452 research outputs found

    Quantum entanglement and classical communication through a depolarising channel

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    We analyse the role of entanglement for transmission of classical information through a memoryless depolarising channel. Using the isotropic character of this channel we prove analytically that the mutual information cannot be increased by encoding classical bits into entangled states of two qubits.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; contribution to special issue of JMO on the physics of quantum information; 2nd version: slight modifications and improved presentatio

    Magnetism in SQUIDs at Millikelvin Temperatures

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    We have characterized the temperature dependence of the flux threading dc SQUIDs cooled to millikelvin temperatures. The flux increases as 1/T as temperature is lowered; moreover, the flux change is proportional to the density of trapped vortices. The data is compatible with the thermal polarization of surface spins in the trapped fields of the vortices. In the absence of trapped flux, we observe evidence of spin-glass freezing at low temperature. These results suggest an explanation for the "universal" 1/f flux noise in SQUIDs and superconducting qubits.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A cytological and ultrastructural study on the maturation and germination of oospores of Plasmopara viticola from overwintering vine leaves

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    Observations on cytological and ultrastructural changes in Plasmopara viticola oospores were carried out during the overwintering period. Three types of oospores were observed. Type I, characterized by a thin inner oospore wall (IOW), large lipid globules and two nuclei, was recovered only in samples collected in October. These oospores were considered to be immature. Maturation occurred during November and involved a noticeable increase in thickness of the IOW, fusion of nuclei, formation of an ooplast and break up of large lipid globules into smaller ones (type II oospores). A few oospores (type III) showed abnormal organization with very large lipid globules and less frequently discernible nuclei. IOW solubilization, dissolution of the ooplast and lipid globules and nuclear division were the first detectable events during oospore germination. Germinating oospores produce a germ tube which was terminated by a sporangium. In its young stage, the sporangium had a thick wall and an unusual multi-layered membrane. During this phase, nuclear divisions took place in the sporangium. While sporangium development progressed, the ribosome density in the cytoplasm decreased and mitochondria, initially roundish with evident cristae, became their usual tubular profile. The plasma membrane had a typical structure and storage organelles, such as finger print vacuoles and lipid globules, became more numerous in the cytoplasm. Larger vacuoles contained the flagella of differentiating zoospores.Observations on cytological and ultrastructural changes in Plasmopara viticola oospores were carried out during the overwintering period. Three types of oospores were observed. Type I, characterized by a thin inner oospore wall (IOW), large lipid globules and two nuclei, was recovered only in samples collected in October. These oospores were considered to be immature. Maturation occurred during November and involved a noticeable increase in thickness of the IOW, fusion of nuclei, formation of an ooplast and break up of large lipid globules into smaller ones (type II oospores). A few oospores (type III) showed abnormal organization with very large lipid globules and less frequently discernible nuclei. IOW solubilization, dissolution of the ooplast and lipid globules and nuclear division were the first detectable events during oospore germination. Germinating oospores produce a germ tube which was terminated by a sporangium. In its young stage, the sporangium had a thick wall and an unusual multi-layered membrane. During this phase, nuclear divisions took place in the sporangium. While sporangium development progressed, the ribosome density in the cytoplasm decreased and mitochondria, initially roundish with evident cristae, became their usual tubular profile. The plasma membrane had a typical structure and storage organelles, such as finger print vacuoles and lipid globules, became more numerous in the cytoplasm. Larger vacuoles contained the flagella of differentiating zoospores

    Índices de emissão de ramos em pereiras.

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    A elaboração de escalas de emissão de ramos em pereiras objetiva classificar os genótipos quanto a seu hábito de crescimento, as quis serão úteis para compor o índice de vigor de plantas e para a seleção de genitores em programas de melhoramento genético. Para isso, foram desenvolvidas duas escalas: a primeira, para avaliar a quantidade de emissão de ramos secundários, ou seja, os ramos originados do tronco principal da planta, composta por três classes e com notas variando entre 1 e 5, contendo desenhos e exemplos de genótipos; a segunda, para avaliar o tipo e a quantidade de ramos terciários e quaternários emitidos a partir dos ramos secundários, sendo ela composta também por três classes e notas variando de 1 a 5. Utilizando as duas tabelas, foram avaliadas duas (em alguns casos somente uma) plantas/genótipo do Banco de Germoplasma de Pereira existente na Estação Experimental de Caçador, em Caçador, SC, no ano agrícola 2012/13. As plantas ficaram sem poda e condução durante 2 anos. Exemplos de genótipos com menor emissão de ramos secundários foram os cvs. Kousui, Kikusui, Nijisseiki, Beurre d?Anjou e Doyenne du Comice; e com maior emissão os cvs. Le Conte e Md. Siebold. Quanto à menor emissão de ramos terciários e quaternários, destacaram-se os cvs. Rugosa e Md. Siebold; e com maior emissão os cvs. Feliz e Choujuurou. As escalas foram eficientes na separação dos genótipos

    Classes de vigor de plantas de genótipos de pereira.

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    O índice de vigor de pereiras pode ser utilizado como referência em trabalhos de melhoramento genético para a seleção de genitores e também como indicativo de manejo de plantas em pomares comerciais. Para isso, foi gerado um índice de vigor utilizando informações de emissão de ramos secundários (originados do tronco principal da planta), de ramos terciários e quaternários (gerados respectivamente dos ramos secundários e terciários), além da medida da altura da planta

    Marcadores moleculares para análise genética de germoplasma de pereira: uso na organização dos recursos genéticos e no melhoramento genético.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi o de ajustar as metodologias científicas para a obtenção de marcadores microssatélites e RAPD para análise genética do germoplasma conservado em coleções de pera, visando à organização dos recursos genéticos da espécie do Brasil e ao apoio de atividades de melhoramento genético.bitstream/item/73908/1/Circular-Tecnica-93-online.pd

    Van der Waals explosion of cold Rydberg clusters

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    We report on the direct measurement in real space of the effect of the van der Waals forces between individual Rydberg atoms on their external degrees of freedom. Clusters of Rydberg atoms with interparticle distances of around 5μm are created by first generating a small number of seed excitations in a magneto-optical trap, followed by off-resonant excitation that leads to a chain of facilitated excitation events. After a variable expansion time the Rydberg atoms are field ionized, and from the arrival time distributions the size of the Rydberg cluster after expansion is calculated. Our experimental results agree well with a numerical simulation of the van der Waals explosion

    Decoherence in rf SQUID Qubits

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    We report measurements of coherence times of an rf SQUID qubit using pulsed microwaves and rapid flux pulses. The modified rf SQUID, described by an double-well potential, has independent, in situ, controls for the tilt and barrier height of the potential. The decay of coherent oscillations is dominated by the lifetime of the excited state and low frequency flux noise and is consistent with independent measurement of these quantities obtained by microwave spectroscopy, resonant tunneling between fluxoid wells and decay of the excited state. The oscillation's waveform is compared to analytical results obtained for finite decay rates and detuning and averaged over low frequency flux noise.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures, submitted to the journal Quantum Information Processin