36 research outputs found

    Effects of Multicomponent Physical Exercise Programs on Physical Fitness in People with Intellectual Disabilities: A Systematic Review

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    People with intellectual disabilities (ID) have high rates of overweight and obesity, heart and metabolic diseases, and low motor development. These factors compromise functional independence and autonomy in activities of daily living. The objective of this study was to clarify the design and implementation of multicomponent physical exercise programs (MPEPs) and evaluate their effects on physical fitness in people with ID. A search for scientific articles in English published before 2022 was conducted usingWeb of Science, PubMed, Scopus, and Science Direct databases. Scientific papers describing the effects of MPEPs on physical fitness in people with ID were considered. A total of 374 articles involving people with ID were included. Positive physical fitness outcomes were found in interventions with MPEPs in its morphological components and to a lesser extent in the motor, muscular, metabolic, and cardiorespiratory aspects in people with ID. Further research is needed to standardize and elucidate the effects of the MPEP on other functional dimensions of physical fitness to use them as a physical activity alternative to reduce sedentary behavior in people with I

    Reference Values of Absolute and Relative Handgrip Strength in Chilean Schoolchildren with Intellectual Disabilities

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    Handgrip strength is a simplemeasure of generalmuscle strength and is related to functionality in people with intellectual disabilities. The objective of this research was to describe the normative values of absolute and relative handgrip strength in children, adolescents and adults according to sex. The sample wasmade up of 264 schoolchildren (n = 168men) belonging to five special education schools in Santiago of Chile. The results show higher levels of absolute handgrip strength in males compared to females. The maximum peak of the absolute manual handgrip is reached in females in adolescence with a decrease in adulthood. Relative handgrip strength levels are similar in boys and girls. In females, the relative handgrip strength is similar in childhood and adolescence. Relative handgrip strength declines in both sexes from adolescence to adulthood. The reference values of this study can be used by professionals in the areas of health and education as a guide for interpretation,monitoring and follow-up of Chilean schooled people with intellectual disabilities

    Anthropometric Indicators of the Cardiometabolic Risk, Muscle Strength, and Functional Capacity of Schoolchildren with Intellectual Disabilities during Lockdown in Chile

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    Lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted the social, psychological, and physical well-being of the world population. In the case of people with intellectual disabilities, the impact of lockdown on their physical condition and functionality is not completely clear. This study aimed to determine the effects of COVID-19 lockdown on the anthropometric indicators of cardiometabolic risk, muscle strength, and functionality on schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities. The sample was composed of 132 students of both sexes (n = 74 pre-lockdown; n = 58 lockdown) belonging to two special education centers from the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile. Our results showed significant reductions (p 0.05) in absolute and relative handgrip strength, as well as in functionality, when comparing pre-lockdown and lockdown measurements, with a greater loss in girls than boys. The design and implementation of physical exercise programs centered on strength training are necessary for the physical and functional reconditioning of this population. These programs need to be implemented in special education centers considering the general well-being, quality of life and work needs of people with intellectual disabilities

    Cut-off points for isometric handgrip and low limb explosive strength in relation to indicators of overweight/obesity in people with intellectual disabilities: analysis by age groups

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    Background The prevalence of overweight/obesity has been increasing globally and in people with Intellectual Disabilities (IDs), this problem is exacerbated even more, which added to a low physical condition that contributes to the deterioration of functionality and increases the risk of developing chronic diseases in the course of life. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish cut-off points for levels of isometric handgrip and low limb explosive strength in children, adolescents and adults, which identify overweight/obesity in people with IDs and their respective associations. Methods The sample was made up of 131 individuals with IDs, belonging to four special and community educational centres in the city of Santiago, Chile. Body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-height ratio (WHR) were used as indicators of overweight/obesity. Handgrip strength was used as a measure of isometric strength, and countermovement jump was used as a measure of low limb explosive strength. For the comparison of variables by age group, the analysis of Ancova, Kruskal–Wallis and chi-square tests were used. The total area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of isometric handgrip and low limb explosive strength was identified as an indicator of overweight/obesity according to age groups. A logistic regression model was used to quantify the effect that strength categories below the cut-off point have on the risk of overweight and obesity. Results Significant differences were observed between the age groups for body weight, height, BMI and WHR, as well as in the levels of absolute handgrip strength and vertical jump with countermovement (P ≤ 0.05). Children showed the lowest cut-off points for absolute and relative strength. The adolescent group showed the highest cut-off points for relative strength and countermovement jump and adults showed the highest value for absolute strength as indicators of overweight/obesity. Different associations between cut-off points with BMI and WHR were found. Conclusions Adolescents showed the highest cut-off point for relative strength and countermovement jump, and adults showed the highest value for absolute strength, according to overweight/obesity indicators (BMI and WHR). It is suggested to adjust resistance training programmes according to age categories for the prevention of overweight/obesity in people with IDs.Universidad de Granada/CBU

    Effects of Motor-Games-Based Concurrent Training Program on Body Composition Indicators of Chilean Adults with Down Syndrome

