finalmente la importancia de las inestabilidades estudiadas en el proceso de difusi贸n de un perfil de corriente.Fil:Farengo, Ricardo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina

    Theoretical studies on nuclear fusion plasmas and propagation of electromagnetic waves in disordered media

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    Se realizar谩n investigaciones en varias 谩reas de inter茅s para el desarrollo de la fusi贸n nuclear controlada y para la comprensi贸n de los efectos del desorden sobre la propagaci贸n de ondas electromagn茅ticas. Esto incluye:1- Efecto de las perturbaciones electromagn茅ticas producidas por inestabilidades sobre el confinamiento de part铆culas energ茅ticas.2- Control de los perfiles cin茅ticos y magn茅ticos del plasma.3- Equilibrio, estabilidad y sostenimiento de configuraciones tipo tokamak esf茅rico con columna central de plasma.4- Propagaci贸n de ondas electromagn茅ticas en medios desordenados.Research on various areas of interest for the development of controlled nuclear fusion and for understanding the effects of disorder on the propagation of electromagnetic waves will be performed. This includes:1- Effect of the electromagnetic perturbations produced by instabilities on the confinement of energetic particles.2- Control of the kinetic and magnetic plasma profiles.3- Equilibrium, stability and sustainment of spherical tokamaks with a plasma central column configurations.4- Propagation of electromagnetic waves in disordered media

    Double-helix current drive revisited

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    The conditions required for efficient current drive in a weakly resistive plasma column, subject to a double helix traveling magnetic field, are examined in detail by using a simple non-linear Ohm's law for the plasma. In agreement with previous numerical work on the subject by Bertram [5], it is shown that field penetration is indeed strongly limited when large external bias longitudinal magnetic fields are used. However, there is a range of small external bias fields that allow for significant penetration when reasonable driving fields are used. This should be of interest for sustaining reversed-field pinches and toroidal screw pinches.867872Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient铆fico e Tecnol贸gico (CNPq

    Spherical tokamaks with a high current carrying plasma center column

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    Spherical tokamaks (STs) have many advantages from the perspective of a fusion reactor. A further improvement would be to replace the center post by a plasma center column (PCC). In this case, biased electrodes could be used to drive current along the PCC and produce the toroidal magnetic field. Moreover, the magnetic helicity injected (HI) by the PCC can be used to form and sustain the configuration, via magnetic relaxation. The magnetic structure and stability of these so-called ST-PCC configurations are studied in detail. In particular, it is shown that stable equilibria with tokamak-like safety factor (q) profiles can be obtained in the regime of high PCC current and moderate poloidal flux amplification. Using numerical simulations, the feasibility of forming and sustaining ST-PCC configurations via HI is demonstrated. The sustainment in this case involves a significant level of fluctuations and is shown to occur at a marginally stable configuration having a q = 1 surface in the ST. This behavior is in close analogy to that of spheromaks sustained by a coaxial plasma gun but presents two major differences. First, the current density in the open flux region (PCC) is significantly larger. Second, the mean current density gradient in the ST has the opposite sign, leading to q profiles with regular magnetic shear (i.e., q increases from the magnetic axis to the separatrix, as in tokamaks). When helicity injection is switched off, the fluctuations decay and nested, closed magnetic surfaces appear. This opens the possibility of using HI to form the ST-PCC and a combination of auxiliary current drive (neutral beams and/or RF) and high bootstrap current to sustain a fluctuation free configuration.Fil: Lampugnani, Leandro Gabriel. Comisi贸n Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica. Gerencia del 脕rea de Energ铆a Nuclear. Instituto Balseiro; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; Argentina. Comisi贸n Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica. Centro At贸mico Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Garcia Martinez, Pablo Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; Argentina. Comisi贸n Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica. Centro At贸mico Bariloche; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de R铆o Negro. Sede Andina; ArgentinaFil: Farengo, Ricardo. Universidad Nacional de R铆o Negro. Sede Andina; Argentina. Comisi贸n Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica. Gerencia del 脕rea de Energ铆a Nuclear. Instituto Balseiro; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; Argentin

    Effect of the helicity injection rate and the Lundquist number on spheromak sustainment