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    Background: Concurrent training of strength and endurance has been widely ued in the field of health, with favorable effects on body composition. However, the effect on the body composition of a ludic-motor concurrent proposal in adults with Down syndrome has not been quantified yet. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of a concurrent training program based on motor games on body composition indicators and cardiometabolic risk on schooled male adults with Down syndrome. Methods: The sample is composed of 15 male adults with Down syndrome from Chile. Body composition variables such as body mass index, waist circumference, height to waist ratio, skin folds, perimeters, and muscle areas were assessed at the beginning and end of the program. Subsequently, a program of motor games was designed and implemented for 10 months. Results: Mean and standard deviation for body fat were pre (25.36 ± 5.60) and post (23.01 ± 6.20)%; waist circumference pre (86.00 ± 8.97) and post (82.07 ± 8.38) cm. Brachial perimeter and muscle area were pre (22.30 ± 2.80) and post (23.61 ± 2.28) cm; pre (40.19 ± 10.09) and post (44.77 ± 8.48) cm2 , respectively. Our findings showed significant results (p < 0.05): body fat %; sum of folds; waist circumference; height to waist ratio; brachial perimeter and brachial muscle area. Conclusion: A concurrent training program implemented through motor skills games decreases body fat and cardiovascular risk and increases the muscle mass in male adults with Down syndrome.Vice-Rectorate for Equality, Inclusion and Sustainability of the University of Granad

    Fall risk detection mechanism in the elderly, based on electromyographic signals, through the use of artificial intelligence

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    Introduction: The tests used to classify older adults at risk of falls are questioned in literature. Tools from the field of artificial intelligence are an alternative to classify older adults more precisely. Objective: To identify the risk of falls in the elderly through electromyographic signals of the lower limb, using tools from the field of artificial intelligence. Methods: A descriptive study design was used. The unit of analysis was made up of 32 older adults (16 with and 16 without risk of falls). The electrical activity of the lower limb muscles was recorded during the functional walking gesture. The cycles obtained were divided into training and validation sets, and then from the amplitude variable, select attributes using the Weka software. Finally, the Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifier was implemented. Results: A classifier of two classes (elderly adults with and without risk of falls) based on SVM was built, whose performance was: Kappa index 0.97 (almost perfect agreement strength), sensitivity 97%, specificity 100%. Conclusions: The SVM artificial intelligence technique applied to the analysis of lower limb electromyographic signals during walking can be considered a precision tool of diagnostic, monitoring and follow-up for older adults with and without risk of falls

    Pedagogical, Methodological and Didactic Bases Applied to Teaching Handball: A Literary Review (2017-2022)

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    La pedagogía, metodología y didáctica son fundamentales en eldesarrollo del balonmano, ya que promueven la formación integral de los individuos gracias a prácticas multivariadas efectivas para la adquisición de habilidades técnico-tácticas. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los estudios en balonmano se centran en el rendimiento, prevención de lesiones y análisis de partidos. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es identificar, consolidar, analizar y describir las estrategias metodológicas, pedagógicas y didácticas utilizadas en la formación del balonmano. Se llevó a cabouna búsqueda en WoS siguiendo las pautas de PRISMA, incluyendo artículos de 2017 a 2022 en inglés, español y portugués, incluyendo solo investigación en ciencias sociales y educativas. Se seleccionaron artículos que examinaran la efectividad de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en balonmano, así como métodos de entrenamiento técnicos y tácticos como diseños metodológicos, excluyendo otros tipos de documentos. De 19 documentos seleccionados, la mayoría se publican en inglés y son realizados principalmente en Brasil y España. Estos se dividen en tres categorías: procesos de formación, evaluación y uso de instrumentos metodológicos. Los resultados señalan diferencias significativas en las metodologías utilizadas. Se concluye que la investigación sobre la metodología, didáctica y pedagogía aplicadas a la enseñanza y el entrenamiento del balonmano está poco explorada. La mayoría de los estudios revisados han sido realizados en Brasil y España utilizando a la élite del balonmano como sujetos de investigación, sugiriendo que existen otras poblaciones que podrían beneficiarse de alternativas metodológicas, didácticas y pedagógicas adaptadas a sus contextos y realidades.Pedagogy, methodology, and didactics are fundamental in the development of handball because they promote the integral formation of individuals through multi-variable practices that are effective for the acquisition of technical-tactical skills. However, most studies on handball focus on performance, injury prevention, and match analysis. Therefore, the aim of this work is to identify, consolidate, analyze, and describe the methodological, pedagogical, and didactic strategies used in the training of handball. A search was carried out in WoS following the PRISMA guidelines, including articles from 2017 to 2022 in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, including only research in social and educational sciences. Articles examining the effectiveness of teaching and learning in handball and technical and tactical training methods such as methodological designs were selected, excluding other types of documents. Of the 19 selected documents, most are published in English and are carried out mainly in Brazil and Spain. These are divided into three categories: training processes, evaluation, and use of methodological instruments. The results show significant differences in the methods used. It is concluded that research on the methodology, didactics, and pedagogy applied to the teaching and training of handball is little explored. Most of the reviewed studies have been carried out in Brazil and Spain using the handball elite as research subjects, suggesting that there are other populations that could benefit from methodological, didactic, and pedagogical alternatives adapted to their contexts and realities

    Fall risk detection mechanism in the elderly, based on electromyographic signals, through the use of artificial intelligence

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    Introduction: The tests used to classify older adults at risk of falls are questioned in literature. Tools from the field of artificial intelligence are an alternative to classify older adults more precisely. Objective: To identify the risk of falls in the elderly through electromyographic signals of the lower limb, using tools from the field of artificial intelligence. Methods: A descriptive study design was used. The unit of analysis was made up of 32 older adults (16 with and 16 without risk of falls). The electrical activity of the lower limb muscles was recorded during the functional walking gesture. The cycles obtained were divided into training and validation sets, and then from the amplitude variable, select attributes using the Weka software. Finally, the Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifier was implemented. Results: A classifier of two classes (elderly adults with and without risk of falls) based on SVM was built, whose performance was: Kappa index 0.97 (almost perfect agreement strength), sensitivity 97%, specificity 100%. Conclusions: The SVM artificial intelligence technique applied to the analysis of lower limb electromyographic signals during walking can be considered a precision tool of diagnostic, monitoring and follow-up for older adults with and without risk of falls

    Bases Pedagógicas, Metodológicas y Didácticas Aplicadas a la Enseñanza del Balonmano: Una Revisión Literaria (2017-2022)

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    Pedagogy, methodology, and didactics are fundamental in the development of handball because they promote the integral formation of individuals through multi-variable practices that are effective for the acquisition of technical-tactical skills. However, most studies on handball focus on performance, injury prevention, and match analysis. Therefore, the aim of this work is to identify, consolidate, analyze, and describe the methodological, pedagogical, and didactic strategies used in the training of handball. A search was carried out in WoS following the PRISMA guidelines, including articles from 2017 to 2022 in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, including only research in social and educational sciences. Articles examining the effectiveness of teaching and learning in handball and technical and tactical training methods such as methodological designs were selected, excluding other types of documents. Of the 19 selected documents, most are published in English and are carried out mainly in Brazil and Spain. These are divided into three categories: training processes, evaluation, and use of methodological instruments. The results show significant differences in the methods used. It is concluded that research on the methodology, didactics, and pedagogy applied to the teaching and training of handball is little explored. Most of the reviewed studies have been carried out in Brazil and Spain using the handball elite as research subjects, suggesting that there are other populations that could benefit from methodological, didactic, and pedagogical alternatives adapted to their contexts and realities.La pedagogía, metodología y didáctica son fundamentales en el desarrollo del balonmano, ya que promueven la formación integral de los individuos gracias a prácticas multivariadas efectivas para la adquisición de habilidades técnico-tácticas. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los estudios en balonmano se centran en el rendimiento, prevención de lesiones y análisis de partidos. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es identificar, consolidar, analizar y describir las estrategias metodológicas, pedagógicas y didácticas utilizadas en la formación del balonmano. Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda en WoS siguiendo las pautas de PRISMA, incluyendo artículos de 2017 a 2022 en inglés, español y portugués, incluyendo solo investigación en ciencias sociales y educativas. Se seleccionaron artículos que examinaran la efectividad de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en balonmano, así como métodos de entrenamiento técnicos y tácticos como diseños metodológicos, excluyendo otros tipos de documentos. De 19 documentos seleccionados, la mayoría se publican en inglés y son realizados principalmente en Brasil y España. Estos se dividen en tres categorías: procesos de formación, evaluación y uso de instrumentos metodológicos. Los resultados señalan diferencias significativas en las metodologías utilizadas. Se concluye que la investigación sobre la metodología, didáctica y pedagogía aplicadas a la enseñanza y el entrenamiento del balonmano está poco explorada. La mayoría de los estudios revisados han sido realizados en Brasil y España utilizando a la élite del balonmano como sujetos de investigación, sugiriendo que existen otras poblaciones que podrían beneficiarse de alternativas metodológicas, didácticas y pedagógicas adaptadas a sus contextos y realidades

    Beneficios del ejercicio y/o actividad física en los cinco tipos de cáncer con mayor incidencia y mortalidad a nivel mundial: Una revisión narrativa

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    Esta revisión tiene como objetivo declarar los beneficios del ejercicio físico y/o la actividad física en los cinco tipos de cáncer con mayor tasa mortalidad en el mundo.  Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos: Pubmed, Cochrane, Scopus, Web of Science, Scielo (Latinoamérica) y Medline. Los términos usados para la búsqueda fueron: “cáncer de pulmón”, “cáncer de hígado”, “cáncer de mama”, “cáncer de estómago”, “cáncer de colon”, “ejercicio físico”, “actividad física”, “ejercicio de resistencia” y “ejercicio aeróbico”. El ejercicio físico y la actividad física han demostrado beneficios tanto en variables morfológicas, metabólicas y psicológicas, teniendo un impacto positivo en el aumento de la funcionalidad, esperanza de vida y calidad de vida en pacientes con cáncer. El ejercicio aeróbico demostró mayores beneficios en el consumo de oxígeno, además de una alta adherencia, mientras que el entrenamiento de fuerza en una mayor capacidad específicamente en los miembros inferiores