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    The dynamics of the magnetic relaxation process during the sustainment of spheromak configurations at different helicity injection rates is studied. The three-dimensional activity is recovered using time-dependent resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations. A cylindrical flux conserver with concentric electrodes is used to model configurations driven by a magnetized coaxial gun. Magnetic helicity is injected by tangential boundary flows. Different regimes of sustainment are identified and characterized in terms of the safety factor profile. The spatial and temporal behavior of fluctuations is described. The dynamo action is shown to be in close agreement with existing experimental data. These results are relevant to the design and operation of helicity injected devices, as well as to basic understanding of the plasma relaxation mechanism in quasi-steady state.Fil: Garcia Martinez, Pablo Luis. Universidad Nacional de R铆o Negro; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; ArgentinaFil: Lampugnani, Leandro Gabriel. Comisi贸n Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica. Centro At贸mico Bariloche; Argentina. Comisi贸n Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica. Gerencia del 脕rea de Energ铆a Nuclear. Instituto Balseiro; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; ArgentinaFil: Farengo, Ricardo. Comisi贸n Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica. Gerencia del 脕rea de Energ铆a Nuclear. Instituto Balseiro; Argentina. Comisi贸n Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica. Centro At贸mico Bariloche; Argentin

    Alpha particles diffusion due to charge changes

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    Alpha particles diffusion due to charge changes in a magnetized plasma is studied. Analytical calculations and numerical simulations are employed to show that this process can be very important in the pedestal-edge-SOL regions. This is the first study that presents clear evidence of the importance of atomic processes on the diffusion of alpha particles. A simple 1D model that includes inelastic collisions with plasma species, "cold" neutrals, and partially ionized species was employed. The code, which follows the exact particle orbits and includes the effect of inelastic collisions via a Monte Carlo type random process, runs on a graphic processor unit (GPU). The analytical and numerical results show excellent agreement when a uniform background (plasma and cold species) is assumed. The simulations also show that the gradients in the density of the plasma and cold species, which are large and opposite in the edge region, produce an inward flux of alpha particles. Calculations of the alpha particles flux reaching the walls or divertor plates should include these processes.Fil: Clauser, Cesar Fernando. Comisi贸n Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica. Gerencia del 脕rea de Energ铆a Nuclear. Instituto Balseiro; Argentina. Comisi贸n Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica. Centro At贸mico Bariloche; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; ArgentinaFil: Farengo, Ricardo. Comisi贸n Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica. Gerencia del 脕rea de Energ铆a Nuclear. Instituto Balseiro; Argentina. Comisi贸n Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica. Centro At贸mico Bariloche; Argentin

    The effect of inelastic collisions on the transport of alpha particles in ITER-like plasmas

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    The effect of charge changes on the transport of alpha particles in ITER-like plasmas is studied with a numerical code that follows the exact particle trajectories and includes the effect of elastic and inelastic collisions. It is shown that charge changing processes can produce significant changes in the transport of alpha particles in the edge-SOL region. The addition of inelastic collisions actually reduces the alpha particle loss rate below the level obtained when only elastic (Coulomb) collisions are included. This is due to the inward flux produced by the neutral density gradient. Power losses, on the other hand, remain at approximately the same level because the average energy of the lost particles is higher when inelastic collisions are included. Finally, the spatial distribution of the lost particles changes significantly when inelastic collisions are added, with a larger fraction of the lost particles reaching the wall.Fil: Clauser, Cesar Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; Argentina. Comisi贸n Nacional de Energ铆颅a At贸mica. Gerencia del Area Investigaci贸n y Aplicaciones No Nucleares. Gerencia de F铆sica (Centro At贸mico Balseiro). Divisi贸n Colisiones At贸micas; ArgentinaFil: Farengo, Ricardo. Comisi贸n Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica. Gerencia del Area de Investigaci贸n y Aplicaciones No Nucleares. Gerencia de F铆sica (Centro At贸mico Bariloche); Argentin

    Programa de actividades en fusi贸n nuclear controlada

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    La fusi贸n nuclear controlada puede constituirse en una de las alternativas m谩s interesantes para la generaci贸nde energ铆a el茅ctrica en gran escala. Nuestro pa铆s ha alcanzado logros muy significativos en la utilizaci贸n de lafisi贸n nuclear para la generaci贸n de energ铆a el茅ctrica y no debe quedar al margen del desarrollo de la fusi贸nnuclear, que posee varias ventajas comparativas. La CNEA, como Instituci贸n encargada de la actividad nuclearen el pa铆s, debe contar con un programa integral de actividades en fusi贸n nuclear controlada.FARENGO R., GERVASONI J., MAYER R. E.Fil: Farengo, Ricardo. Comisi贸n Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica. Centro At贸mico Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Gervasoni, Juana Luisa. Comisi贸n Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica; Argentina. Comisi贸n Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica. Centro At贸mico Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Mayer, Roberto Edmundo. Comisi贸n Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica. Centro At贸mico Bariloche; Argentin